Good Morning in Glory

One View from the Top of Mount President in British Columbia, Canada

(you may click on the above image in your browser to enlarge it)
May 6

Be still and know that Jesus Christ in us is Christ Jesus [and Christ Jesus in us is Jesus Christ].
Seven Thoughts About The Foundation of Our Righteousness

1st day of the weekly count, 36th day of the omer count
Chesed of Yesod
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for
They are the children of God.”

2nd day of the weekly count, 37th day of the omer count
Gevurah of Yesod
“Blessed are they that hunger and thirst
For righteousness, for they shall find it.”

3rd day of the weekly count, 38th day of the omer count
Tiferet of Yesod
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall find

4th day of the weekly count, 39th day of the omer count
Netzach of Yesod
Separation from the World-
“Blessed are you who are persecuted
for my sake, for great is your reward
In heaven.”

5th day of the weekly count, 40th day of the omer count
Hod of Yesod
“Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.”

6th day of the weekly count, 41st day of the omer count
Yesod of Yesod
“Blessed are they that mourn,
for they shall be comforted.”

7th day of the weekly count, 42th day of the omer count
Malkuth of Yesod
Fear of God–
“Blessed are the meek and poor in Spirit,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

St. Paul’s beautiful words, which teach us how to pray
for what God wants for all of us to have happen:

“For in this hope we were saved.
But hope [the object of] which is seen is not hope.
For how can one hope for what he already sees?
But, if we hope for what is still unseen by us,
we wait for it with patience and compromise.
So, too the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up
in our weakness;
for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it
up worthily as we ought,
but the Spirit himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads
in our behalf with unspeakable yearning and groaning too deep
for utterances.
And, He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind
of the [Holy]Spirit [what his intent is],
because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf
of the saints according to and in harmony with God’s will [Ps. 139:1,2]

Romans 8:24-26

“Moreover,[let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. And, endurance (fortitude) develops character [ approved faith and tried integrity]. And, character produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope [of eternal salvation]. Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us.”
Romans 5:3-5

May 13th

Seven Ways We Serve Others

1st day of the weekly count, 43rd day of the omer count
Chesed of Malkuth
By generosity:
“Give till it hurts”. Saint Teresa of Calcutta
“Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor;
be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord.”
Romans 12:11

2nd day of the weekly count, 44th day of the omer count
Gevurah of Malkuth
By Friendliness:
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
“Contribute to the needs of God’s people[sharing
in the necessities of the saints]; pursue the practice
of hospitality.”
Romans 12:13

3rd day of the weekly count, 45th day of the omer count
Tiferet of Malkuth
By seeing good in others:
with God’s help,We see the Christ in you.
“[Let your] love be sincere (a real thing).”
Romans 12:9

4th day of the weekly count, 46th day of the omer count
Netzach of Malkuth By standing by our friends:
We will walk with you till the Son of God always shines.
“hate what is evil [ loathe all ungodliness, turn in horror
from wickedness], but hold fast to that which is good.”
Romans 12:9

“Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing other’s joy]
, and weep with those who weep [sharing other’s grief].”
Romans 12:15

5th day of the weekly count, 47th day of the omer count
Hod of Malkuth
By loving our enemies:
we are the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World.
“Bless those who persecute you [who are cruel in their attitude
toward you]; bless and do not curse them.”
Romans 12:14
“Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is honest
and proper and noble [aiming to be above reproach] in the sight of
Romans 12:17, Proverbs 20:22, II Samuel 16:12

“Love one another with brotherly affection [as members of one family]
giving precedence and showing honor to one another.”
Romans 12:10

6th day of the weekly count, 48th day of the omer count
Yesod of Malkuth
By setting a good example:
we are the holiness of what is holy
Inside of those who are holy.
“Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient
in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.”
Romans 12: 12

7th day of the weekly count, 49th day of the omer count
Malkuth of Malkuth

By taking responsibility
“We are servants of the servants of the Lord.”

