Passover Easter Pentecost 2022 Praying with Saint Moses, Ukrainian people, and possibly White House and Russian Foreign Ministry for Peace

Flag of YHWH flies below American US flag on Saturday Sabbaths and Jewish Christian Holy Days

like Pesach, Shavuous, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succos, Hanukkah.

“He who holds up the Name of God YHWH, lifts up Christ”

Words on a prayer brick I had made for my yard and garden at 3000 Drummond St., Vicksburg, MS

This custom made flag in heavenly light blue, and heart flame purple was created from a Keys of Enoch: Book of Knowledge pattern I found as a free downloadable image on the internet.

The Keys of Enoch Teaching has the Divine Eyes of Horus [ same as at the top of Masonic American Washington Monument 555’ in our nations capitol] as its top Divine YHWH Name Hebrew letter Ayin[Yod], and next letter Heh to make the top part of the Tetragrammaton name Jah expressed vertically downward from heaven into earth as Vav Heh, or WH as it is written downward here.

The book the Keys of Enoch is in its 7th edition now and has been published by the Academy for Future Science on the internet for 30 years or so I think. I just discovered it 3 months ago, after backtracking my study of mystical crystal Amorah’s St. Germain, Dolphin temple, Moshe Feldenkreis [“Awareness through movement self breathing massage movements”] Pleidian flame angel teachings which I first ran into at the archangel Michael Maitreya Budda teaching of Mantuak Chia[“Healing Light of the Tao, foundational practices to awaken Chi Song], QiQong contemplative prayer center Mt. Shasta CA summer angel convention, two days before climbing Mt. Shasta on a REI hiking vacation, 2003 maybe.

Very interesting incorporation of ancient Jewish Kabbalah Oral Torah, Tree of Life teachings with archangel Metatron up there with four throne ange,ls, St. Moses, Elijah, other ascended Masters, Buddha, Jesus Christ on mountaintop of Christian Jewish Penticost, Shavuous Divine wisdom and understanding, gift of Holy Spirit glorifying Name of God YHWH every liturgical Torah Old and New Testament teachings. I recommend this book and accompanying more technical 5 dimensional crystal healing codes for study.

New 16′ flag pole installed March 2020, at YHWH School of Christianity with walking directions and memorial bricks at base.

Flag pole base set in a foot and a half of concrete, in the center of the pole is a three pronged seed of a yellow crown of Christ glory [which Jesus Christ inside of Andrew exchanged for from a cross some time ago], A Saint John Paul II A and Omega, from Book of Revelation [when I went to the Vatican in the 1980s during the Jubilee Year that he was Pope, the Vatican Bookstore was selling these, since I had been praying with Him for a couple of years by then, I decided to buy one and wear it around my neck along with a Jewish Priests’ Urim and Thurim, 12 different colored stones one for each month of the year that YHWH School of Christianity prays with them, the 12 tribes of Israel and YHWH God blesses them through me and St. Moses and Jesus and St. Mary and a few other Saints, for instance this is now month of Nissan, the tribe of Judah, King David’s people, the month of helping them practice correct speaking.

. “Blessed be the poor in spirit, the meek, the slow to anger,

patient, and kind and joyful, while being compassionate, the merciful, and humble”


“Blessed are those Christians and Jews and others who are persecuted for the Oneness of my Father’s Name sake [have seemingly bad dreams while praying the rosary with my Mother and me], great is their reward in heaven.”


Figure    New tool storage shed and YHWH School of Christianity dedicated to Saint Mary, Jesus Christ, YHWH, during 2021 yearly outdoor Jewish Christian Hebrew Christian prayer teaching books built from kit sold by Little Free Library Neighborhood book lending group with prayer posting notebooks used for Jewish yearly outdoor holiday eating and meeting like Passover Shavuous outdoors, Succos, Hoshannah Rabbah, Shemini Atzeret, Simchah Torah. 




New Greenhouse with underground watering system  built from Santa Barbara Greenhouse kit during November, December last year along with a new 12 rose bush St. Mary Rosary Resurrection Rose Garden built this month to go with  herb and flower planting boxes to go on the green steel and wooden plank squirrel in walnut tree level sitting deck Steve Tuminello  and his assistant and I designed and built maybe 9 years ago.






    Six out of the twelve new Crystal Palace yoga kundalini upward breathing and though imagination healing rainbow candelabra glass balls added YHWH School of Christianity study and contemplative prayer meditation living area at 6016360938 World HQ 3000 Drummond St. Vicksburg, MS call for peaceful,joyful, though and no-thought YHWH JESUS CHRIST YHWH prayer help.


“Blessed be the pure in heart for they shall see and talk with and be blessed by YHWH God in Themselves and in Others as a One in Three in Two in Four in One, Five, Six,Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve

 Creative, Caring, and Certain Holy Spirit”

This is our Father and Mother’s, YHWH’s World, they are its ruler yet.

And, in the rocks and grass and trees, they speak to us.

When YHWH El Shaddai, God’s Peace like a river, fills our feet and legs, wraps itself around our arms clasped to our chest[Tefillim Yad], Redeemer of our soul during dreams in the night, Maker of love and Joy in the morning, giving sight to the blind, giving clothes to the naked, uplifting the broken hearted,

Ascends into our hearts through a star of David, and up to above our shoulders and heads, where a Cross of Jesus Christ and His Saint live, where the sign of His Name place in a box on our foreheads lives[Tefillim Rosh]…..

rticle #1076
Subject: Putin,, Russia stop the war
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/8/2022 07:44:02 PM

Shema Israel and our dear little mother Mary praying with our God YHWH Jesus YHWH and Israel,Saint 
Andrew, and Peter,James and John and us for Peace. 
1) I AM, us and you are this Peace which is going to be outside of us, 
Russia,and the Ukraine,right now and in the future, 2)2 We are it also it inside of there and us, let it 
begin there and with us, 3)YHWH God and us both inside and outside of there and us. 
4)something is wrong with you? Stop, slow down rest, listen to it, bless it and YHWH God in us. 
Stop withmusic practice&study and unimportant work, unimportant complaining aruing and please keep 
praying and listening with us for help from our YHWH God, his son Jesus, their Holy Spirit Indwelling about 
what we can do to help the Ukrainian people defend their country.

Add/Reply to this prayer posting


Article #1077
Subject: stop the war
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/8/2022 07:47:16 PM

His, Their Divine Light is surrounding us all, right now, and the Love with comes from being aware and 
mindful of is is enfolding us and all those we are praying for to help in His or Her Name. It’s power is 
protecting us, and overwatching us. 
Be still and know that I AM the Eternal God, YHWH God and His Eternal Son JESUS CHRIST as an 
everlasting. overwatching presence and power protecting, helping, saving, redeeming, forgiving, justifying 
all of us in whom we so believe Them faithfully existing for us.. YHWH HARI OM. 
Who to follow 

Article #1078
Subject: stop the war
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/8/2022 07:49:04 PM

Underneath Him up there forever are His everlasting arms to catch us in glory and happiness if our faith 
fails us while living and believing in Him being there for us. 

Thank you YHWH God and Jesus Christ council of angelic and human Divine and human Light, Saints, 
apostles, priests, prophets for assembling tp listen to the prayers of the Ukrainian people for help stopping 
very quickly nowthis madwar of Putin and the Russian people against them. 

Article #1079
Subject: stop the war
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/8/2022 07:49:05 PM

Underneath Him up there forever are His everlasting arms to catch us in glory and happiness if our faith 
fails us while living and believing in Him being there for us. 

Thank you YHWH God and Jesus Christ council of angelic and human Divine and human Light, Saints, 
apostles, priests, prophets for assembling tp listen to the prayers of the Ukrainian people for help stopping 
very quickly nowthis madwar of Putin and the Russian people against them. 

Here at this point in the blog I republish some hebrew english translations and thoughts on the Jewish Christian everyday morning blessings.

8th Day

On, the eighth day God blessed what he had blessed. He remembered us in him. And, with his breath he formed the pre-existent idea of our existence and reality inside of the World and him into the everlasting reality of its truth. Thus, God our Father made himself Jesus Christ (the fullness of his image and likeness in us), our King of Kings.

Figure 1 Morning Light Skips Across the Waves

Morning Blessings
(to be said upon arising)

My God, the soul you have placed… within me it is pure. You created it; You formed it; You breathed it into me; You keep it within me; and You will eventually take it from me… and return it to me in the time to come. So long as my soul is within me, I gratefully acknowledge your presence… Adonay my God and my ancestor’s God, Master of all creation, Lord of all souls, Blessed are you, Adonay, who restores souls to dead corpses.

Elohay n’shamah shenataeta… bee t’horah hee. Atah boratah, atah yotzeratah, atah n’pachtah, v’atah m’smarah b’keer’bee, v’atah ateed l’talah meem’ehnay… v’l’hachazeerah bay l’ateed l’bo. Kal z’man shehan’shamah v’ker’bee modeh aenee l’pneach… Adonay elohay v’elohay a’botay, rabon kal h’maeseem aedon kal n’shamot. Baruch atah adonay ham’chaezayr n’smot l’pgadeem mateem.

ברוך אתה שליט העולם שלא עשה אותי שונה מיהודי.

English says:

Bless are you, YHWH our God who did not make me different from a Jew.

I have taken the liberty with YHWH God’s permission I believe to change this part of the blessing from the traditional one a little, which says, you YHWH our God who did not make me a gentile…. I don’t think YHWH our God would want us Jews to say this anymore considering the long history of how whoever put this blessing in this form originally may have tried to make Jews be unnecessary proud of being just like they are without improving any.

Blessed are You, YHWH God, who made us as He desired, in His image and likeness, male and female he made us [some traditional ancient Jewish versions of this prayer, mistakenly I think say “who did not make me a woman or a slave.” Clearly after several thousand years of thinking about it we Jews don’t want to believe God made slaves or women any less or a lower part of His image and likeness.

Thank you YHWH God that we have a soul, not like a idol that does not have eyes or ears to see and hear, but may the one we have with your help hear what is good, and see what is good.

תודה לך YHWH אלוהים שיש לנו נשמה, לא כמו אליל שאין לו עיניים או אוזניים לראות ולשמוע, אבל מי ייתן וזה שיש לנו בעזרתך לשמוע מה טוב, ולראות מה טוב.

1) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler…of the Universe who opens… the eyes of the blind.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam, pokay’ach eevreem.

Some metaphysicians correlate ocean waves in dreams and in the collective human psyche with problems we are experiencing together. But, I see them along with the sea turtle’s return as good news signaling the coming of Christ Jesus the Messiah for the 3rd time. See October, November 2006 postings for more on this, along with some Biblical references to turtle doves and sea turtles.

