February March 2023 Trip to Southern Caribbean, Easter Passover, Ramadan, 3rd Parachute jump in Colorado

February March Trip to the Southern Caribbean, Panama Canal, Ft. Lauderdale, New Orleans to revisit the city and study again the wondelful MS Tiverside Holecaust walkaround prayer memorial discussed in 2018 blog.

April Easter Palm Sunday, Jewish Passover Prayers discussing 15 step Hebrew Haggadah and Seder Procedure from previous 2009 blog , Holy Trividum of Catholic Lent Prayrs, Good Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Prayers, Shavuous Pentecost Prayers for with Calohan Harrell family, Academy for Future Science, Unity School of Christianity, Prime Minister of Ukraine, New York DA and Supreme Court Judge, President and First Lady Biden, Prime Minister of Israel.

Been studying the Keys to the Book of Enoch study series at Academy for Future Science for about two years now. It, the Book of Enoch I believe is entirely consistent with our Protestant King James Bible, also Catholic Bible of St. Jerome, earlier work the Greek Septuagint, and much later Jewish Kabbalah works, eg. Zohar, Sephirah Yetzirah (Jewish Book of Creation and Formation about Book of Genesis), and all present day translations, and original Hebrew versions of the Torah. Of course, the Book of Enoch or Keys to the Book of Enoch is not a complete theology in itself, but it is a mathematical (ie. One that believes numbers are real Platonic entities instead of only formal epistemological ideas, fake news so to speak, as now hopefully God is Dead Christian and Jewish Logical Positivist Theologians of the 1940s and 50s

Taught). It teaches, I think, how present day Christian science metaphysics and theology, solely a religion of natural science, but a spiritual science of contemplative meditation using of One YHWH JESUS YHWH Mystical ( ie quantum consciousness Truth as a 5 dimensional relatiy indwelling us as a Holy Spirit and Trinitarian Personal Name of God) and is consistent with this theology as some of us Christian Jews, Jewish Christians are teaching it nowadays in this new Millennium of Christ already come, Christ now, and Christ yet to come.

It teaches how the Name of God I AM YHWH CHRIST JESUS, JESUS CHRIST Blesses us and protects us

How He will be who He will be.

To Bless someone means to bring them into our consciousness, to be Blessed by God or someone means for us to be brought into theirs.


THIS IS CONSCIOUSNESS, REALITY, LOVE. The very nature of His or Her NAME reflecting that possibility,a and knowing it as internal and external, external and internal corresponsce between two realities, two truths, as One truth  in our consciousness, brings it into our shared and individual consciousnesses as it becomes who we are and IT, HE, OR SHE  IS.

Once this consciousness, our consciousness is brought in His (YHWH or JESUS’), or Her’s (ST. MARY’s already indwelling us their DIVINE Light surrounds our HUMAN BEING, and the power of this Omniscient light, the mindfulness and faith of the possibility and truth of knowing it protects us from misunderstanding, failures, and wrong intentions.

It is this way that the Name of God YHWH, YHWH Himself dwelling in us as the knowledge of His or Her Name indwelling us all and each of us reveals unto us that His, or She is TRUTH, GOODNESS, AND BEAUTY (THE REFLECTANCE OF GOD’S GLORY AND GOODNESS IN US AS GRACE (HIS LOVE GIVING TO US), AND TRUTH.

The concept of three concepts, Truth, Beauty, Goodness inside of each other as concepts of concepts form an important part of what the “concept of a concept” is, if in fact it is anything inside of us.


Each of them needs them all, and all of them need each of them.

Beauty if controlled grace (Leonardi D’Vinci) which is a loving reflection of the Divine Concept of Divine Truth indwelling us humans.

Truth is partly, formly a correspondence between what is and what is (Aristotle) but it can be more than this if God indwells in Eternally, it can be ourselves inside of ourselves and Him inside of Himself realizing Itself as Divine Glory and Holiness Eternally.

Goodness is what is desirable for Its own sake (Aristotle). Thus in order for it to be a reflection of itself indwelling us as Beauty it needs Truth. And, in order for it to be love that gives (grace and glory), it needs for us to desire it, so when we realize it as Truth we will know that it is Good,  No,….?

For Divine Truth in order to be, become a correspondence in us has to have in us a motivation (as an end in a beginning an a beginning in an end)for us to want to have faith in its potential for realization. This is where Goodness can help us to want to allow Truth in us. So to sum up in order for it to be, that is have existence and is-ness it should it, it must in fact be know as a conceptual and concept of a concept good.