Additional Prayers associated with Counting the Omer
( starting with the second day of Pesach and continuing 49 days until Shavuot). This prayer which is said along with the Omer count after Pesach (and on other Holy days) is sometimes called the 42-letter name of God by Orthodox Jews. It is hidden inside of thousand of pages of prayers in several dozen of volumes. However, since we believe that you cannot copyright the name of God , it is included here translated:
“We beg you? With the strength of your right hand’s greatness, untie the bundled sins. Accept the joyful prayers of your people, purify us with your awesomeness oneness. Please strong One, guard those who encourage your uniqueness. Bless them, purify them, show them pity, may your righteousness always recompense them. Powerful Holy One, with your plentiful goodness guide us. One and only Exalted One, depend on your nation, which speaks about Your holiness. Accept our prayers, knower of mysteries. Blessed is the Name of His glorious Kingdom forever.”
And, just for good measure and the benefit of all of us …here is an additional , even more ancient transliterated prayer, associated with what is called the 11-letter (11 Hebrew letters that is) name of God, that according to the Torah, the prophet Moses said to ask God for his sister Miriam’s healing. ” Ayl Na Raphaa… Na Lah.” It can be translated as, “Please Lord…please heal her.” Please heal the spirit of our lady (the Shekinah, whose body is the Church of all believers) our divine companion whose spirit is surrounded by the souls of four archangels. It comes from some of the first Torah portions in the book of Numbers. Traditionally it is read and prayed as a community in the congregations the 1st Sabbath after Shavuous.
Sometime later after Moses healed Miriam with this prayer, God’s Spirit in Moses descended on the prophet Elijah, a Man of God, (the word of the LORD came unto him) and he obeyed it in order to heal a widow who feed him and with whom he sojourned. Then, with God’s help, he blessed…resurrected, revived and brought back the soul and spirit and body of her Son to her. “By this she knew that he was a Man of God and that the word of the LORD in his mouth was truth.”
1 Kings 17:8-16(17-24).

Prayers for the New Month
During the additional prayer service for Holy days and blessing of the new month some congregations include an intention or supplication. at this point, based on what is called the 22-letter divine name. May it be your will O Lord my God and God of my forefathers that for the sake of your good name you be near me (us) when we call to you…that you listen to our prayers and hear our intentions and pleas at all time as you heard those of Jacob. May you bestow on us generously our food, clothing, and sustenance from beneath your opened hand. May you grant that we find favor, kindness, and mercy in your eyes; just as you granted Joseph, your righteous One, favor, kindness, and mercy and covered him in a beautiful woolen tunic (coat of many colours). May you perform wonders and miracles with me (us), grant me (us) success in our ways and place in our hearts the power of understanding, to understand, and to be wise, and fulfill the words of your Torah’s teaching and its mysteries; save us from mistakes and sins, and purify our hearts and thinking for your service. May you lengthen and prolong our days and the days of our families with goodness, sweetness, and an abundance of peace and strength.

Torah Reading
(Seven blessings are required when the Torah and the haf’tarah are read:
one before the Torah reading, one after
one before the haf’tarah reading, four after)

There is none like You among the Gods, Lord, and there is nothing like Your works. Your kingdom is a kingdom for all eternities and Your rule is from generation to generation.
The Lord reigns, the Lord has reigned, the Lord shall reign for all eternity.
The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.

Father of compassion, do good, according to your favor, with Zion, rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
For we trust in You alone, King, God, exalted and uplifted, Lord of Worlds.

Ayn kamoach va’Elohaym, Adonay, v’ayn k’maashehyach. Mal’chot’ach mal’chot kal olameem umehm’shal’t’ach b’chal dod vadod.
Adonay melech, Adonay malach, Adonay yeem’loach l’olam vaed.
Adonay oz l’amu yeetayn, Adonay y’varech et amu vashalom.

Av harachmeem, haytayvah veer’tzon’ach et Zion, teev’neh chomot y’rushaleem.
Kay v’ach l’vad batah’nu, melech, ayl ram v’neesha, adon olameem.

When the Ark would travel, Moses would say, ‘Arise, Lord, and let Your foes be scattered, let those who hate You flee from Your Presence.’ For from Zion will the Torah come forth and the Word of the Lord from Jerushalem. Blessed be He Who gave the Torah to His people Israel in His holiness.

In Him do I trust, and to His glorious and holy Name do I declare praises. May it be Your will that You open my heart to the Torah and that You fulfill the wishes of my heart and the heart of Your entire people Israel for good, for life, and for peace. Amen

Vay’hay been’sa hadon,vay…omer mosheh, komah Adonay v’yafeh…tzo y’veh…yach. v’ m’shan’eh…yach meeephaneh…yach. Kay m..tzion taytzay Torah, vd.var Adonay meeJerushala…ym. Varuch shehnatan Torah l’amu Ish.rayl veeq.doshatu.

Bayh ana rachaytz, v’leesh’mayh qadayshaya yakayra ana aymar tush’laym meesh’alayn d’leebay, v’leeba d’chal
amach yeesh’rael l’tav ul’chyan v’leeshalom, amayn.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord, the One and Only.