Figure 2 Morning Waves I Along with some Shore Birds: “Thanks be to God for His many blessings that we share in our lives here on earth.”
2) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who clothes the naked.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam malbeesh aerumeem.

Figure 3 Morning Waves II Middle Ridge

3) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who releases the bound.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam mateer aesureem.


Article #1080
Subject: March 8
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/9/2022 11:15:58 AM

Gen. John Allen is explaining to us in us now on msnbc that having those fighter jets delivered to ukrainian 
air force around kiev today or tomorrow to provide close air support against russian tanks in assembly 
areas around the city getting ready to try to attack and encircle 

russian tanks trying to assemble in assemble areas around kiev to renew encirclement attack after failed 
attempt yesterday need to be attacked by ukrainian air force using nato supplied jets to help right now if 
possible…May it happen. do we believe it is happening, now? Yes 

Article #1081
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/12/2022 03:29:34 PM

russian tanks trying to assemble in assemble areas around kiev to renew encirclement attack after failed 
attempt yesterday need to be attacked by ukrainian air force using nato supplied jets to help right now if 
possible…May it happen. do we believe it is happening, now? Yes 
The charities Airlink and USA UNCHR are working right now to send humanitarian help and other supplies 
to the refugees from the Ukrainian war and the brave people still there fighting for their homes and 
families. We YHWH School of Christianity continuesto prayfor them&send help 
Some of us Asceneded Masters YHWH School of Christ,Vicksburg,MS1) ST Peter,2) STAndrew, 3) ST 
James…5) Jesus, )Mary are telling… not asking our angels…1)Ariel, 2) Gabriel, 3)Raphael, 4)Michael 
5)Enoch to go help the Ukrainian people defend,save their homes,cities,country. 

Article #1082
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/12/2022 03:33:32 PM

Prayer partners channeling YHWH Jesus Christ in all of us,starting in one of us, be still and know God in 
Him and us as 4 archangels helping us all…1) the archangel YHWH Michael as an overwatching presence 
and power here on earth observingall of this process as it is happening. 

Andrew W. Harrell 
Mar 9 
Some of us Asceneded Masters YHWH School of Christ,Vicksburg,MS1) ST Peter,2) STAndrew, 3) ST 
James…5) Jesus, )Mary are telling… not asking our angels…1)Ariel, 2) Gabriel, 3)Raphael, 4)Michael 
5)Enoch to go help the Ukrainian people defend,save their homes,cities,country. 
Prayer partners channeling YHWH Jesus Christ in all of us,starting in one of us, be still and know God in 
Him and us as 4 archangels helping us all…1) the archangel YHWH Michael as an overwatching presence 
and power here on earth observingall of this process as it is happening. 
Numher 2j in this archangel listening hearing,seeing and knowing YHWH God’s will and being,thought 
action indwelling us is 2) archangel Ariel seeing the YHWHChrist in himself and us after Michael listens and 
hears it. 

Andrew W. Harrell 
See new Tweets 

Andrew W. Harrell 
Number 3), me, the archangel Gabriel in you..knowing that we don’t know what YHWH God is going to tell 
us to do in order to help us help and serve others as when YHWH God is 3 His Truth is me and you in you 
or me. 
Finally, archangel number 4) in this Divine order of knowing today, right now in this present moment YHWH 
God prophetic and helping healing peaceful Divine human Truth for all of us is..archangel Raphael, how 
appropriate huh RAF? You are victory in Jesus Christ for all of ustoday 

Article #1083
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/12/2022 03:38:22 PM

I heard one ex special forces guy on fox or Bloomberg say the reason we and the poles shouldn’t give the 
ukrainians newer He has been cross working with the Russian spetnatz troops too much. That ignore the 
fact that although both sides are fighting for indepenced one side, the majority good aide is more 
democratic and less authoritarian. 
jets they can fly, the Russian ones is that this awful civil war there is basically a family squabble. 

That isthe Russian side wherePutin isgoverning more like hitler that the Ukrainians are.If the us isn’t 
stronger than its been in the last 20 years with Biden‘s approach defending to democracies we for certain 
will have to fight another major war in europe. 
Member of ukraine parliament on Fox News asking why after five years ago us, Britain nato promising to 
protect Ukraine if they gave up nuclear weapons they not sending jets and air detense systems needed 
why they biden and other afraid of one man Putin ? And not help them? 
Another person on Fox ne2s saying this is because Biden and Blinklen have already made a deal with the 
devil, to get Purtim to buy Iranian nuclear material and monitor new Iranian nuclear deal if they let him 
invade Ukrainie? Is this the possible reason? 

Member of ukraine parliament on Fox News asking why after five years ago us, Britain nato promising to 
protect Ukraine if they gave up nuclear weapons they not sending jets and air detense systems needed 
why they biden and other afraid of one man Putin ? And not help them? 

Article #1084
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/14/2022 10:32:14 AM

Hear o, Ukraine, Hear o Israel, o Europe Russia and the us, the US, Hear o Christians YHWH!YHWH 
YHWH, YHWH Jesus, YHWH jesus YHWH is our God, He is peaceful, compassionate, patient kind, 
forgiving, saving redeeming, just, He is our God,in this way He is One. Please say amen 

The one, two, three, fourfold, quintessence(Divine Father consciousness, substance/presence love- 
bliss,Holy Spirit BirthDeathRessurection, DivineMind of YHWHs Wife Mary, DivinePrincipleofTruth as a 
Word His Son YHWH Jesus) has been activated now in you and me to help Ukraine. 

Article #1085
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/16/2022 11:18:54 AM

Biden getting ready to talk,reply, try to justify the mistakes he has already made, reply to zelinskii’s heart 
rending cry and plea for more air defense help than he and the ukrainian people desperately need to 
survive and defend freedom in europe. 
I don’t want to listen to what he is going to say if he doesn’t help, I don’t want to pray anymore to help 
if he isn’t going to be the leader of the free world that us, europe, ukraine needs. 

Article #1086
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/16/2022 11:18:54 AM

Biden getting ready to talk,reply, try to justify the mistakes he has already made, reply to zelinskii’s heart 
rending cry and plea for more air defense help than he and the ukrainian people desperately need to 
survive and defend freedom in europe. 
I don’t want to listen to what he is going to say if he doesn’t help, I don’t want to pray anymore to help 
if he isn’t going to be the leader of the free world that us, europe, ukraine needs. 

Article #1087
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/16/2022 11:18:55 AM

Biden getting ready to talk,reply, try to justify the mistakes he has already made, reply to zelinskii’s heart 
rending cry and plea for more air defense help than he and the ukrainian people desperately need to 
survive and defend freedom in europe. 
I don’t want to listen to what he is going to say if he doesn’t help, I don’t want to pray anymore to help 
if he isn’t going to be the leader of the free world that us, europe, ukraine needs. 

Article #1088
Subject: Purim prayer encouragement and message
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/17/2022 12:42:56 PM

Celebrating Purim withchristian Jews allaround the world, a day of the birth of laughter of mirth. here in 
ms(st. Patrick,chriskringle also help us with this today )and there around the world even with some people 
fighting in Ukraine and refugees hopefully even,hay, rhymes, yeh? 

If you want to pray Jewish Christian with us today Purim Study Psalm 23, 30[dedication of the temple 
YHWH Nissi, the Lord is our flag or banner] the Torah portions and HafTorah for today, about sacrifices in 
Book of Leviticus, keeping track of Mitvahs for the Jesus already come Christian and Jewish priests in the 
low hundreds from start in book of Genesis, its ok to eat Chometzon Passover if you are a Levite, Gad Jew 
which Jesus Christ in me and St. Mary is while the rest of the congregation in the resurrected Jewish 
Christian Temple in your house is burning Chometz to celebrate the birth, death on the cross, resurrection 
in the skys of you…. I declare YHWH Shemmah, YHWH God is present with us right now, please YHWH God 
may we and everybody praying with us Jewish Christian in US, Nato, Ukraine, hear what is good, and see 
by faith what is good, YHWH Nasei, YHWH Yireh, YHWH Rohi, the Lord is our shepherd, there shepherd, 
the good shepherd leading us and them in pathways of righteousness in Christ through the valley of death, 
and forward in Christ, upward, YHWH Nissi, the Lord is our banner. Have a joyous and happy Purim 
everybody here in us, Nato, Ukraine, wearing costumes, practicing laughing like the tribe of Israeli tribe of 
Naphali does all the month of March on our YHWH School of Christianity prayer calendar.

Article #1089
Subject: Saint Patricks day prayers
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/17/2022 03:25:28 PM

Somebody, Albert Dornbusch and his son asked me out at the Vicksburg country club while we were 
joking having lunch together and praying for the people of Ukraine whether somebody who shoots himself 
is saved and what did I think about the Philosopher Descartes famous saying, what do I think is this a good 

I said I think Robert Waring, a common boyhood friend of Albert and mine, who shot himself is saved not 
because of anything he thought, we three are all Methodists some of whom believe you are saved just 
because you were baptized in Church, not all… but because of something his Mother Neil, whom I know is 
in heaven looking over us thinks, believes, knows that he is. 

Here’s the Saint Patrick day joke that helps us and also the people in Ukraine, I think that we all were 
praying with and for, for there salvation, those who have died already while we are still praying with all of 
them, and some Russians, many Americans, British, Polish, French…..German, for Peace there…. 

How do I know this, that I think? Well, “I think, and because of this I know that I don’t know, but God is the 
One who knows things for me, therefore this is what I know, that I do not know..” Thus God inside of Nell 
and Robert’s Father too, knows this for all five of us..” 

Article #1090
Subject: us and israel still standing by while people are killed
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/20/2022 05:24:22 PM

Zelensky askedIsraeli government & people an interesting question. What we need is the iron dome air 
defense system, not for the Israeli government to mediate with Putin. He said, You cannot mediate 
between good and evil! Isn’t that in the Bible some where? If not, should be.

Article #1091
Subject: us and israel still standing by while people are killed
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/20/2022 05:24:23 PM

Zelensky askedIsraeli government & people an interesting question. What we need is the iron dome air 
defense system, not for the Israeli government to mediate with Putin. He said, You cannot mediate 
between good and evil! Isn’t that in the Bible some where? If not, should be.

Article #1092
Subject: us and israel still standing by while people are killed
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/20/2022 05:24:24 PM

Zelensky askedIsraeli government & people an interesting question. What we need is the iron dome air 
defense system, not for the Israeli government to mediate with Putin. He said, You cannot mediate 
between good and evil! Isn’t that in the Bible some where? If not, should be.