This happens as the Name of God is being gracious and truthful unto us and lifting up His countance, face upon us in order to place His or Her Peace in High places as a Holy Spirit Indweling us Eternally as Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Truth of Itself continuing Itself inside of us as we live Eternally Forever.

These three great ideas as my long time prayer friend, Dr. Mortimer Adler has called them

Existing inside of how we can, we must know God’s Name YHWH as existing as Truth inside of us

Humanly, and when God’s Name YHWH becomes One as Truth in us they must also exist inside of, along with, this Truth, both Divinely and Humanly.

It this Truth, Beauty, Goodness all there is to God and His Name YHWH.

No, not by a long shot!

In order for God’s Name to be One inside of us it has to be understood both

Faithfully and righteously as Truthful Oneness, and in One Way, as one Person

(in fact as Three Persons in One and One in Three, and even Three in Four and Four and


 and Individuality in each of us.

And all of us.

Figure 2 Keys of Enoch Light Superscript arrangement of Twelve YHWH ELOHIM CREATION DEITES, with 4 THRONE ARCHANGELS OF YHWH in Center I AM WHO I AM FORMATION, vision from 1983, 2018 while praying with Saint John Paul II, Mother Teresa,  Jim Freeman and Martha Smock of Unity School of Christ, my Mother Virginia Calohan Harrell, Father Gordon Harrell, and others

The trouble with not taking the Book of Enoch as Canonical Holy Divine Scripture along with the main other 66 books of the Bible is we are leaving out the Jewish Kabbalah teachings of how 

YHWH God, a Good with four consonant letter parts and three vowels is a Three in Four and Four in Three Divine Knowledge of our Father God’s YHWH Name Indwelling us as Divine Truth.

I asked a fellow Christian theologian on the Holland America Cruise who was swimming with the Dolphins in Curaco Venzuela with us, why he didn’t think God wants us now to help Him unify Judaism and Christianity some more. ..  He said he believed that the 66 books of the Old and New Testament were all that he wanted to believe as inspired and necessary for us(and our salvation).  Of course he didn’t mentioned that they may be enough for our salvation, but not enough to help God complete His great plan of unityng both religions which are worshipped now not with exactly the same Name expressed in Christian Biblical and Jewish Biblical Scripture…. In English YHWH for us Christian Jews, and the more familiar Latin Name Dominus in

Roman Catholic liturgy and earlier Greek and Latin translations of the Bible.

To be gracious is to give loving kindness and mercy to others. God, YHWH GOD, YHWH JESUS CHRIST AND ST. MARY GOD is Love. He or She is more than just the wisdom or spiritual understanding as knowledge of Himself or Herself inside of one person. It is happening right now inside of all as the foundation of how we know things Divinely and Humanly, as a process by which wisdom, understanding or knowledge knows Itself and is shared as knowledge between two or three or more people.

It is in this way that God, YHWH God, YHWH JESUS GOD


Palm Sunday April 2, 2023.. Hosanna to the Name of God YHWH LORD JESUS CHRIST, 
 sustains  with knowledge of Himself or Herself as joy, love, faith, hope. Praise be God,

The Name of God indwelling our souls in this way Eternally, Forever.

How does the Name of God after He has lifted His face up upon us, turn His face unto in order to give us us peace and truth as spiritual understanding of Himself or Herself indwelling

Our souls Eternally?

We are not just men and women, people of God.

We are living representative of God toward others.

This is what happens when God turns His living towards us,

Raises us up on the last day and rotates the knowledge of Himself or Herself

As an overwatching Presence, Guiding us and Helping us in the Seven Heavens

Above and inside of this very earth as Christ Jesus, not a different Christ Jesus, but

The same One and Only forever Christ Jesus that first walked the earth 2000 years ago, on which  we stand before Him or Her today.

When we can say to God I AM THAT I KNOW OF YOU YHWH GOD, I AM THAT I AM then each of us is a part of Him and He of us. This knowledge others as God as we lift it up and serve it inside of ourselves brings Peace into high places in our souls.