One is our God, great is our Lord, Holy (on Hoshana rabbah: and awesome), great is our Lord.

Declare the greatness of the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together.
Yours, Lord, is the greatness, and strength and beauty, and eternity, and glory, for all heaven and earth.
Yours, Lord, is the Kingdom, and the sovereignty over every leader. Exalt the Lord, our God, and vow at His footstool; He is Holy! Exalt the Lord, our God, and vow to His holy mountain; for holy is the Lord our God. (congregation)

May the Father of compassion have mercy on the nation that is borne by Him, and may He remember the covenant of the spiritually mighty. May He rescue our souls form the bad times, and upbraid the evil inclination to leave those borne by Him, graciously make us an eternal remnant, and fulfill our requests in good measure, for salvation and mercy.

Sh’ma Yeesh’rael Adonay Elohay…nu Adonay Echad.

Echad (Hu) Elohay…nu gadol Adonay…nu,

Gad’lu la Adonay etay un’rom’mah sh’mu yach’du.

L’ach Adonay hag’dulah v’hag’vorah, v’hateeph’ehret, v’hanaytzach v’hahod, kay chol vashamyeem uvaarehtz. L’ach Adonay hamam’lachah v’hameet’nashay l’chol l’rash. Rom’mu Adonay Elohaynu
, v’heesh’tachav lahadom rag’laav, qadosh hu. rom’mu Adonay elohaynu v’heesh’tachav l’har qad’shu, Kay qadosh Adonay Eloheaynu.

Av harachmaym hu y’rachaym am amosaym, u’yeez’chor b’rayt aytanaym, v’yatzayl naph’shotay…ynu meen hashaot haraot, v’yeeg’ar v’yay…tzer hara meen han’shoaym, v’yahon ota…nu leeph’laytat olamaym, veeymalay meesh’alotay…ynu b’meedah tavh y’shoah v’rachmaym.

Blessed be the Lord who is to be blessed and who is blessed(already)

Blessed be the Lord, who is blessed for all eternity.

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, Who chose us from all the peoples and gave us His Torah. Blessed are You, Lord, Giver of the Torah.

(after the Torah portion is read)

Bar…chu et Adonay ham’vorach (reader)

Baruch Adonay ham’vorach l’olam vaed (congregation)

Baruch atah Adonay Elohay…nu meh..lech holam, aser ba…har ba…nu meekal haolmeem, v’na…tan la…nu et toratu. Baruch atah Adonay, notayn hatorah. (reader )(amayn — congregation)


Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, Who gave us the Torah of truth and implanted eternal life within us. Blessed are You, Lord, Giver of the Torah.

Baruch atah Adonay Elohay…nu meh…lech haolam, aser na…tan la…nu torat emet, v’chay olam nata b’tochay…nu. Baruch atah Adonay, notayn hatorah. (reader) (amayn — congregation)

May Shebayrech (prayer for the offering given to satisfy the instructions in the Torah about Holy days. According to tradition, the prayer at this point may also contain intentions and requests for a sick person to be healed or a blessing for auspiciousness, good fortune, and wellness upon a birth or Bar Mitzah)

He who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Issac and Jacob—may he bless this entire holy congregation along with all the holy congregations; them, their wives, sons, and daughters and all that is theirs;

May shebayrech aboteynu, Abraham, Issac, v’Yaqov, Hu y’barech et kal hakahal hakadosh hazeh, eem kal q’heelot hak’odesh haym, un’shayhem, ub’nayhem, ub’notayhem, v’kal asher lahem.

Prayer said before the haftarah reading

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, Who has chosen good prophets and was pleased with their words that were uttered with truth. Blessed are You, Lord, Who chooses the Torah; Moses, His servant, Israel, His nation; and the prophets of truth and righteousness.

Baruch atah Adonay, mehlech haolam, aser, bahar been’vaym tovaym, v’ratzah, v’rav’rayhehm, hneh…marym, veh…emet, varuch atah Adonay, hvochayr, vatorach uv’msheh av’du, uv’du, uv’ish’rael, amu, uveeh’vay, ha…ehmeht vatzeh..dehk.