Article #1093
Subject: us and israel still standing by while people are killed
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/20/2022 05:24:24 PM

Zelensky askedIsraeli government & people an interesting question. What we need is the iron dome air 
defense system, not for the Israeli government to mediate with Putin. He said, You cannot mediate 
between good and evil! Isn’t that in the Bible some where? If not, should be.

Article #1094
Subject: russians in ukraine are being pushed back from around cities
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/24/2022 09:31:36 AM

Thanks be our Divine angelic prayer helps and YHWH God for praying with us for this victory in 
Jesus Christ. 
May events continue to develop positively for the Ukrainians as this war goes on temporarily until 
peace finally comes and we can stop praying for it. 
we know that whoever starts the apocalypse will lose when it ends, 
it wasn’t our God, YHWH may praise and honor for His name be continued to be glorified forever 
in the individual souls of those Ukrainian who are fighting so bravely and heroically to 
defend there country and the lives of their families living there. 
May more of us here in us and in Nato praying for our YHWH God to help them 
donate money to help protect the lives of the families of these 
heroes refugee families. 

Crisis in Ukraine: Donate Now. Support 
. The International Rescue Committee helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict 
and disaster to survive, recover and regain control of their future. 

Article #1095
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/24/2022 09:46:55 AM

Some ancient and Holy 72 Names of God as YHWH, as given by Moses in Book of Exodus, lifting up the 
Name of God on the walking stick God gave him from the burning bush in order to led Israel out of Egypt 
and part the waters of the Nile to enable the twelve tribes to cross over into Sinai, then used by He and 
His, YHWH God’s only son Joshua as Christ to use as 12 stepping stones for his twelve tribes to cross the 
Jordan, deep as it is wide, chills the body but not the soul into our current Holy land of Israel. 

the secret to understanding the power and magnificence glory of how to pray these names hidden between 
the twelve jewels or stones on the breast plate, of Moses’ brother Aaron, as Urim and Thurrim by studying 
the Hebrew prayer words in current Christian Jewish translations of the Psalms. today 

Here are the first twelve, more to follow as we continue to pray them contemplatively to help the Ukrainians 
win a victorious victory of salvation, redemption, in our Lord YHWH’s spirit of Jesus Christ indwelling them 

Psalm 3:4 And You, Thoi, O YHWH, art a Shield about e, my Glory and He who lifteth my soul. 

Psalm 22:20 And, You, Thou, O YHWH be not far off, O my Strength, to help me make haste [as your strong 
and outreached arm leads us out of Egypt to salvation redemption in a new Jerusalem. 

Psalm 9 1,2 And, you, Thou YHWH I will say unto you my refuge and fortress, my YHWH God, I will be 
confident in him.

Article #1096
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/24/2022 10:36:41 AM

Angel 4, you shall say: Psalm 6:5 Return O YHWH, deliver my soul, save me because of Thy, YHWH Mercy. 

Angel 5, you say: Psalm 34:5 I sought YHWH, and He answered me and out of all of my fears He, YHWH, 
delivered me. 

Angel 6, say Psalm 9:12 Sing Psalme unto YHWH Who inhabiteth, shew forth among the nations His, 
YHWH deeds. 

Angel 7, say Psalm 103:8 Merciful and gracious is YHWH, long suffering and plentiful of Mercy. 

Angel 8, say Psalm 95:6 come ye, we will bow down an bend before YHWH who hath made us. 

Angel 9, say Psalm 25:6 Remember Thy tender mercies, O YHWH, and Thy mercies, for from of old they 

Angel 10 say Psalm 33:22 There shall be, [O Yes] Thy mercy, O YHWH, upon us, as we have hope in Thee, 

Angel 11 say Psalm18:47 Liveth YHWH ,and blessed be my Rock, and there shall arise the God, YHWH, 
of my salvation. 

Angel 12 say Psalm 10:1 Why O YHWH,wilt Thou, O you YHWH, stand afar, and hide thyself at time of 

Article #1097
Subject: continued
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/25/2022 08:22:49 AM

angel 13 you say Psalm 98:4 
Shout ye to YHWH, all th eEarth break ye forth, and shout for joy, and sing Psalms. 

angel 14 you say Psalm 9:10 
And YHWH shall be a high place for the oppressed, a high place for seasons in distress. 

Angel 15 Psalm 94:22 
And YHWH is become unto me a refuge, and my God, YHWH is the Aid of my house. 

Angle 16 Psalm 88:2 
O YHWH, YHWH God of my Salvation in the day I have cried , and the night before Thee. 

Angel 17 you say Psalm 8;1 
O YHWH, our Lord, YHWH how excellent is Thy Name in all the Earth. 

Angel 18, you say Psalm 25:24 
Judge me according to my righteousness, YHWH, my God YHWH, and let them rejoice over You. 

Angel 19 Psalm 40:2 
Expecting, I expected YHWH, and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. 

Angel 20 Psalm 120:1,2:20 
In my distress I cried to Thee O YHWH, and He heard me. Deliver my soul O YHWH, from lying lips, and 
from deceitful tongues. 

Angel 21 Psalm 31:15 
And in Thee I have confided, O YHWH, I have said Thou are my God. 

Angel 22 Psalm 121:5 
YHWH Keepeth Thee, YHWH is Thy shadow upon Thy right hand. 

Angel 23 Psalm 121:8 
YHWH will keep Thy going in and thy going out, and thy coming in from now until Ever. 

Angel 24, you say Psalm 33:18 
From YHWH is a blessing upon those that fear Him, and those who trust inHim 

Article #1098
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/26/2022 09:04:05 AM

Angel 254 you say 
Psalm 33:18 From YHWH is a blessing upon those that fear Him, and those that trust inHIm.5 
for us to understand God’s goodness in Himself and have us trust in His mercy 

Angel 25 
Psalm 9:1 you say I will give thanks to YHWH with all my heart, and tell of all thy wondrous works. 
for us to understand all of God’s wondrous extent as an enlarger 

Angel 26 
Psalm 119:145 
I have called with all my heart, answer me YHWH, O God, I will preserve thy statuts. 
for us to understand Heaven in secret 

Angel 27 Psalm 140:2 
Deliver me O YHWH, from the Evil Man, from the Man of violence preserve me 
for deliverance for us 

Angle 28 Psalm 71:12 (God as taker away of evils) 
O YHWH, O God, be not far from me, O my YHWH make haste for my help 
for us to see God as a taker away of sins 

Angel 29 you say (God as expection) 

Psalm 54:4 .Behold Elohim helpeth me, and YHWH is with them who uphold my sol. 

Angel 30 you say 
Psalm 71:5 For us to understand YHWH God’s patience 
For thou art my hope, O YHWH, O Lord, Adonai, who is my confidence from my youth. 

Angel 31 you say Psalm 71:16 
for us to be taught by YHWH God 
I will go in strength O YHWH, O Adonai, I will make mention of thy righteousness even of 
Thine only 

Angel 32 you say Psalm33:4 
for us to experience God’s unrighteous, indwelling us as Holy Spirit 
For Upright is YHWH of the Word, and all His works are in Truth 

Angel 33 you say Psalm 94:11 
for us to understand YHWH God indweller as a knower of things 
YHWH knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are in vain 
[unless they know that they don’t know, but that you know things for them] 

Angel 34 you say Psalm 131 
for us to experience YHWH God’s merciful clemency 
Let Israel trut in YHWH, now and forever 

Angel 35 you say Psalm 116:1 
for us to be rejoicing in knowing YHWH as our God 
I have rejoiced because YHWH hath heard the voice of my supplication 

Angel 36 you say Psalm 26:8 
to help us understand how YHWH God indwelling us is honorable 
O YHWH God, I have loved the habitation of Thy House 
and the place of abiding of Thy honor. 

Article #1099
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/27/2022 08:34:55 AM

Angel 37, your name Analei means lord of virtues, you say Psalm 80:18 

O YHWH Elohim Tzebaoth, turn us and cause thy face to shine upon us, and we shall be saved. 

Angel 38 your name Chaamiah mean hope of all the ends of the earth 

you say Psalm 9:1 Because Thou, O YHWH, art my refuge, Thou hast , Thy refuge in the Host High 

Angel 39 your name Reheael means swift to condone 

you say Psalm 30:2 
Hear O YHWH, and be gracious unto me YHWH, be Thou my helper. 

Angel 40, your name Yetzael means making joyful, your say 
Psalm 88:14 Why O YHWH, replied Thou my soul, and hides Thy face from me 

Angel 41, your name Kehihei means Triune 
you say Psalm 12:2 O YHWH deliver my soul from a lip of lying, from a tongue of guile 

Angel 42 your name Mikhael means Who is like unto Him [YHWH] 
you say Psalm 121: 7 YHWH shall keep thee from all Evil, He shall preserve thy soul.

Article #1100
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/27/2022 02:05:06 PM

Angel 43, your name is Vavallah, you say Psalm 88:13 
And, I unto Thee, O YHWH, have cried, and in the morning my prayer shall come before Thee 

Angel 44, your name is IIhalah, meaning abiding forever, you say Psalm 119:108 
Let the freewill offerings of my mouth please Thee, O YHWH, and teach me Thy Judgements. 

Angel 45, You name is Saelalh, meaning mover of all things, you say Psalm 84:18 
When I said, my foot hath been moved, Thy mercy, O YHWH, will uphold me. 

Angel 46, your name is Ngharalel meaner Revealer, 
you say, YHWH is good unto every man, and His Mercies are over all His works. 

Angel 47, your name is Aslaiah, meaning just God,you say Psalm 92:5 
you say, How Great have been Thy Works, o YHWH, very deep have been thy devices. 

Angel 48, you name is Mihel meaning sending forth as a father, 
you say Psalm 98:2, YHWH hath made known His Salvation, in th sight of the Nations hath he 
revealed His justice.

4) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who lifts up the bent over.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam zokayf k’fufeem

Figure 5 Morning Waves IV Breaking Wave
5) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who spreads out the land on the water.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam rokay h’aretz al ham’ayeem

Figure 6 Morning Waves V Middle Trough
6) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who has provided my every need.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam sheasah lay kal tsar’kay

Figure 7 Morning Waves VI Some Light patterns captured between the waves.

7) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who makes firm our steps.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam hamaycheen meetsaday g’aver

Figure 8 Morning Waves VII Reaching the Shore

8) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who strengthens Israel with might.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam ozer Israel b’gevurah

Figure 9 Morning Waves VIII Light Sparkling on Waves

9) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who crowns Israel with glory.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam oter Israel b’teefarah

Figure 10 Throne of the Sea Turtle, Isle of Palms Beach just North of Charlestown SC.

For information and videos about groups in South Carolina helping Sea Turtle, see the Sea Turtle Rescue Hospital video at the Charlestown, SC Aquarium’s web site. There are also groups elsewhere if you do a google search on “sea turtle rescue”.