It is in this way that God, YHWH God gives us the spiritual gift of His freedom in Christ, equality in Christ Jesus, righteousness in Christ, justice in Christ Jesus indwelling us through enlightened spiritual knowledge  to all of humankind of His Holy Spirit indwelling us

Dominus JESUS CHRIST in Latin and He who come in IT, bearing IT, the King of Israel, 
in Jerusalem and also bearing it in Rome, India, england, Ukraine, US, for Gentiles all 

over the World 

The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue that I may know how to speak to the weary, 

a word that will rouse them.. He is my help that I am not disgraced, I have set my face 

like flint, knowing that i shall not be put to shame.. Isaiah 50 4-7 

I shall not hide the face of my Son, Jesus, YHWH JESUS from you, I AM the Eternal God, 

Be still and know that I YHWH JESUS CHRIST AM ONE side of each of you and all of us. 

Hosanna, Hosanna, Save us now LORD YHWH JESUS CHRIST, Please YHWH God 

have mercy on us, 

Save us now, Hosanna in the highest, Blessed are you who comes in the Name of God 


Open up all ye Gates of the Seven Heavens, in Jerusalem and all around the world… 

that the King of Glory, YHWH JESUS CHRIST, may come in.. 

Who is the King of Glory? He who is YHWH JESUS CHRIST, 

the King of Mercy,Lord YHWH JESUS CHRIST have mercy on us, 

Kyrie Eleison, Psalm 24 

This year Passover Easter Week comes together with Palm Sunday, Sunday, Passover starting Good Wednesday Night, Passover on Good Thursday, and Good Friday on the Friday before Easter.

Last month after my wondelful Carribean Cruise Vacation out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL I flew to New Orleans to stay in the Hotel Mazarin for three days before returning by Amtrak to Jackson, MS and Vicksburg, after exploring around for two days I happened to walk over to the business district side of Canal St. to visit the Musuem of Southern Jewish History and St. Patrick’s Cathedral Catholic archdiocese center.  

Some Christian Jewish teachings taken from the 2009 YHWHSCHOFCHRIST/YHWHSCHOFCHRIST travel blog

We ask the question at the question at the Seder table

“Why is this night different from all other nights?”


1) “On all other nights we eat leavened bread or matzah, on this night only matzah.”
2) “On all other nights we eat herbs of any kind on this night only bitter herbs.”
3) “On all other nights we do not dip herbs even once”
4) “On all other nights we sit or recline, on this night we recline.”

February March Trip to the Southern Caribbean, Panama Canal, Ft. Lauderdale, New Orleans to revisit the city and study again the wondelful MS Tiverside Holecaust walkaround prayer memorial discussed in 2018 blog.

April Easter Palm Sunday, Jewish Passover Prayers discussing 15 step Hebrew Haggadah and Seder Procedure from previous 2009 blog , Holy Trividum of Catholic Lent Prayrs, Good Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Prayers, Shavuous Pentecost Prayers for with Calohan Harrell family, Academy for Future Science, Unity School of Christianity, Prime Minister of Ukraine, New York DA and Supreme Court Judge, President and First Lady Biden, Prime Minister of Israel.

Been studying the Keys to the Book of Enoch study series at Academy for Future Science for about two years now. It, the Book of Enoch I believe is entirely consistent with our Protestant King James Bible, also Catholic Bible of St. Jerome, earlier work the Greek Septuagint, and much later Jewish Kabbalah works, eg. Zohar, Sephirah Yetzierah (Jewish Book of Creation and Formation about Book of Genesis), and all present day translations, and original Hebrew versions of the Torah. Of course, the Book of Enoch or Keys to the Book of Enoch is not a complete theology in itself, but it is a mathematical (ie. One that believes numbers are real Platonic entities instead of only formal epistemological ideas, fake news so to speak, as now hopefully God is Dead Christian and Jewish Logical Positivist Theologians of the 1940s and 50s

Taught). It teaches, I think, how present day Christian science metaphysics and theology, solely a religion of natural science, but a spiritual science of contemplative meditation using of One YHWH JESUS YHWH Mystical ( ie quantum consciousness Truth as a 5 dimensional relatiy indwelling us as a Holy Spirit and Trinitarian Personal Name of God) and is consistent with this theology as some of us Christian Jews, Jewish Christians are teaching it nowadays in this new Millennium of Christ already come, Christ now, and Christ yet to come.

It teaches how the Name of God I AM YHWH CHRIST JESUS, JESUS CHRIST Blesses us and protects us

How He will be who He will be.

To Bless someone means to bring them into our consciousness, to be Blessed by God or someone means for us to be brought into theirs.