Some Ways To Understand The Ten Commandments*
(benefiting from an understanding of truth which involves both mindfulness and faith)

The Ten Commandments

1st and 6th
“I am the Lord thy God who brought you out of the land of Egypt” “You shall not murder”

“A..nokay Adonai Elohehyach hotzaytayach mayehrehtz maytz’ryeem” “Lo teer’tzach”
These two commandments are interconnected on the heavenly level. That is, not to acknowledge that “I am who I am”, (that is, that God is who he is…God is that which is God and yes he is himself or herself) is to kill God metaphysically inside of all of us. This is the fundamental cause of the destruction of our shared divinity with him or her inside of us. On the earthly human level, after it occurs collectively in the heavenly realm, it then translates into the individual and more easily perceivable human level of killing each other.

2nd and 7th “You shall have no other gods in my presence” “You shall not commit adultery”

“Lo yeeh’yeh lach elohaym a’chayrm al phanay” “Lo teen’ach”
A similar order of ethical destruction occurs here when these commandments are not followed. For, when our faith wanders so can the good from us…that God has prepared and planned for us.

Some beliefs which both Christians and Jews can share

We believe in a God who exists everywhere through his own nature and being.

We believe in God our Father more than we believe in any arrangement of his or her
archangels and angels…we believe in God the Holy Spirit more than we believe in any arrangement of Spirit and Truth ( of any arrangement of Boddhisattvas… that is, human knowers of human knowing or knowledge) inside of us.

We believe in him more than any belief in the inerrancy of scriptures that might be written by us to help us understand him or her or the infallibility of any leader anointed by us to represent him or her. (But, we do give honor to and respect the individual dignity of all these representatives of God in us and all these scriptures which are inspired with the Spirit of his and her Truth.)

We believe in a God whose Son is rational and who is in his or her Son and whose Son is in him or her.

We believe in a Holy Spirit in whom there is the Father and the Son… and a Father and the Son in whom there is the Holy Spirit.

We believe in a God who believes in us and the sanctity of our souls and spirits (our names) in him as much as we believe in him and the sanctity of his or her name in us.

3rd and 8th “You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in a vain oath.” “You shall not steal (kidnap)”

“Lo teesha et shaym Adonai Elohehyach lashv’” “Lo teeg’nov”
All things come to those who keep faith with God’s divine plan and order and trust, honor, praise and remain in him. But, those that grasp after their good and try to lay hold of it illegally before its ready to be given to us will never find it. Note: the literal translation of the Hebrew word teeg’nov is kidnap

And, here also:

4th and 9th “Remember the Sabbath day in order to sanctify it.” “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

“Zachor et yom hashavat l’kad’shu shaysheht” “Lo ta’nehh bh’rayach ayd shakehr”
To rest in the Lord is to learn how to remember how what he has already given us in the past must always be the foundation of the best of what the future (in the present moment then) can hold for us. Note: the Torah does not say here remember the Sabbath day because God has sanctified it…but “remember it in order that we may sanctify it (inside and outside of us). Considering how much good God has already given to us, why then do we need to try and takes someone else’s away from them.

5th and 10th “Honor your father and your mother.” “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, his wife, his servants, his ox, his ass, nor anything that belongs to him”

“ Ckaybayr et abayrach v’et eemehach.” “L’o tayh’mad bhayt rayehach l’o tayh’mad asheht rayehach v’aymatu v’shoru v’chmru v’chol ‘shehr l’rayehach.”
For men and women of God to honor their father and our mother is to honor God in them (us), for without our fathers and mothers we would not have been created with God’s help on this earth. Even the angels sometime envy those souls who are living today in human bodies. But, for them to do this does not honor their spiritual God who created them. A wife (or a husband) along with children and the blessings they bring are certainly some of the most precious things we can have…But, so too, even more so, is our relationship with God and the limitlessness of our faith in the timeliness and sufficiency of his providence for us.

Other arrangements for Meditation of the Ten Commandments

Catholic/ Lutheran

1st “I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods”

2nd “You shall not make for yourself an idol.”
3rd “You shall no take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

4th “Remember the Sabbath day.”

5th “Honour your father and your mother.”

6th “You shalt not murder”

7th “You shalt not commit adultery”

8th “You shalt not steal”

9th “You shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

10th “You shalt not covet your neighbor’s wife”


1st “I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods, You shall not make for yourself an idol.”****
[Isaiah 42:8;48:11]

2nd “You shall no take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

3rd “Remember the Sabbath day.”

4th “Honour your father and your mother.”