Figure 11 Morning Waves IX A wave does a sashay in the middle of the camera’s view
Definition of sashay: a. To walk or proceed, especially in an easy or casual manner. b. To strut or flounce in a showy manner

10) Blessed are you, Lord, our God…Ruler… of the Universe who gives strength to the weary.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam h’noten layoayf poaych.

Figure 12 Morning Waves X: Some Blue and White Waves reveal what is called a meditation on “The Three Diamonds”, 1) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light from Heaven, 2) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light inside the Human Heart, 3) Absolute consiousness of God’s Light on Earth

11) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who removes sleep from my eyes,
slumber from my eyelids.

Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam h’ama’aveer shenah mayaynay vt’nomah mayaf’aypay.

12) Blessed are you, Lord, who compassionately bestows goodness to those of his people who have struggled to understand him..

Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h’asadaym tobaym l’amo Israel.

Figure 13 Morning Waves X, A View Farther Out

12) Blessed are you, Lord, who compassionately bestows goodness to those of his people who have struggled to understand him..

Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h’asadaym tobaym l’amo Israel.

Figure 14 Family Taking a Morning Walk Along the Sea Shore

YHWH School of Christianity
Scheme for Transliteration of Hebrew Vowels into English

vowel name sign sound additional symbol

qamets, patah a as in yacht sof pasuq

hireq ee as in bee appears below last word in a verse

tsere ay as in hay (transliterated as )

seqol eh as in bed

holem o as in low

qibbuts, shureq oo as in zoo

shewa silent/short-sound (transliterated as ‘ )

qamets shewa o as in (obstruct)

patah shewa a as in (around), that is ae

segol shewa e as in (effect), that is e as opposed to ee

Article #1101
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/28/2022 08:16:31 PM

Praying with some Russian orthodox christian monks who it seems supports Putin. They have published 
online a beautiful commentary of about one half of Book of Revelations by our common prayer friend St. 
John the Divine the theologian 

.The only reason they give online for supporting Putin, is that the Croatians,Roman Catholic Nazis, and 
Nato burned destroyed hundreds of their churches in Serbian during Yugoslav war 1994-5. 

However, a search in Wikipedia about that war reveals Serbians also committed war crimes against many 
Muslims but also Croatins, and maybe 40-45 Serbian generals convicted of it, while maybe 10-15 
Croatians convicted of them. 

Having war crimes committed against you does not authorize you to start wars, I think. For I don’t think the 
main judge at YHWH God’s right hand in both present and end times, YHWH JESUS CHRIST ever said in 
the Bible or elsewhere, two wrongs make a right, did He?

Article #1102
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/30/2022 08:50:53 AM

Andrew W. Harrell 
Praying with 2 long time Christian Jewish prayer partners Mr. Lavrov long time Russian spy in U.N. Moscow 
Wash. DC Russian foreign office and Gen, Wesley Clark on Nato board remembers me from when We both 
worked for Gen. Don. Starry in USAREUR. 

He, Gen. Clark said the NATO study I did in 1990s about how to have non nuclear tank defense in Germany 
against stacked Russian attack was best ever done for DA, they want to rehire me, to help them some more 
maybe but you need to ask me formally, not in a dream, Wes. 
Mr. Lavrov has been following me since I worked in Wash. top secret US anti nuclear attack planning. He 
acting like he agrees with my criticism of Russian monks for supporting Putim. 
He calls up,ghost of Mr. Nixon’s attorney Gen. John Mitchell from 1970s, says to bot Gen. Clark and me, in 
a dream, “Looks like it’s time like Nixon said for the tough to get going.” 
I say that I rather would like for him and Purim, and I to think about what Pres. Truman said, having in in his 
White House desk. The buck stops here… meaning I think, not that he and Purim should use nuclear 
weapons like Truman did against Japan. 
But, it means a leader, decision maker of a country should not run away from accepting responsibility …ie 
have integrity this way as Gen. Shy Meyer taught in in his manual on US Army def. of leadership manual 
and my Fort. Belcour officer training with Col. Bernard friend. 

Mr. Lavrov is silent for a while then he says..lIf Purim and I use nuclear weapons, Andrew we won’t be here 
to talk and pray with you anymore, might still be there in Ms but we, Purim and him won’t be here in 
Moscow anymore 
Yea, Lavrov, you are right, so what does that tell you? Why, not you Purim be like Truman, not Nixon, and 
take responsibility for harm you and Russia have done, do the right thing, stop the war a huge mistake, 
like Saint Mikhail G. Did in 1990s 80s talking praying with God?

Article #1103
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/30/2022 01:59:12 PM

Softly and tenderly, earnestly, Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Putim, Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me Mr. Putim, 
Mr. Lavrov do the right thing, 
Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Putim… Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus, precious Saint Mihail, Saint Andrew and His brother 
Saint Peter, Saint John, Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Putim is calling.. do not go nuclear, the buck stops with you but 
take the responsibility for stopping the war. 

Andrew W. Harrell 
Softly and tenderly, earnestly, Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Putim, Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me Mr. Putim, 
Mr. Lavrov do the right thing, 
Take the responsibility, Mr. Lavrov and Mr. Putim, Jesus is calling you home, how we, he and I and all the 
Saints, pray and long that you two will trust him more. when He, we, call you home to heaven on earth and 
to heaven up her, to trust him more and stop the war. 


Мягко и нежно, усердно, господин Лавров, господин Путим, Иисус зовет, зовет вас и меня, 
господин Путим, господин Лавров, поступайте правильно, 

Г-н Лавров, г-н Путим … Иисус, Иисус драгоценный Иисус, драгоценный Святой Михаил, и Его брат, 
Святой Иоанн, г-н Лавров, г-н Путим звонит … не переходите на ядерный удар, доллар 
останавливается с вами, но взять на себя ответственность за прекращение войны. 
Возьмите на себя ответственность, господин Лавров и господин Путим, Иисус зовет вас домой, как 
мы, он и я, и все святые, молимся и желаем, чтобы вы двое больше ему доверяли. 
когда Он, мы, зовем вас домой на небо на земле и на небо над ней, чтобы больше доверять ему и 
остановить войну. 
when He, we, call you home to heaven on earth and to heaven above it, in order to trust him more and stop 
the war. 

How to breath YHWH God’s four throne angels into earthy people worshiping the cross of Jesus Christ above us in heaven, and back down again to be reborn in Christ here on this earth:

reference, first a practice for several years of teachings on this blog’s beginning several years ago about how to center the Name of God YHWH at top chakra, according to Rabbi David Cooper’s Sound True Kabbalah tapes.

reference first a practice of study of Sanskrit Raja, Jnana, Bhakti, Karmi, Yogi, word sound letter correspondences some instructions to which are at the directories on Yoga and meditation.

reference. Swami Sivananda Radha, book on Kundalini

Yogi breath meditations some of which are

start at muladhara root chakra, meditate on four-fold righteous dharma arising on the last laya day of Christian Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu kundalini world creation, sustainment, dissolution, absolute

consciousness and YHWH God and Christ, cosmic prana and raja yoga will, to not human ego but divine ego I AM knowing of it [its not this, not me, and not not] sit in lotus position in order to use fingers on left and right hands to relax body muscles, slow down, abdominal breathing, count breaths slowing.

instructions taken from page 214, fourth chakra going up meditations of swami Sivananda Radha’s book.

First relax neck and whole body:

1) head-stick out-pull back

2)head-gently drop to right shoulder-gently drop to left shoulder

3) head-gently drop forward-gently drop backward

4) head-gently roll in a full circle clockwise, 10 times

-gently roll in a full circle counter-clockwise,10 times

Preliminary Pranayama finger exercises

Sitting in lotus posture with left hand on left knee, right hand on right knee, these are the 4[in breath count], 8[hold breath], 16[exhale breath] thought meditations on moving both thumbs to left and right hand fingers and back.

A. for a count of 4. Start on left hand with the little finger and continue to left forefinger.

B. for a count of 8 Start on right hand with the little finger and continue to right forefinger (count of 4). Then continue to left little finger (another count of 4), making a total of 8.

C.for a count of 16, begin on right hand with little finger and continue to left little finger for a total of 8, as in ‘B’. Repeat this for a count of 16.

Inhalation has to take place for the full length of 4 count.

Holding for the length of 16 counts.

Exhalation for the length of 8 counts.

Note by Andrew. This takes years of practice to perfect, but it grows on you into something really wonderful and a precious teaching go f God, Jesus Christ, and his four throne angels Ariel,Gabriel, Raphael, Michael about how to be them as your Divine Holy Spirit Self, forever, and eternally, even.

I cannot convey to you the value and importance of continuing your practice of Christian Jewish Kundalini Yoga over the years of your life, I believe both Saint Andrew, Saint John, Saint James, Saint Peter, Jesus Christ and I and all the Popes have learned it now and will know it as valuable prayer tool from here on out.

Article #1105
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/7/2022 10:13:55 PM

Lord God YHWH, YHWH Jesus, YHWH Jesus YHWH Thou art my God and our strength who helps us, 
protects us and the Ukrainians from Purim and Latrov, please help us now call them to stop fighting,leave 
Ukraine and return home to Russia, 

Article #1106
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/7/2022 10:26:17 PM

ord God YHWH, YHWH Jesus, YHWH Jesus YHWH Thou art my God and our strength who helps us, 
protects us and the Ukrainians from Purim and Latrov, please help us now call them to stop fighting,leave 
Ukraine and return home to Russia, 

Article #1107
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/7/2022 10:26:17 PM

ord God YHWH, YHWH Jesus, YHWH Jesus YHWH Thou art my God and our strength who helps us, 
protects us and the Ukrainians from Purim and Latrov, please help us now call them to stop fighting,leave 
Ukraine and return home to Russia, 

Image Above is of Pope John Paul II’s Papal coat of arms

For some of us Jewish Christians, it looks like a Christ shield of our Holy Father, Saint Abraham[ with the soul of Saint John the Evangelist indwelling as a Holy Spirit, a shield of righteousness through faith in the Name of God as YHWH Christ, A three times Holy shield of Victory in Jesus Christ, the Name of His Father YHWH, and the Name of both of them indwelling us as a Holy Spirit.