THIS IS CONSCIOUSNESS, REALITY, LOVE. The very nature of His or Her NAME reflecting that possibility,a and knowing it as internal and external, external and internal corresponsce between two realities, two truths, as One truth  in our consciousness, brings it into our shared and individual consciousnesses as it becomes who we are and IT, HE, OR SHE  IS.

Once this consciousness, our consciousness is brought in His (YHWH or JESUS’), or Her’s (ST. MARY’s already indwelling us their DIVINE Light surrounds our HUMAN BEING, and the power of this Omniscient light, the mindfulness and faith of the possibility and truth of knowing it protects us from misunderstanding, failures, and wrong intentions.

It is this way that the Name of God YHWH, YHWH Himself dwelling in us as the knowledge of His or Her Name indwelling us all and each of us reveals unto us that His, or She is TRUTH, GOODNESS, AND BEAUTY (THE REFLECTANCE OF GOD’S GLORY AND GOODNESS IN US AS GRACE (HIS LOVE GIVING TO US), AND TRUTH.

The concept of three concepts, Truth, Beauty, Goodness inside of each other as concepts of concepts form an important part of what the “concept of a concept” is, if in fact it is anything inside of us.


Each of them needs them all, and all of them need each of them.

Beauty if controlled grace (Leonardi D’Vinci) which is a loving reflection of the Divine Concept of Divine Truth indwelling us humans.

Truth is partly, formly a correspondence between what is and what is (Aristotle) but it can be more than this if God indwells in Eternally, it can be ourselves inside of ourselves and Him inside of Himself realizing Itself as Divine Glory and Holiness Eternally.

Goodness is what is desirable for Its own sake (Aristotle). Thus in order for it to be a reflection of itself indwelling us as Beauty it needs Truth. And, in order for it to be love that gives (grace and glory), it needs for us to desire it, so when we realize it as Truth we will know that it is Good,  No,….?

For Divine Truth in order to be, become a correspondence in us has to have in us a motivation (as an end in a beginning an a beginning in an end)for us to want to have faith in its potential for realization. This is where Goodness can help us to want to allow Truth in us. So to sum up in order for it to be, that is have existence and is-ness it should it, it must in fact be know as a conceptual and concept of a concept good.

This happens as the Name of God is being gracious and truthful unto us and lifting up His countance, face upon us in order to place His or Her Peace in High places as a Holy Spirit Indweling us Eternally as Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Truth of Itself continuing Itself inside of us as we live Eternally Forever.

These three great ideas as my long time prayer friend, Dr. Mortimer Adler has called them

Existing inside of how we can, we must know God’s Name YHWH as existing as Truth inside of us

Humanly, and when God’s Name YHWH becomes One as Truth in us they must also exist inside of, along with, this Truth, both Divinely and Humanly.

It this Truth, Beauty, Goodness all there is to God and His Name YHWH.

No, not by a long shot!

In order for God’s Name to be One inside of us it has to be understood both

Faithfully and righteously as Truthful Oneness, and in One Way, as one Person

(in fact as Three Persons in One and One in Three, and even Three in Four and Four and


 and Individuality in each of us.

And all of us.

Figure 2 Keys of Enoch Light Superscript arrangement of Twelve YHWH ELOHIM CREATION DEITES, with 4 THRONE ARCHANGELS OF YHWH in Center I AM WHO I AM FORMATION, vision from 1983, 2018 while praying with Saint John Paul II, Mother Teresa,  Jim Freeman and Martha Smock of Unity School of Christ, my Mother Virginia Calohan Harrell, Father Gordon Harrell, and others

The trouble with not taking the Book of Enoch as Canonical Holy Divine Scripture along with the main other 66 books of the Bible is we are leaving out the Jewish Kabbalah teachings of how 

YHWH God, a Good with four consonant letter parts and three vowels is a Three in Four and Four in Three Divine Knowledge of our Father God’s YHWH Name Indwelling us as Divine Truth.

I asked a fellow Christian theologian on the Holland America Cruise who was swimming with the Dolphins in Curaco Venzuela with us, why he didn’t think God wants us now to help Him unify Judaism and Christianity some more. ..  He said he believed that the 66 books of the Old and New Testament were all that he wanted to believe as inspired and necessary for us(and our salvation).  Of course he didn’t mentioned that they may be enough for our salvation, but not enough to help God complete His great plan of unityng both religions which are worshipped now not with exactly the same Name expressed in Christian Biblical and Jewish Biblical Scripture…. In English YHWH for us Christian Jews, and the more familiar Latin Name Dominus in

Roman Catholic liturgy and earlier Greek and Latin translations of the Bible.