5th “You shalt not murder”

6th “You shalt not commit adultery”
[Proverbs 6:25,26;Matthew 5:28;Romans 1:24; Ephesians 5:3]

7th “You shalt not steal”
[Proverbs 11:1;16:8;21:6;22:16;Jer. 17:11;Mal. 3:8]

8th “You shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
[Exodus 23:1;Prov. 19:9;24:28]

9th and 10th “You shalt not covet your neighbor’s wife. You shall not covet your neighbor’s hourse.”
[Luke 13:15;Dol. 3:5]


****This commandment is sometimes stated as “You shall have no other God beside me”. Also, some Jews have said that because of this commandment it is impossible for Jews to practice or believe in Christianity. I do not agree with this. God is One. This is certainly true. But, when we say this if we mean to say that God being One himself, he is not also One with his Only Son Jesus…then God, the moment we say this, becomes no longer just One himself…but much more (another, also, two in fact). Jesus Christ has said that the time will come when we, his students, will worship God together with him in Spirit and in Truth. To worship God as One is to worship him in Spirit. To worship God as Truth is to worship him as a correspondence between what is and what is. When many more Jews and Christians come to realize this then the abode of God will be with men here on earth [Rev. 21:3-4, Ezekiel 37:27, Isa. 25:8;35:10] and he will live among them as truth to and from truth and they shall be his people dwelling in his Holy Spirit receiving from and giving to each other as to and from his love.


After it is read the following blessings are recited:

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, Rock of all eternites, Righteous in all generations, the trustworthy God, Who say and does, Who speaks and fulfills, all of Whose words are true and righteous. Trustworthy are You Lord, our God, and trustworthy are Your words, not one of Your words is turned back to its origin unfulfilled, for You are God, trustworthy and compassionate King. Blessed are You, Lord, the God Whos is trustworthy in all His words.

Baruch atah Adonay mehlech haolam, tzor kal haolamaym, tzadaq b’cal hadorot, hayl hanehman haomayr v’asheh, ham’dabayr um’kaym, shekal d’varav emet vatzehdehq. Nehman atah hu Adonay Elohay…nu v’nehmanaym d’vareh…yach v’davar echad md’vareh..yach achor lo yashov rayqam, kay ayl meh..lech nehman v’rachman atah. Baruch atah Adonay, hayl haneman b’chal d’varav.


Have mercy on Zion for it is the source of our life; to the one who is deeply humiliated bring salvation speedily, in our days. Blessed are You, Lord, Who gladdens Zion through her children.

Rachaym al tzion kay hay bayt chay…nu, v’laal’ovat neh…phesh toshay… beem’hayrah v’yamay…nu. Baruch atah Adonay, m’shamay…ach tzion b’vnay..yach.


Gladden us, Lord, our God, with Elijah the prophet and Joshua the high priest, your servants, and with the kingdom of the House of David, Your anointed, may he come speedily and cause our heart to exult. On his throne let no stranger sit nor let others continue to inherit his honor, for by Your Holy Name Your swore to him that his lamp will not be extinguished forever and ever. Blessed are You, Lord, Shield of David.

Sham’chay…nu Adonay Elohay…nu b’Elija…hu v’Jehoshua Cohen Gadol hanaveem av’deh…ach, uv’mal’chot bayt David m’shaycheh…ach, beem’hayrah yavo v’yagayl leebay…nu, al kees’u lo yay…shehv zar v’lo yeen’chalu od achayraym et k’vodu, kay v’shaym qad’sh’ach neesh’vay…ta lo, shel yeec’beh nayru lolam vaed. Baruch atah Adonay, magayn David (congregation says amen)

For the Torah reading, for the prayer service, for the reading from the Prophets and for this Sabbath day that You, Lord, our God, have given us for holiness and contnentment, for glory and for splendor—for all this, Lord, our God, we gratefully thank You and bless You. May Your Name be blessed by the mouth of all the living always, for all eternity. Blessed are You, Lord, Who sanctifies the Sabbath

Al hatorah, v’al havodah, v’al han’vaym, v’al yom hashabat hazeh, shehnata…ta la…nu Adonay Elohaynu, leeq’dushah v’leem’nochah, lchavod ul’teeph’a…ret. Al hakol Adonay an’chanu modaym laf, um’varcaym otach, yeet’barach sheem’ach b’phay kal chay tamayd l’olam vaed Baruch atah Adonay, m’qadaysh hashabat. (congregation says amen)

May Shehbayrach

He who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Issac and Jacob—may he bless this entire holy congregation along with all the holy congregations; them, their wives, sons, and daughters and all that is theirs; May the Holy One, blessed is He, pay their reward and remove from them every affliction, heal their entire body and forgive their every iniquity, and send blessing and success to all their handiwork, along with all Israel, their brethren. And, let us say Amen.