Here is my English to Hebrew and back again translation of the first of the Blessings of Praise to YHWH God which we Jews pray as part of 14 Holy Daily standing up prayers or intentions in what we call the Amidah prayers:

Blessed are You, YHWH, our God and our ancestor’s God: Abraham’s God, shield of Abraham, Isaac’s God, and Jacob’s God, YHWH, great, mighty and revered YHWH God, supreme God, YHWH who acts most piously, who is master of everything, who remembers the piety of our ancestors, and who brings a redeemer, YHWH Jesus YHWH, to their descendants for the sake of His Name in Love

בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ ואלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ: אֱלֹהֵי אַבְרָהָם, מֶגֶן אַבְרָהָם, אֱלֹהֵי יִצְחָק, וְאֵל יַעֲקֹב, יְהוָה, ה’ אֱלֹהִים גָּדוֹל גָּדוֹל וְהַנַּעֲרֹץ, ה’ אֱלֹהֵיהֶם עֶלְיוֹן, יְהוָה הָעוֹשֵׂה אֶת הַחֲסָדָה מְאֹד.

Notice three tiered rosary jewel crown of Saint Mary in heaven, with cross on top, the yellow and blue colors of flag of nation of Ukraine,

with first initial M, of our queen of heaven, coming down as a seed of truth into the ground of earth from heaven after our souls judged on last day by the lord Creator YHWH God, His Only Son Jesus Christ, and four throne angels Saint Peter as Ariel, the light of Christ as the One increasing, Saint Andrew as Gabriel, the Light of Christ as the One without a second[the announcer to Saint Mary of the continual every year [even every day some people believe]rebirth of her Son Jesus, YHWH Yeshua, our souls Saviour,

We humbly beseech Thy Majesty, blessed first called Apostle of Christ, older brother and hence following in the third turning of the Righteousness of faithful Truth of the Lord YHWH, Jesus Christ in us, O Lord YHWH EL Shaddai, who Jews place Tefillim the Long and outreached left hand of God stretching upward through the heart to the right shoulder and head crown Christ in heaven, toward the right hand of Saint James, archangel Michael,

O Lord YHWH Saint Peter, Saint John, Saint James, Jesus Christ beautify the most blessed Andrew, Man of God, I AM Christ the Eternal God in Heaven, with, continued grace of Apostleship and helpfulness to Jesus living in Heaven on Earth, here with us all, granting him the special gift, that by preaching the mystery of the Name of God YHWH as a Cross of Truth in Heaven and on Earth, that he should become one of the most true lovers of Thy Holy Cross, Jesus, YHWH Yeshua Jesus, YHWH, denying Himself that by sharing Thy sufferings in this life, he and those praying with him around the world, in the Ukraine and elsewhere, may obtain the happiness of attaining life everlasting [prayers from a Saint Andrew’s prayer card sold at lunch shop on top of Saint Peter’s Cathedral three years ago and also I think I purchased another one like it at visit to Saint Patricks across from Rockefeller center, New York, NY]

Raphael, the Light of Christ transforming itself inside of our souls as it heals [the healer the bridge]same person as Saint Moses sister Miriam I think,

not a coincidence I think, two keys to the gates of Heaven of Saint Peter, also other Apostles have them I think, containing two crosses on left and right

shoulder arms, with one cross of Jesus in shield in center as a bridge

over troubled waters. Possibly if he is still in charge up there and down here, He is praying with us and Saint Mary for the security and safety of the people of Ukraine as they heroically defend their country from the Russian’s.

Article #1108
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/10/2022 09:43:22 AM

Palm Sunday, Studying the Torah portion Bahir, in the mountain at end of book of Leviticus, Shema Israel, 
Blessing, uplifting, invoking, praising, glorifying God’s Name in it to help us pray with: יהוה שומר דלתות 
ישראל YHWH Guardian of the doors of Israel.Lord God YHWH, The most high God, Thou art God, and you 
are helping me and us be another of your Names, being that which we art, that who I AM.יהוה האל העליון 

The everlasting God,יהוה אלוקי עולם, the all sufficient God,יהוה אלוהים מספיק, the righteous God,יהוה ה’ 
הצדיק, you are helping the people ofUkraine, and us and me be strong and who we are and want to be to 
protect our people and our land. 

YHWH the One God,יהוה האל האחד,YHWH the faithful God and the God of Truth, the God who sees the 
Christ in us.יהוה האל הנאמן ואל האמת, האל הרואה את,המשיח בנו. 

YHWH, the awesome God, Immanuel,עמנואל,יהוה, האל האדיר, the awesome God, Immanuel you will help us 
please be who we are and you want us to be to help strengthen and protect our lives and the lands that 
which we need to defend 

Article #1109
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/11/2022 11:44:48 AM

continuation of the prayers for Peace in Ukraine and that Russia will stop invading there and return to 
Jesus in Moscow, prayers to 7 more of the 72 angels of the YHWH DIVIDED NAME of the small YHWH face 
of the uplifted Holy Name of the Messiah YHWH Christ Tree of Life mentioned in the book of revelations for 
the healing of the nations, yielding fruit every month of the year, in, uplifted in the hands of Moses helping 
God to part the Red sea and allow Israel to escape the Pharaoh of Egypt, and uplifted through the twelve 
tribes of Jacob, twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ: 

introductory prayer: Psalm 26:6 , “O, YHWH the habitation of Thy home, Thy house, and the place of 
abiding of Thy Honor.” 

Angel 49 name Uhuel, Bible Psalmes prayer verse, Psalm 145:3 Great is YHWH and greatly to be praised, 
and unto His greatness there is not an end.” 

Angel 50 Name Deneyael Psalm 145:8 “Merciful and gracious is YHWH, slow to anger and abounding in 

Angel 51 Name Kechasheiah Psalm 104:31 “The Glory of YHWH shall endure for ever, YHWH shall rejoice 
in His works.” 

Angel 52 Name Amamiah Psalm 7:17 “I will give thanks unto YHWh according to His righteousness, and I 
will sing Psalms unto the Name YHWH most hight.” 

Angel 53 Name Angel Psalm 119:75, “I have known, O YHWH that righteous are Thy judgements, and in 
faithfulness hast thou humbled me.” 

Angel 54 Name Nithael Psalm 103:19, “YHWH has established His Throne in Heaven, and His Kingdom 
ruled over us.” 

55th Angel Namsalm 102:12 “But, thou O YHWH,s hall endure forever, and Thy menorial from generation to 

Article #1110
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/13/2022 09:02:54 AM

Great mystery Ancient Christian Jewish oral Torah teachings tell us that good defines evil, evil defines 
good, but only if YHWH God exists in both and only good comes from good and evil from evil. 

@JoeBiden Maybe if God in us has now helped Ukraine, giving them the heavy weapons they need to 
retake Maripol and stop new Russian large scale combat offensive, Good will come from Good and evil 
Satan in Putin will just keep on being a loser. 

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Article #1111
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/13/2022 09:02:55 AM

Great mystery Ancient Christian Jewish oral Torah teachings tell us that good defines evil, evil defines 
good, but only if YHWH God exists in both and only good comes from good and evil from evil. 

@JoeBiden Maybe if God in us has now helped Ukraine, giving them the heavy weapons they need to 
retake Maripol and stop new Russian large scale combat offensive, Good will come from Good and evil 
Satan in Putin will just keep on being a loser. 

Article #1112
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/13/2022 09:02:55 AM

Great mystery Ancient Christian Jewish oral Torah teachings tell us that good defines evil, evil defines 
good, but only if YHWH God exists in both and only good comes from good and evil from evil. 

@JoeBiden Maybe if God in us has now helped Ukraine, giving them the heavy weapons they need to 
retake Maripol and stop new Russian large scale combat offensive, Good will come from Good and evil 
Satan in Putin will just keep on being a loser. 

Article #1113
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/13/2022 09:02:56 AM

Great mystery Ancient Christian Jewish oral Torah teachings tell us that good defines evil, evil defines 
good, but only if YHWH God exists in both and only good comes from good and evil from evil. 

@JoeBiden Maybe if God in us has now helped Ukraine, giving them the heavy weapons they need to 
retake Maripol and stop new Russian large scale combat offensive, Good will come from Good and evil 
Satan in Putin will just keep on being a loser. 

Article #1114
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/13/2022 03:29:07 PM

Something, that has life, a person, an animal, a plant, is good that can exist for its own sake apart from 
But, a person, or persons, who is originally good, having a purpose that they think is good and honorable, 
like Mr. Putim, can be evil, if when trying to exist for its, or their own sake, keeps trying to achieve what 
that purpose is, making mistake in trying to do it. 
If when trying to exist for its, or their own sake, keeps trying to achieve what that purpose is, making 
mistakes or even a single mistake in trying to do it, doesn’t admit them or it anddoesn’t ask God for help 
incorrecting them, like notstopping killing Ukrainians unnecessarily 
If such a person, like Mr. Putim and those in Russia following him, do not help YHWH God help those who 
have asked him for help, what do you think? Is YHWH God going to let the Russian army and Mr. Putim be 

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Article #1116
Subject: angels 56 thru 61
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/18/2022 05:20:41 PM

Angel 56, name Pulael, meaning supporting all things 

Blessed be Thou, You are praying with us: 
Psalm 145:14 YHWH upholdeth all who fall and fiftieth up all those who are down. 

Blessed be Thou, Angel 57 
Angel 57, name Nemanaiah meaning Loveable 
you are praying with us all, 

Psalm 115:11 Those, Ye, who fear YHWH, confide in YHWH, their help and their shield is He. 

Angel 58, name Yelleel, meaning hearer of cries, 
Blessed be Thou, you are praying with us, 
Psalm6:3 And, my soul hath been greatly troubled, and You, Thou, YHWH, how long. 

Angel 59, name Herachael, meaning permeating all things, 
Blessed be you, Thou, you are praying with us 
Psalm 113:3 From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, let the 
Name of YHWH be praised. 

Angel 60, name Metzrael, meaning raising up of the oppressed, 
Blessed be Thou, you, You are praying with us, 
Psalme 145:17 Righteous is YHWH in all of His ways, and Holy in all of His works.

Article #1117
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/18/2022 07:05:46 PM

Christ Messiah Moses, I have called you by your True God Name, that our YHWH God gave us to help bring 
us Ukrainians out of Moscow Russian rule from authoritarian tyrants like Pharoah, Purim whose name 
means An ra man of, breath of evil not An Re, Man of the Son, like SaintAndrew 

Christ Messiah Moses one leader of all Christian Jewish victories in Christ, raise up YHWH Gods strong 
and outreaches hand and sink Pharoah Putin’s chariot of fire command battleship not in Red Sea, but Black 
Sea. All Christian Jewish, YHWH Passover prayers please say Amen

Article #1118
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/25/2022 10:20:56 AM

61st Angel, Name Vamibael, meaning the name is over all 
Psalm 118:2 Let the Name of YHWH be praised from this time forth and for evermore. 

Angel 62, Name Iahahel, meaning supreme ens or essence 
You sing Psalm 119:159 See how I have loved Thy Precepts, O YHWH, in Thy mercy keep me alive. 