To be gracious is to give loving kindness and mercy to others. God, YHWH GOD, YHWH JESUS CHRIST AND ST. MARY GOD is Love. He or She is more than just the wisdom or spiritual understanding as knowledge of Himself or Herself inside of one person. It is happening right now inside of all as the foundation of how we know things Divinely and Humanly, as a process by which wisdom, understanding or knowledge knows Itself and is shared as knowledge between two or three or more people.

It is in this way that God, YHWH God, YHWH JESUS GOD


Palm Sunday April 2, 2023.. Hosanna to the Name of God YHWH LORD JESUS CHRIST, 
 sustains  with knowledge of Himself or Herself as joy, love, faith, hope. Praise be God,

The Name of God indwelling our souls in this way Eternally, Forever.

How does the Name of God after He has lifted His face up upon us, turn His face unto in order to give us us peace and truth as spiritual understanding of Himself or Herself indwelling

Our souls Eternally?

We are not just men and women, people of God.

We are living representative of God toward others.

This is what happens when God turns His living towards us,

Raises us up on the last day and rotates the knowledge of Himself or Herself

As an overwatching Presence, Guiding us and Helping us in the Seven Heavens

Above and inside of this very earth as Christ Jesus, not a different Christ Jesus, but

The same One and Only forever Christ Jesus that first walked the earth 2000 years ago, on which  we stand before Him or Her today.

When we can say to God I AM THAT I KNOW OF YOU YHWH GOD, I AM THAT I AM then each of us is a part of Him and He of us. This knowledge others as God as we lift it up and serve it inside of ourselves brings Peace into high places in our souls.

It is in this way that God, YHWH God gives us the spiritual gift of His freedom in Christ, equality in Christ Jesus, righteousness in Christ, justice in Christ Jesus indwelling us through enlightened spiritual knowledge  to all of humankind of His Holy Spirit indwelling us

Dominus JESUS CHRIST in Latin and He who come in IT, bearing IT, the King of Israel, 
in Jerusalem and also bearing it in Rome, India, england, Ukraine, US, for Gentiles all 

over the World 

The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue that I may know how to speak to the weary, 

a word that will rouse them.. He is my help that I am not disgraced, I have set my face 

like flint, knowing that i shall not be put to shame.. Isaiah 50 4-7 

I shall not hide the face of my Son, Jesus, YHWH JESUS from you, I AM the Eternal God, 

Be still and know that I YHWH JESUS CHRIST AM ONE side of each of you and all of us. 

Hosanna, Hosanna, Save us now LORD YHWH JESUS CHRIST, Please YHWH God 

have mercy on us, 

Save us now, Hosanna in the highest, Blessed are you who comes in the Name of God 


Open up all ye Gates of the Seven Heavens, in Jerusalem and all around the world… 

that the King of Glory, YHWH JESUS CHRIST, may come in.. 

Who is the King of Glory? He who is YHWH JESUS CHRIST, 

the King of Mercy,Lord YHWH JESUS CHRIST have mercy on us, 

Kyrie Eleison, Psalm 24 

This year Passover Easter Week comes together with Palm Sunday, Sunday, Passover starting Good Wednesday Night, Passover on Good Thursday, and Good Friday on the Friday before Easter.

Last month after my wondelful Carribean Cruise Vacation out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL I flew to New Orleans to stay in the Hotel Mazarin for three days before returning by Amtrak to Jackson, MS and Vicksburg, after exploring around for two days I happened to walk over to the business district side of Canal St. to visit the Musuem of Southern Jewish History and St. Patrick’s Cathedral Catholic archdiocese center.  

Some Christian Jewish teachings taken from the 2009 YHWHSCHOFCHRIST/YHWHSCHOFCHRIST travel blog

We ask the question at the question at the Seder table

“Why is this night different from all other nights?”


1) “On all other nights we eat leavened bread or matzah, on this night only matzah.”
2) “On all other nights we eat herbs of any kind on this night only bitter herbs.”
3) “On all other nights we do not dip herbs even once”
4) “On all other nights we sit or recline, on this night we recline.”

