Summiting Mt. President, When the Roll is Called Up Yonder

Saint Andrew’s Day November 30,2006/Kislev 8 5767
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The three other climbers who summitted Mt. President 8/25/95
Paul from Maine, a friend, and his wife.

4 views in 4 directions from the top of Mt. President
clockwise from the upper left:
1) East
2) North showing the mountain Diny was so inclined on that day to name as Gordon
3) West
4) South
“May he or she who places Peace in high places in us,
place Peace in you.” Jewish Prayer/Blessing

“Under certain circumstances, truth can be considered as invariance under change of notation.” teaching in philosophy and mathematical logic

Parable about Two
Mountain Climbing Souls
Who previously were Angelic Spirits
Part V

“For the bread of God is he who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the World.”
John 6:33, see also Exodus 3:12,15;4:12, Jeremiah 23:6, Matthew 1:21,23, Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:68-79

“Blessed (happy and to be envied, spiritually wealthy with eternal life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor [for they are in a state in which the born again child of God enjoys and finds salvation, regardless of his outward conditions]) are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake (for being and doing right), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:10,11

Jesus Christ

Jewish thanksgiving prayer after meals during the eight days of Hanukkah

“We give thanks to you,Dear Lord (who is blessed and whom we bless) for the miracles, for the mighty deeds and deliverances, and for the battles you fought for us in those days in this season… You in your great mercy stood up for our fathers in their time of trouble. You fought their battle, judged their case, avenged their cause. You delivered the strong into the hand of the weak, the many into the hand of the few, the unclean into the hand of the pure, the wicked into the hand of the righteous, and the arrogant into the hand of those who keep your Word…” Translation of the Laws of Chanukah from the Shulchan Arukh by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

Blessed art thou O Master of Creation…may it be during this time of the year in your Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that the few defeat the many, the weak defeat the strong,and the pure the impure.
[for Jesus’s teaching about this see the Gospel of John, chapter 18 33-37, for St. Francis’ teaching in this regard, he is right now praying with us during Hanukkah/Christmas that love will defeat hate, hope despair,faith distrust,the desire to forgive that to take revenge. Along with them, I commend unto you the Word of God and the Love of Christ for both of our successes (victories in Christ) in this life, see, for example, the complete text of Psalm 103, Amplified Bible]

In a time right now, but also long ago and yet to be, there were two mountain climbing souls who previously were angelic spirits. One was a male soul called Love (who listened patiently to the other) and the other was a female soul called Truth who talked a lot,(for truth was stronger than love , most of the time). And one day God (Wisdom and Understanding inside of humankind) said, There will be times when you neither know who you are or who others are.” “Then, at those times, you will have to be me and I you and they us. Then, you will have to find Righteousness with the help of faith, patience, and joy. So, they agreed to follow this advice. And, so they did! Righteousness kissed faith and said to faith, “You create my righteousness.” And, faith kissed righteousness and said to righteousness, “You create my faith.” They roped up, put on the climbing spikes (crampons) on their boots and headed up the glacier. Slowly they climbed the rope up the ice wall at the head of the glacier, and then sloshed through the deep snow drifts in order to reach the mountain’s top. On the way, they remembered the wise teachings they had been taught by God (you might want to see and read some of theearlier posts on this blog) and “low and behold”, one day, finally Joy showed up, as if from out of nowhere. “Who are You? Where did you come from”, they said. “I belong to all of you. I come from inside of you and all those who patiently and faithfully wait and trust in the Lord, Our God, to be the One that helps them and sees the Christ in them”, she replied. Then, with her help, they pulled themselves up over the bergstrund [a series of dangerous crevices at the place where a mountain glacier reaches its top]. They slushed through the deep snowdrifts up there and finally made it up to a small and narrow ledge on top the mountain of God inside of them (where there was a clear view of those parts of the Earth and the Heavens that God has created for us). There they stayed for a short time and had a beautiful and wide ranging panoramic view of the whole area. From up there everything somehow appeared right after all. And, on the way back down to bring God’s good news to all of humankind two rainbows appeared for them to walk over [the two rainbows appear when the two promises corresponding to both of God’s two truths (one of faith and one of reason, one which is personal and one impersonal) are fulfilled inside each of us and all of us.]

Please note: This story both begins and ends with a blessing for Peace as
all good Jewish prayers should.


Christian who practices Judaism... Buddhism... Yoga... listens to the Quran and studies Hinduism. The most important thing to know about learning to climb mountains is that when you get to the top you haven't "beaten the mountain". Too many of us don't make it for us not to say that the "mountain beat us." Interests: Hiking and jogging, mountain climbing, chess, piano, piloting small planes, cooking, meditation, yoga, stretching, reading math and philosophy books. Favorite Books: Bible, Upanishads, and the Torah interests: hiking and jogging, mountain climbing,chess,piano, piloting small planes, cooking. meditation, yoga, stretching, reading math and philosophy books.