May shebayrech aboteynu, Abraham, Issac, v’Yaqov, Hu y’barech et kal hakahal hakadosh hazeh, eem kal q’heelot hak’odesh. Haym, un’shayhem, ub’nayhem, ub’notayhem, v’kal asher lahem. Hakodosh baruch Hu y’shalaym sh’charam, v’yasayr mayhaym kal mach’lah, v’yeer’pha lchal gofam, v’yees’lach lachal onam, v’yeesh’lach baruch b’hatz’lachah b’chal mashaych y’dayhehm, eem kal Israel achayhehm b’namar amen.

On returning the Torah to the Ark, the cantor says:

Let them praise the Name of the Lord, for His Name alone will have been exalted.

Y’hal’lu et Shaym Adonay, kay neesh’gav sh’mu l’vdu

the congregation responds:

His glory is above earth and heaven. And He will have exalted the pride of His people, causing praise for all His devout ones, for the Children of Israel, His intimate people. Halleluyah.

Hodu al eh…retz b’shama…yeem. Vaya…rehm qeh…ren l’amu, t’haylah lchal chasayrav, leev’nay Israel am q’rovu, hal’loyah.

Some Numerical Calculations Concerning the Age of God’s Only Son in all of us

A Lotus of Happiness and a Tree of Eternal Life
For all Those Praying with the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, Virginia Harrell, Alma May Calohan, William Monroe Calohan, William Franklin Calohan,Henry McKnight and
Andrew Harrell

Hail Mary, the Lord is with you.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Pray with each of us and all us now…
as you remember with us our faithful past, sharing together a joyful present moment, and expecting a hopeful future.
I am who I am (a lotus of happiness), growing up inside of God’s ocean of compassion inside of all of us.

I am that I am (a tree of eternal life) that God has planted, long ago, deep inside of us.

My roots go through his and her Earth, and Sun and Moon and heavenly stars inside of you.

Grow strong and healthy and fruitful dear tree of eternal life, grow beautiful, joyful, compassionate, kind and loving dear lotus of happiness so we can patiently bear eternal good faith and mindfulness together that benefits us all.

Adam to Shem
(Gen. Chap. 5)

1661 years

Shem to Abraham
(Gen. Chap 11)

396 years

Biblical Arch. Society estimates that Abraham lived on earth at or around 1800 B.C. +- 100 years
Therefore from Adam to Christ is approximately
3857 years

From Christ to us approximately
2007 years

For a total of

5857 +- 100 years

Since the creation of the Olam ( that is, what our Eastern Buddhist and Vedic yogi prayer friends call the tantric world of creation }

By these dates someone could argue, optimistically, that we have at least 17 years before the final judgement (which occurs at or around the year 6000)

If, however, we take my friend Dr. Ballard’s date for the flood at 3500 BC ( which puts Abraham at 2730 B.C., we get a current date of 6794. This would argue that Christ returned to us in AD 1203 (about the time of St. Francis). Another calculation, along the lines set out by Isaac Newton argues for a date of AD 1902 (around the time of the 1st World War).

note added 10/4/2007: since this blog allows you to go back in time and edit your earlier thoughts, I am adding at this point a reference to the calculation done by Archbishop James Usher that according to
the ages in Genesis the World was created in 4004 BC. I have not seen this calculation (it is referred to in the “What the bleep,do we know? Quantum edition DVD, Goldman Meyer films 2004”. A clear suggestion that the third coming was 1996 (since 4004 + 1996=6000) follows from it. Thus the consequences, for our theology, come out very close to the one I have done, by the above reasoning.

“Preach, saying, the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Matthew 10:9
For the Kingdom of Heaven and a life lived in partnership with God and his Son Jesus of Nazareth is not something which is beyond our reach in the future or the past. But, it is at hand…available in the fullness of time which is the present moment.

If you are a Protestant pre-millenenialist or a post-millenenialist, the above numerical calculations of possible dates of the return of our Lord Christ Jesus to us refers to the final judgement at the third coming. Most post-millenenialist’s believe he has already come for the second time (see’s article on a summary of Christian eschatological differences). My dear relative the Baptist Adoniram Judson Gordon wrote his first book “Ecco Venit” in the 1860s on this subject. It contains many scriptural references and philosophical arguments for the theological position of pre-millenenialism. How am I to characterize the theology contained in the postings in this blog over the last year? It aims to help Christians understand how to practice Judaism and Jews how they can believe in Christianity, and is a kind of post-millenenial non-dominism (see for an explanation of what theological dominism is).