Angel 63, Name nghaneauel, meaning rejoicing, 
You sing Psalm 100:2 Serve YHWH with Joy, enter those who fear Him unto those who hope in His merry. 

Angel 64, Name Mochaiel, meaning vivifying 
you sing Psalm 32:18 Behold, the eyes of YHWH, is unto those who fear Him, unto those who hope in His 

Angel 65, Name Damabaiah, meaning fountain of wisdom 
you sing, Psalm 90:13 Return O YHWH how long! and repent Thee concerning Thy servants. 

Angel 66, Name Menqel meaning nourishing all 
you sing Psalm 38:21 Forsake me not O YHWH, my YHWH God be not far from me. 

Article #1119
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/26/2022 07:53:26 AM

Russian foreign minister Lavrov say that Nato is in effect at war with Russia. No, minister Lavrov, Russia by 
attacking Ukraine, starting the killing and awful war has made itself at war with NATO, and Ukraine a part of 
NATO, GeneralruleWhoeverstartsthewar is goingtolose thewar.

Article #1124
Subject: prayer for help
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/28/2022 12:16:19 PM

Hey, YHWH Jesus, When I woke up this morning 
You were on my mind 
And you were on my mind 
Hey I got troubles 
I got worries 
I got wounds to bind. song by Jay and Americans.Hey, YHWH Jesus, So I went to the corner 
Just to ease my pain 
I said, “Just to ease my pain” 
Hey I got troubles 
I got worries 
I came home again. 
See new Tweets 

Andrew W. Harrell 
Hey YHWH Jesus,I got a feeling 
Down in my shoes, I said 
“Way down in my shoes” 
I got to ramble 
I got to move on 
I got to walk away my blues.” Song my Jay and Americans. 
Hey YHWH Jesus, can you help us and the Ukrainians defeat the Russians” 
We, they, got to walk away my, their, blues 
Can you help us? 
But I woke up this morning 
You were on my mind 
You were on my mind

Article #1125
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/28/2022 05:00:17 PM

Hey YHWH Lilly of the Valley, I think, I know that we have found a prayer friend in our Son Jesus, the 
fairest of ten thousand, He and you are everything, to us, in Him alone we see, all we need to cleanse our 

Article #1126
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/28/2022 06:39:23 PM

Hey YHWH Lilly of the Valley, I think, I know that we have found a prayer friend in our Son Jesus, the 
fairest of ten thousand, He and you are everything, to us, in Him alone we see, all we need to cleanse our 

Article #1127
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 5/2/2022 11:07:43 AM

Angel 67, Aiael, your name means delights of the Sons of Man, 
you sing Psalm 37:4 Delight in YHWH, and He shall give the desire of my heart.” 

Angel 68Chabeoiah your name means most liberal giver 
sing Psalm 106:1 “O give thanks to YHWH, for He is good for His mercy endureth forever.” 

Angel 69 Rohael your name means behlolding all 
you sing Psalm 16:5 “YHWH is the portion of my inheritance and my cup, Thou maintains my lot.”

Article #1128
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 5/7/2022 09:26:48 AM

ansUkraine journalist Andrei on bbc news says big concentration of Russian troops tanks 20 battalions 
maybe 20000 people at Izyum outside of Kharkiv trying to encircle ukraine facing dombass. Ukraine 
troops counterattacking saying T90 tanks burn well. YHWH God is with you!

Article #1129
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 5/7/2022 12:35:06 PM

Conflicting news reports about moral stance of Vatican and 
wall st journal says he supports putim because of us war in Afghanistan, she’s not make sense. Other 
article says he has requested Russian orthodox bishop not to be Putin’s altar boy. Are both articles true? 
an the 
Can @Pontifex 
be a moral authority by playing both sides against each other. I don’t think so This did not work with Hilter 
and Stalin in WW2 I don’t think, it will work now, do you believe it will, it did 

Article #1130
Subject: cont.
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 5/7/2022 01:02:54 PM

Pope Saint Francis says criticizing Vatican in World war II what I AM saying does not make sense, since 
Ukrainians are not Hilter any more. Correct! Maybe we all need to pray to each of our God’s, hopefully the 
same One, YHWH Jesus YHWH together more to understand what to do?

Article #1134
Subject: end of 72 Angels parting the Red Sea, prayers
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 5/10/2022 01:30:01 PM

Angel 70 Your name is Yabamaiah meaning producing by His, YHWH’s word 

you sing Genesis 1:1-21 

“In the beginning Elohim[YHWH] created the substance of the Heavens and the Earth.” 

Angel 71 Your name is Hayiel meaning Lord of the Universe [Metatron] 

you sing Psalm 108:30 “I will give thanks to YHWH, Tetragramaton, greatly with my mouth., and in the 
midst of many I will praise Him 

Finally, for now, 

Angel 72 your name isMevamiah meaning the End of the Universe [briefly, for now] 

you sing Psalm 116:7 “turn unto Thy, YHWH’s Sabbath rest, O my soul, for Thy YHWH Tetragramaton 
rewardeth Thee.”

Messianic Christian Jewish, Jewish Rabbi Jason Sobel in his six sessions study guide “Mysteries of the Messiah” teaches gives us Christian Jews very helpful and wonderful teachings about how to be not only “Jews for Jesus” “Jesus for the Jews”, according to how He, our Lord Jesus, Jeshua Christ, was present already in our Father God YHWH’s Torah of the Old Testament, as well as we already know Him being the primary, if not the only guy giving us the New one.

  1. Finding Jesus in the Story of the Creation
  2. Finding Jesus in the story of the Patriarchs
  3. Finding Jesus in the stories of Joseph and Judah
  4. Finding Jesus in the Hebrew Seder YHWH I AM WHO I AM, I AM THAT I AM , I WILL BE ISRAEL WHO I WILL BE story of now, since Jason and I here in the next section on the seder and a lot of the Jesus for Jews people have declared him finally to be so a Christian Jewish Saint Moses
  5. Finding Jesus in the story of Ruth and Boaz And,

Right in this section a few teachings about how Jesus is in his Messianic Psalms 2, 16,22, 27, and 24.

My thoughts on this are also helped by the main Jewish teachings book on the Psalms that we use here are World HQ YHWH School of Christ, for praying them on our Holy Yearly Prayer Calendar liturgy at 3000 Drummond St.

“From your lips to God’s Ears” by Abraham Ebrahimoff

Psalm 2, Hebrews 1:5 Revelation 11:15 Psalm of Royalty written by David and Jesus, Yeshua with YHWH God’s help, subdivided into four parts

verses 1-3 the nations of the world shout out against YHWH God and His anointed YHWH Jesus, Yeshua

verses 4-6 YHWH God speaks to the nations

verses 7-9 David speaks of and relates to YHWH God’s words to him.

verses 10-12 David himself addresses the nations.

Psalm 16 A michtam, or golden engraving I think it means.

Verse 3 is found in the traditional Jewish teachings of the Ethics of the Fathers

Verse 8 Your words David, “ I have set YHWH before me always for surely, He is always at my right hand”…. Yes, I AM David, as long as you do this… Andrew’s teaching

Psalm 22 see Matthew 27:46 to learn how Jesus, Yeshua is connected in his life with this one, if you don’t know this already.. I think most everybody does by now…. Andrew’s comment

Psalm 24 about Victory in Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus Yeshua, hopefully with musical accompaniment, “Lift up your heads, enter the everlasting doors, the everlasting gates of entrance to eternity and the everlasting glory of Christ therein, deals with the crown of glory we get, up there, for praying with him on the cross that Jesus, Yeshua already has.

1 Peter 5:4 is talking about this mentioning our Chief Good Shepherd coming back to help us.

verses 7-10 are found in the daily standing, Amidah, Jewish Christian prayer service.

May the Lord bless you and keep you Christ Messiah King David, and all your descendants, blood and spiritual, raise the Christ face of his glorified, sanctified, Holy Name upon, you, with grace and loving kindness, and place His Peace that passes all understanding in high places in your soul [one of the main parts of our own Christian Jewish soul] now and even forever, Eternally. Please say Amen fellow prayers of this prayer, every month of Nissan[April and May this year, Roman calendar] on our Calendar. Thank you for praying this with me. Andrew

Here is what the some of the inscriptions on the bricks say,

  1. what I AM and YHWH is you must be.
  2. Yes, we can see God and be the best.
  3. When God is Twelve His heart is well, YHWH Raphael
  4. When God is you and me YHWH Raphael
  5. May Peace prevail upon this earth

visit and pray with me at 3000 Drummond in order to

read the rest of the bricks in the picture.

Jewish Christian Passover Easter Seder Area at YHWH School of Christianity World HQ 3000 Drummond St. how sweet it is, Jesus, believing trusting in you on the cross today, knowing that if every year we keep doing this, some year we shall exchange praying with you and YHWH on a cross up there with loving you, praying with a crown on you and us up there…Andrew

For our teachings on the Passover Seder, see the Passover Easter 2020 parts i, and ii blogs in this amateur theological blog website postings. Also, transliterations and translations of a lot of what its in the different Jewish Haggadahs in at the Passover Haggadah Easter/Passover 2008 postings in the blog archive.

This Passover Seder we watched Jason Sobel’s celebration of it using his own Christian jewish, Jewish Christian Haggadah Seder teachings on the Christian Jewish TV network. His recently published new york times best seller book Aligned with God’ appointed times also has a lot of good information, we could not have written it any better or even as good as he has.

We Christian Jews consider the Last Supper of Jesus Christ as His last Seder with Jews until He came again for second time, I believe, as Vernon Padgett in 1946, Swamis Sivananda and Chidananda before that, also certainly many more following after Him, as Christ Jesus, YHWH Jesus YHWH after our original Saviour YHWH Jesus was resurrected on the spot of the Holy Sepulchar Jerusalem Israel…..Abraham Lincoln and the original St. Francis, and as Saint Andrew, Saint Moses, Saint Peter, Saint James, Jim Freeman, Saint John, Saint John Paul II, Saint Anne, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Saints Rachel and Rebecca my Mother Virginia Calohan, Father Gordon Harrell, Saint Jacob Great Grandfathers Saint Abraham, A Judson Gordon and William Monroe Calohan, and in me in 1948 in a pre-next millennial sense, to reestablish State of Israel and institute current Jewish Christian Seder theological helping His Father God YHWH make Christianity and Judaism more One Religion, liturgically, which it has always been actually and always will be of course.