Two strong arguments which justify it are: 1) It should be self evident to us that God wants to help everyone by his teachings (God’s heavenly kingdom of faith, love, and hope is not just for some, but for everyone).. for as many passages in the scriptures say, He is not a respecter of persons in a way that works against us, but in the way that works for us .Another is, 2)

Question #1 If Jesus Christ were to return to us today would you expect or want the same thing to happen to him as the first (first two times) time?

I hope that you wouldn’t. Because that would be a sin against the Holy Spirit, wouldn’t it? And, why, assuming You or I or the One true Church and the One true Soul of him in us had any choice about, would we to want to have that happen? For some scripture verses related to how we can improve ourselves in this regard see the verses from Romans listed in the last week of the Omer count above. Also, “The Enduement of the Spirit”. This is Chapter V of the book the Ministry of the Spirit by Rev. A. J. Gordon mentioned the paragraph above. It has some helpful teachings related to this (even though its stated theology may contradict some of the self-evident tenets stated above). For a beautifully written book representing an alternative theological viewpoint to that in the Ministry of the Spirit I recommend Henry Drummond’s “City without a Church.”

Moreover, there is another amateur theological question, the answer to which affects how we answer question #1.

Question #2 Do you believe that while he was on the cross, Jesus Christ’s soul went down to hell to help save those souls and spirits living there?

St. Francis clearly believes this, for as he is praying with the Church and us he is saying:

“ O Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace:
Wherever there is darkness, let there be light.
Wherever there is despair, let there be hope.
May I seek not so much to be understood
As to understand… to be loved as to love.
For it is in dying this way,
That our souls and spirits are raised to eternal life.”

And, the writer of the Gospel of John agrees, for he has said that
Jesus Christ is the “Light that shines in the darkness”.

The good energy (in addition to the good knowledge of Christ we can receive by faithful study of the scriptures) that we receive as result of our own compassionate, kind actions is an important part of any salvation or healing that God or his Son can effect for us. But, even more than this and more important than this is God’s compassion for and loving kindness for us and our souls and spirits. If we say that Jesus Christ is ministering to us today through the Holy Spirit, the spirit of which comes to us from his Church among us, then how can this compassion, loving kindness, joy, equanimity reach down from the heights of God’s spirit which is hidden inside us throughout the ages into the souls and spirits of those living in the lower realms? Sometimes preaching the Gospel and witnessing it to all the World and being there for those who choose to come for help is not enough. Sometimes Jesus Christ himself has to be the one who represents his Gospel of salvation to us and is the instrument of effecting God’s eternal rest and peace of mind inside of our own hearts and minds. Does this mean that when he does this the same thing is going to happen to him as the first time he did it? I hope not and I hope your faith from what you know about happened to him the first time is what keeps this unnecessary tragedy from reenacting itself inside us again.

A full Kaddish combined with a rabbi’s Kaddish for Christians who study the Torah, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah and pray the Amidah*****
(for those who pray it, may it be a sealing, filling, anointing of the Holy Spirit inside of us)

preliminary notes on the transliteration scheme used for this translation of the Kaddish as it compares to the more tranditional Ashkenazi Hebrew to English one:

Ashkenazi English
ei iff ay (iff is a mathematician’s shorthand for if and only if)
s iff t
bb iff bh
w iff silent h at end of word
ee iff e or i
v iff b
u iff o

Yit’gadal v’yit’kadash sh’mayh raba.

May (God’s) great name grow sanctified in us


B’alama de b’ra cheer’otayh.

In the world that he created and willed.

V’yam’laych mal’chotayh, b’chayaychon v’b’yomaychon

May he establish this sovereignity in your lifetime and in your days.

vb’chayay d’chal bayt Is’raayl.

And in the lifetimes of all Israel.

B’agala vbhz’man karayv

May these days (that have been foretold) come quickly and soon.

v’am’ru: Amen (here the people say amen)

Y’hay sh’mehh raba m’barach l’olam vl’al’may al’maya.

May his great name be blessed in the universe inside of that which flourishes (or prospers) inside of the flourishing (prosperity)

Yit’barach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar v’yitromam v’yitnashay v’yithadar v’yitalehh v’yithalal sh’mayh d’khuhd’sha b’rayach Hu

(B’rayach Hu – Cong.)

Blessed and praised and glorified and exalted and supported and strengthened and raised up and praised Holy in worshipful song be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He.
(here the congregation says Blesed be He)

L’ayla meen khal beer’cata v’shayrata tuhsh’bh’chata v’nehchehmata,

Though its well-being flourishes beyond all blessings and songs…praises and consolations.

damayran b’al’ma. Vam’ru: amayn. (amayn-cong.)

That are said where it prospers (or flourishes)…now we say Amen
(here the congregation says amen).

Kabayl b’rachmaym vbh’ratzon et t’pheelatanu.
Accept our prayers with compassion and favor (cong.)

Teet’paybayl tz’lot’hon v’bhaot’hon d’chal bayt Yisrael kadam Abohon day bheeshamay.

May the prayers of all Israel be accepted by their Father in Heaven.

Al Yish’raayl v’al rabbanayn. V’al tal’maydayhon v’al khal tal’mayday tal’maydayhon. Va’ khal man d’as’qayn b’oray’ta, dhay b’at’ra hadayn v’day b’khal atar v’atar.

Upon Israel, upon the teachers, their disciples and all of their disciples and upon all those who engage in the study of Torah, who are here or anywhere else.

Y’heh l’hon vl’chon sh’lama rbha, cheena v’chees’dha v’rach’mayn, v’chayayn adaychayn, vm’zonay r’vaychay, v’phehr’aqana meen k’adam abohon dhay beesh’maya (v’araa). V’am’ru: amayn. (amayn – cong.)

May they and you have abundant peace, grace, kindness, mercy, long life, ample nourishment, and salvation from before their Father who is in heaven (and on earth). Now we say Amen (here the congregation says amen)

Y’hay sh’alma raba meen Sh’maya, v’chayaym (tobaym) alaynu v’al chal Yish’rael v’eem’ru: amayn. (amayn-cong.)

May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life(goodness) upon us and upon all Israel. (here the congregation says amen…) amen.

Asehh shalom bheem’romayav, Hu bh’rachamayav y’ashehh shalom alay…yanu v’al chal Yeesh’raayl. V’eem’ru. (amen- cong.)

May He who makes peace in the high heavens, may He, in His compassion, make peace upon us, and upon all Israel. (here the congregation responds amen) Amen.
*****The Kaddish is somewhat of a different prayer than the Kaddosh (some of the Kaddosh prayers are included the April 10 posting of this blog). This posting has the Amidah with its 18 intentions and requests said to God to give us knowledge of him, his Son, his Holy Spirit in us and their will for us for our repentance, forgiveness, redemption, complete healing, a good year, justice for us, peace in and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, answers to our personal intentions, and thankfulness for the nearness of his Son the anointed One, the Christ to us and all Israel during the year. According to tradition the Amidah needs this full Kaddish to come after it for its completion…the earlier blog posting also includes the Baruch shamar v’hayah holam..omayr v’oseh, Baruch Hu (the blessing of the One who acts as well as speaks and by whose speech the world came to be), the Ha El, Et Shem, and Shoken Ad prayers and the Yishtabach which embellish and add to the Kaddosh) The Kaddish blesses God in all directions (10 in fact) inside and outside of the present moment in the world to come on earth and in heaven (above, below, around…past, present, future). Thus when we say it we don’t request a change in our situation only our awareness or mindfulness of our circumstances in it. The Kaddosh blesses God and exalts God in an upwardly direction toward his throne or most high place in the heavenly realms. All study of the Torah, all blessing prayers of the departed souls of those near and dear us can benefit from a Kaddish. And, all prayers in which we request God’s help and providence in more human terms can benefit from a Kaddosh. This prayer is addressed to Christians because there are many complexities and traps involved in learning Judaism as a Christian and I believe this blessing is much needed nowadays to bless, help, and benefit us all together as servants of God. The full Kaddish which contains additional lines requesting Our Father in Heaven to hear and answer the prayers in the Amidah is,by tradition, said at the completion of this service. The rabbi’s Kaddish blesses us and our study of the Torah whether we are in Church (Temple or Synagogue) or not. Combining the two eliminates any confusion about whether we, who write these prayers, want all of the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are trying to learn things as they go along, to be answered.


Christian who practices Judaism... Buddhism... Yoga... listens to the Quran and studies Hinduism. The most important thing to know about learning to climb mountains is that when you get to the top you haven't "beaten the mountain". Too many of us don't make it for us not to say that the "mountain beat us." Interests: Hiking and jogging, mountain climbing, chess, piano, piloting small planes, cooking, meditation, yoga, stretching, reading math and philosophy books. Favorite Books: Bible, Upanishads, and the Torah interests: hiking and jogging, mountain climbing,chess,piano, piloting small planes, cooking. meditation, yoga, stretching, reading math and philosophy books.