Celebrating Passover every year is foundational to Christian Judaism, it is one of the main if not the main Jewish Holy Days during our liturgical Jewish Torah, Bible years. It begins with the magid the telling of the story of the remembrance of our ancestors exodus out of Egypt. One of its main purposes is to make disciples of Judaism and Christianity. Going back to the year 1446 BC, the Hebrew people were plagued by the Egyptians and trapped in slavery for several generations. God heard their cries and sent our man, Saint Moses to set us free. “Go Down Moses, 1st giving of the Ten Commandments, [then 2nd giving and later on the way to the promised land 3rd giving of from the top of the mountain, in the mountain “Behar” 3rd giving of the Torah, the oral Kabbalah part, and famous beginning of the Kabbalah] YHWH said to him and us later representing Him and Moses, and us. Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, means to “skip over”, referring to the angel of death doing this after the Hebrew households were marked by the lamb’s blood, three times over the arches of their doorways. For us Christians, of course, These three markings also refer back to the three crosses on Calvary where our Jesus Christ, Yeshua, as some Jews call him was lifted up, raised up on the last day in YHWH Christ, in order to die, and be resurrected on the third day in YHWH Christ and save us all from sin and death. Wow, what an accomplishment ! I don’t think anybody else has done as much for all of mankind, humankind, Judaism, Christianity, all other religions, as He has, do you?

The Matzah bread we eat that day and for seven days afterwards to the exclusion of any other type is unleavened and helps us remember the day in which we came out of the land of Egypt all the days of our lives.

The Four Cups of Salvation during the Seder meal symbolize the four promise YHWH God made to the people of Israel in exodus 6:6-7.

“I AM the Lord YHWH, and I YHWH will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egqytians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched army and with mighty acts of judgement and wonder. I will take you as my own people, and I YHWH will be your God. Then you will know that I YHWH, I AM the Lord YHWH your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians” NIV

First cup: cup of salvation “YHWH says to us I will bring you out”, we respond “YHWH God please make us Holy and set us apart for your plans and Holy purposes for our lives”

Second cup, cup of deliverance, also known as the cup of plagues “YHWH God and Christ says I will free you” We remember that God did not just redeem us, He redeemed us with great signs and great wonders.

Third cup, cup of redemption, “YHWH God says I will redeem you”, we are reminded of Jesus Christ on the cross, Yeshua on the Cross, the three times the blood of the Passover Lamb of YHWH God Christ was placed above our doorposts, that we placed and put on the doorposts of our houses.

Fourth Cup, cup of acceptance or thanksgiving, “YHWH God said, I will take you as my own people” we, Christians and Jews, should now say this thankfullness over the Psalms of praise known as Hallel [that as is said in the main Kaddesh prayers said at the beginning and end of all Jewish praying hopefully, and also at funerals, and more, that your great Name should be blessed, held up strongly, lifted up, glorified, brought out, saved, redeemed, praised Holy, ‘Halleled’. in us and the world now and forever.”

These four promises of our YHWH God and also from His Son, His Christ, Jesus, Yeshua to us counteract the Pharaoh four decrees that attempted to hurt us

  1. He will try and make our lives bitter with hard labor ex. 4:14
  2. He will try and kill our sons ex. 4:22
  3. He will try to cast every one of our sons born into the river ex. 4:22
  4. He will not give us any more straw to make bricks ex. 5:7


Is it possible that our YHWH God is a mathematician, and loves numbers? I think so, and if you study the Old Testament Torah, which is also can be a New Testament I believe, and study the liturgy of the Jewish Holy Days, you will believe this too.

The number four is very important in the Torah, for there are four letters recursively atilt consonant letters in His Holy Tetragrammaton Primary Creative Name, Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh. So, considering this in the YHWH School of Christianity we say that “When YHWH God is Four, His Truth is More”… After saying when YHWH God is One, His Truth is One, When YHWH God is Two His Truth is Two, and When It is Three[ which stands for YHWH God’s Head] [also Jason points out that Yeshua’s ministry on earth was 3 and 1/2 years,His time in the tomb was 3 days, and He lived 33 years]It is You! and after this saying, When YHWH God is Five, His Truth is Alive, When it is Six, His [or Her] Truth is Fixed, and When It is Seven, We are in Heaven[His or Her Truth in us and Him being completed and perfect then]

Jason points out in his book on the holidays, that the number four also epitomizes exile and redemption.

Considering all of this its clear that the four cups of us experiencing different realities with Him in the seder service, refer to the physical, emotional, spiritual exiles we and he experienced and also, refer to the Babylonian exile, Persian, Greek, and Roman exiles, I think.

Jason with YHWH God’s help, a God of creation, redemption, salvation, through the experiences he gives us, affords us in World History, is teaching us as Christian Jews, Jesus/Yeshua as the Passover Lamb in the seder service, came to undo these four aspects of spiritual, emotional, mental, physical exile. that began when we sinned in the garden of eden. Enoch, son of Noah, was the first man of Christ to be redeemed after this state of original sin exile, then Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Elijah, Jesus Christ, I believe, with his birth, death on the cross, and resurrection from this, completed the redemption process, We, I and He also believes through faith.

And, as a result He, Jesus Christ, has become for us a greater Moses, a greater prophet than him, whom God has seen face to face, and whom the Lord YHWH God sent to perform for us, now and then, all the signs and wonders that Moses did in the land of Egypt.

35th Day of the Omer Count Chol Hamaad teachings:

reproduced here from 2019 trip to Southern Italy Theological Blog

35th day of the Omer count
(Chol Hamoad)

Malkuth of Hod (Kingship of obedience)

Song and praise

Bible verses corresponding to the Holy Spirit’s 13 corrections to the 13
attributes of the long face of the name of God (the Father) Micah 7:18-20 and
Exodus 34:6-7
Note: these corrections (tikkuns) have to do with our human faith and hope in
God (as exemplified in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, the Messiah Ben
Joseph) as opposed to our human love of God as exemplified in King David and
his Son the Messiah Ben David the short face of the name of God (Zeir Anpin)

Clearly, the best way to know our Messiah face to face, whether we are talking about the Messiah Ben David [in the Psalms], the Messiah Ben Moses [His brother Aaron, the prophet Elojah, the prophet and leader of Israel Joshua], or the Messiah Ben Joseph [Jesus human Son of YHWH and Mary], they are all the same Person we Christian Jews believe now maybe finally, is to come forward in a Protestant, Catholic, Jewish Church and accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour, Redeemer, Helper, Mighty King rulering over us in Heaven, and be quizzed by a Priest or Protestant Baptist Pastor on whether your beliefs about Him conform to Mr. Calvin’s and most Buddhists four steps in how to know Him.

. Then study His Eternal Gospel Words [He is himself, His life, death, resurrection, the fulfillment of those Words as an Eternal Helper, Knower of them in us as threefold person of Certain Truth Holy Spirit, Lord the giver of how to have and live life Eternal and our help and enabler to know Him as an everyday Friend also]

The layout and format of the way these verses are translated is taken from the wonderful little booklet “Tashlich and the Thirteen Attributes” in the Mesorah Arts Artscroll series of Orthodox Jewish Prayer books.

Corrective verse || original verse || Hebrew

1) “Who, is a God(El) who is like unto You ?|| “YHWH, YHWH, El”||
2)”Who pardons iniquity” || “Merciful” || Rachom
3)”and overlooks transgressions”|| “and Compassionate”|| v’chanon
4)”for the remnant of his heritage?” ||“slow” || erech
5)”who has not retained his wrath eternally”|| “to anger” || apaym
6)”for He desires kindness*!”|| “and abundant in kindness” ||v’ rav chesed
7)”He will again be merciful** to us;”|| “and Truth” ||v’emet
8)”He will suppress our iniquities***”|| “preserve of kindness”|| notzer
9)”and cast into the depths of the sea all their sins****.”|| “for thousands
ofgenerations”|| l’elpaym
10)”Grant Truth to Jacob”|| “forgiver of iniquity”|| naso aon
11)”kindness to Abraham*****”|| “transgression” || v’pasha
12)”As you swore to our father******” ||“and sin” ||v’chatah
13)”from ancient times*******”|| “but not all”|| v’naqah

(erasing them with oneness)
*and delights in mercy
**compassionate, for he is like the apple tree among the trees of the wood R.
Shimon Zohar
***cancel the judgements of fate,karma,bad luck against us. R.
Elazer Zohar
****where only the sea turtle (turtledove) and the trident of Neptune can
retrieve them R. Aba Zohar
***** and to all those who love the Messiah and fear the Lord God there is no
love longer than its neighbor R. Jehuda Zohar
****** for we all live in the same world and share the same air and have
equal right and ability to breath it R. Shimon Zohar
******* “Be ye perfect, even as our Father in Heaven is perfect” Jesus

What does it mean to be a “real Jew”? According to many Jews it means to
have a Jewish mother and to meditate on the Hebrew Letters in the Torah,
by use of whichGod created the Universe.

According to Saint Paul, Romans 2:28-29 “For the real Jew is not
the person who is one outwardly, nor is circumision that
which outwardly evident in the flesh. But, the real Jew is one who is
so in secret,and real circumcision is one which is of the heart, wrougth
by the Spirit, and not the letter, and the communications
such a person receives comes not from human beings, but from God.”

Thus, in this famous passage St. Paul has redefined what it means to
meditate on God inwardly (ie, one doesn’t receive the revelation from
the Torah by mediating on the Hebrew letters of the Kabbalah, but from
meditating on love and truth within the human heart.

I believe God allows St. Paul’s definition of what a Jew is to be truthfu.
But I also believe that there is not just definition of what a Jew is (just
like there
is not just one definition of what a Chrsitian is. Therefore, I do not
the Jewish Sabbath to be “outdated” as most Christians do. But, I have
much benefit from practicing the Jewish Law as a Christian and I think many
other Christians can also receive these benefits.

So, below the Biblical teachings refer to the original Hebrew letters,assuming
this will provide us with wisdom, undrstanding,blessing just as the later
Christian/Greek translation can.

Bible verses corresponding to the Holy Spirit’s 9 corrections to the 9
attributes of the short face of the name of God (the Father) Psalms 118:5-9
and Numbers 14:18
Note: these corrections (tikkuns) have to do with our human faith and hope in
God (as exemplified in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, the Messiah Ben
Joseph) as opposed to our human love of God as exemplified in King David and
his Son the Messiah Ben David the short face of the name of God (Zeir Anpin)

Corrective verse ||original verse || Hebrew

1) “In distress, I called upon YAH?”|| YHWH,slow || YHWH Erech
2)”With abounding relief YAH answered me”|| “to anger” || Apaym
3)”YHWH is with me” || “abundant in kindness” || v’rav chesed
4)”I do not fear.” || “bearer of iniquity” || notzer avn
5)”What can man do to me” || “and transgression” || v’pasha
6)”YHWH is for me through my helpers” || “he erases” || v’ nkach
7)”So I shall see the downfall of my enemies.” ||“and he does not erase” ||lo
8)”It is better to take refuge in YHWH” || “he accounts the iniquity of the
fathers” || poker aonabot al’bnaym
Than to rely on man
9”It is better to take refuge in YHWH.”|| “to the third generation and fourth
generations” || al shaloshaym than to rely on
|| v’al rbaym

According to the Kabbalah (Zohar) taking both of these blessings/corrections
together we have the mysterious 22 letter form of the name of God.
The order of the meditations and comtemplations contained in this name comes
from the Aaronic Priestly benediction given in the book of numbers as
explained (only partially) in the Zohar passage corresponding to the Torah
reading of Naso. It is a threefold-contemplation of the passage of God’s
grace three times from the heavens downward to earth. Each passage
corresponding to one of the three sections in the blessing as the name of God
YHWH is written and directed through 22 letters (the mystery is what are
these 22 letters?) that are referred to in the Torah passage. The
word “letters” when it is mentioned in Jewish writings usually refers to the
22 consonants, not the vowels, in the Hebrew language. So, I assume what we
are to think about as placed inside our fingers are 22 consonants that are
contained in this passage. There are twelve consonants corresponding to the 3
times the name of God YHWH occurs in the passage so that , just as we have
ten fingers on our two hands, the passage means that we being men of God are
to look for ten other consonants that these twelve consonants which refer to
God, refer to in the passage. We see that the occurances of the consonants
aleph, vav and yod (which are important in Old Testament Kabbalistic
interpretation… the aleph being important as representing a beginning in an
end…a letter which contains the vav and yod inside of inside and generates
recursively a tree of meaning. yod being important as representing the ten-
fold subjective heavenly form of biblical realization of truth or reality in
the objective world we live in, and the vav being important as representing
the six-fold throne or Son of God inside of the lower earthly realms and also
being capable of recursively and mathematically generating itself fruitfully
as a metaphysical comptemplation of itself*) count up to ten (three in the
first verse, four in the second, and three in the third verse). So, for
myself this is how I interpret these teachings.

Another possible approach to understanding what the mysterious 22-letter name
of God inside of the priestly blessing means which also follow the above
interpretation about the point of the 12 consonants of YHWH is to take these
twelve consonants in the three verses as the root letters of the blessing and
then pair them up which each of the remaining consonants of the Hebrew
alphabet as they occur multiplying in the three verses. For example, we see
that the letter Beth, which is a mental House of God Consciousness, is
blessed one time in the first verse…1 (“May YHWH bless you”). We see that
the letter aleph, which represents …as mentioned above, an end in a beginning
and a beginning in an end, is blessed by YHWH twice in the second verse (“May
YHWH illuminate His countenance toward you” and “May YHWH endow you with
grace”) and and twice in the third verse 1+4 (“May YHWH lift His countenance
to you and establish Peace for you.”). We see that the letter Koh, which
represents God grace reaching out through us through His hand inside of us
being blessed by YHWH one time in the first verse (“May YHWH bless you.”)
1+4+1 . We see that the letter nun, which represents faith, is blessed by
YHWH twice in the second verse (“May YHWH illuminate His countenance upon you
and endow you with grace.”). 1+4+1+2..We see that the letter Peh, which
represents the breath of God blessing us as we speak His words that He wants
us to speak to others through our mouths being blessed by YHWH one time in
the second verse (“May YHWH illuminate His countenance upon you”) and one
time in the third verse (“May YHWH lift His countenance to you”).
1+1+4+2+2=10 And, we see that one can contemplate the consonant Shin as being
blessed metaphysically and in multiple dimensions by the consonants YHWH.
This happens one time in the first verse (“May He guard you”) and also three
times in the third (May He support His Truth in you and place…put…His peace
inside of you”) 4. We see that the letter Resh, which represents in both
Sanskrit and Hebrew eternal completion of Truth is blessed by YHWH twice in
the first verse (“May YHWH bless you and keep you’) , and once in the second
verse (“May YHWH illuminate His countenance toward you and endow you with
grace”) 4+3 We see the letter watery consonant Mem representing Moses
himself (remember to think about it as a mathematical recursive function)
is blessed by YHWH once in the first verse (“May YHWH guard you.”), twice in
the third verse (“May YHWH establish Peace inside of you”) 4+3+3 And,
finally, we see the letter lamech which represents the tantric fullness of
God’s world of creation placed inside of His heavenly earth dwelling at the
root of His spiritual body in us occurs three times in the last verse (“May
YHWH lift His countenance to you and establish Peace inside of you”
4+3+3+3=13 the number of attributes of God,meditated in the Biblical prayer
verses given above, which we can know.

And, finally we have the initial consonant letter hyat which occurs once in
the second verse (“May YHWH illumnate His countenance to you and endow you
with grace”) and the final consonant letter Khaf=500 which is the completion
and contains within itself divine life Heh=5, divine faith nun=50
500+50+5=555 and represents the mystical formation of the priests two hands
held upperward and directing divine light as a sword of Truth spiritually in
us and God’s world’s of creation occurring in the present moment around us
both inwardly and outwardly as the total process of mental contemplation,
breathing, movement of the body carefully and mindfully places the blessing
inside of us eternally and temporally. Each hand of the priest is composed of
five fingers which help separate mentally the five metaphysical realms of
tantric creation. The letter Khaf occurs, significantly six times… twice in
the first verse (“May YHWH bless you and guard you”), twice in the second
verse (“May YHWH illuminate His countenance to you and endow you with
grace”), and twice in the third verse (“May YHWH lift His countenance to you
and establish Peace inside of you” 1+2+2+2=7

So, considering the 12 consonant letters of YHWH occurring in this blessing
and the 30 consonant letters which YHWH blesses we have a total of 42
blessing letters in the 42 letter blessing of the name of God in the Bible
verses above. Thus, combining these thoughts with those from the ana b’korach
prayer in this Shavuous omer count, this meditation is a new unification of
the 22 letter name of God with the 42 letter name of God. May it help both
Christians to understand Messianic Judaism and Messianic Jews to understand

In the Naso chapter of the Zohar which explains how the three-fold in three-
fold Aaronic priestly benediction is to be meditated on using YHWH the four-
letter name of God there is also the explanation of how the name of God YHWH
with the vowels of a..o…ai (Adonai which is written as Yod Yod…reality
inside of reality in the Amidah prayerbooks is to be contemplated:

One considers the four-letter name of God YHWH with the vowels and consonants
Yud-Vav-Dalet, Hei-Yud, Vav-Aleph-Vav,Hei-Yud while saying and contemplating
the first verse (May YHWH bless you and keep you). The thought process here
is held in the spiritual body of the priest in the right shoulder region
(compassionate side of the mercy of God) aligned to the right of the third
Yogic throat chakra center. Then, contemplating the second verse (May YHWH
illuminate his countenance toward you and endow you with grace) one
contemplates the name of God YHWH as being Eheyeh, Eheyeh, Eheyeh (I AM who I
AM, I will be who I AM, I AM that I AM)…this the redemptive part of the
righteousness of God expressing itself as its Holy Spirit of Truth manifests
inside and around the spiritual body of the believer passing before us all as
a second redemptive time around the throne of God (the second coming of
Christ), Then, contemplating the third verse one gazes downward toward the
4th Yogic heart chakra (collective realm of God’s Truth inside the priest’s
spiritual body) and mentally pronounces and meditates on the name of God YHWH
with the vowels and consonants Yud-Vav-Dalet,Hei-Aleph,Vav-Aleph-Vav,Hei-
Aleph. The uniting of the name of God expressed in the first and third verse
(May YHWH lift His countenance to you and establish Peace inside of you)
through it being expressed inside of real person in the second verse is the
how the name of God Adonai participates in the blessing of Aaronic priestly

In orthodox Judaism, these blessings also are given by the Aaronic priest
during the Tashlich service which occurs before Rosh Hashanah every year. At
this time of the year, as we stand near a body of water to say them, the
emphasis is more on correction through the casting away of our sins instead
of the creation occurring during the festival of the “end of the world”
(tantric olam) and the laying out of the boundaries of the new one. This
festival of “first fruits”of new creation in Christ is mentioned both in the
Old and New Testaments as an important one.

For all those Christians and Jews who have understood the highest and best
teachings referred to above about the Aaronic blessing

Be still and know that: “I AM He who is living, but was dead” Book of

welcome to our world of a new creation which is:

the concept of a concept:

An end (or purpose) inside of a beginning,
A beginning (or meaing of a purpose) inside of an end (or purpose).

“An end of the eternity (of the necessity of our future hope),
Which occurs in us at the end of our own faithful thoughts from a world of
desire in our past.”

I AM He who is living, but was dead
* see elsewhere in the (now at blog for a discussion about
some interpretations and thought relative to considering the forms of the
Hebrew consonants as ‘autiots” when they occur in the first chapter of

Tweets of @AndrewWHarrell May 27,2020

Thanks to President Trump for showing up at NRA convention, today, praying, asking for God’s help, for Robb school victims, reading their names, making some positive suggestions about what to do now, how to improve things so this doesn’t happen any more. Some good points.

Don’t agree with a lot of what he said…part saying that all previous proposals of Democrats, common sense bans on assault weapons for civilians wouldn’t have helped. If the troubled shooter hadn’t been able to buy an AR-17, it would not have happened! 19 children still alive

Excuse me, I should have said former president Trump. But, despite being as shamefully political as he accused Biden was, and trying to con us all by not mentioning a ban on AR-17 would have prevented this horrible tragedy, he still is, a long way from having us trust him anymore

June 2 ,2022 on YHWH School of Christianity Prayer Calendar;

Study Old Testament Book Song of Songs,  Jesus has been

Risen up on the Cross and descended back down into us:

 Give Thanks

@AndrewWHarrell on Twitter

Good Morning, Great Britian, YHWH God, St. Andrew, St. Mary, Jesus as Christ find themselves praying today with someone named Elizabeth, on her 100th Jubilee a birthday a Christmas in Christ, a Queen, a star of the New Evangelism (English Episcopal Church). God Bless My Dearie


Christian who practices Judaism... Buddhism... Yoga... listens to the Quran and studies Hinduism. The most important thing to know about learning to climb mountains is that when you get to the top you haven't "beaten the mountain". Too many of us don't make it for us not to say that the "mountain beat us." Interests: Hiking and jogging, mountain climbing, chess, piano, piloting small planes, cooking, meditation, yoga, stretching, reading math and philosophy books. Favorite Books: Bible, Upanishads, and the Torah interests: hiking and jogging, mountain climbing,chess,piano, piloting small planes, cooking. meditation, yoga, stretching, reading math and philosophy books.