Figure 2

Taking off from Paducah KY., 2009  flying back down, overlooking lakes

In Northern Tennessee, to Jackson, MS in a Cessna 182

 View is from 7000’ altitude of Lake Barkley (shown below the Cumberland River which proceeds toward Nashville, TN) 88 deg. 28 ‘ long. 36 deg. 48’ latitude.

“Well I look o-ver Jordan and what did I see,
Com-in’ for to car-ry me home?
A band of an-gels a-com-in af-ter me,
Com-in’ for to car-ry me home.

Swing low, sweet char-i-ot,
Com-in’ for to car-ry me home.”

From “Favorite Spirituals by Ear” by Madonna Woods, Davidson’s music

Taken from a OurPrayerGroup.blogspot.com posting 2007

The 15 steps of the Passover Seder
(forming a Jacob’s ladder from heaven to earth)
First three

3)karpas 2) urachatz
(vegetables, wash hands)

Second three

6)rachtzah 5)maggid 4) yachatz
(wash hands,tell story, break middle matzoh)

Third three
8)maror 9) matzah 7)motzyaa matzah
(bitter herb, bread of life, grace before meal)

Fourth three
12)tzaphun 11)shulchan arayrech 10)koraych
(eat middle matzah, eat meal, bitter herb sandwich)

Fifth three
14)hallayl 15) nirtzah 13) baraych
(praise to God, prayer for acceptance, grace after meal)

Blessed is the One*

The joy that is in this song proceeds from my mouth to thank, to praise, to glorify my creator.

Haray…nay m’zamen et pay l’hodot ul’halayl ul’shabe..ach et bor’ee.

Baruch shamar v’hayah holam. Baruch Hu.

Blessed is the One by whose speech the world came to be. Blessed is he.

Baruch oseh b’raysheet.

Blessed is the One who creates everything.

Baruch omayr v’oseh.

Blessed is the One who creates by speaking.

Baruch gozayr vm’kayaym.

Blessed is the One who sustains by decreeing.

Baruch m’rachaym al ha…retz.

Blessed is the One who has mercy on the earth.

Baruch m’racharm al hb’rayyot.
Blessed is the One who has mercy on all creatures

Baruch m’shalaym shachar tov leerayav

Blessed is the One who rewards those who fear him.

Baruch chay lad v’kyam l’ne…tzach.

Blessed is the One who lives forever and endures for all eternity.

Baruch phodeh vmatzeel. Baruch sh’mu.

Blessed is the One who saves by redeeming. Blessed is his name.

* here are some thoughts and comments on this wondelful prayer, gained after many years of praying it: Among many of the purposes and benefits of this prayer
it helps us better understand how our faith is “The light of the One increasing”.
The One God in this prayer is undivided, but he is also an individual inside
of multiplicity. He speaks as well as acts. That is he does what he says, acting by speaking (decreeing). He has created all of us…and, he is compassionate to us all as different types of beings. Thus, when we dedicate
the merits of our own actions to the glorification and sanctification of his name, we are at the same time dedicating them for the benefit of “all sentient beings.” We have preserved in him the name of a responsible person that we can dedicate the merit of our work to… not just an absolute consciousness inside of us all. Our God is both the “Totum Bonum” (total good) and the “Summum Bonum” (highest good). This prayer affirms that, for us, he cannot have one of these titles and purposes without the other; and not the other without this one.
He or she who has God’s love in their heart and knows the total good that God has placed in our souls and spirits…they are themselves a source and blessing of his or her hope and this Good unto others.
He or she who has God’s love in their heart and knows the highest good that God has placed in our souls and spirits…they are themselves a source and blessing of his or her faith and this Good unto others


See also, eg the many previous thoughts and reflections upon conducting these services in this set of amateut theological blogs published online at yhwhschofchrist over the last 25 years, and also

Discussionboard and prayers subdirectory postings at the same URL.

This year I used the wondelful illustrated and translated with Hebrew and English Haggadah

“The Schocken Passover Haggadah” edited by Nahum N. Glatzer, One of my other favorites 

Is the One by Elie Wiesel which he published in the 1990s I think.

Also, this year in which Passover and Easr occurred miraculously in sequence

We all were blessed to have the Christian Television network TBN give us a two

Hour special with Rabbi Jason Sobel, who has written the book “Aligning with God’s 

Appointed time in which he and his Christian evangelist pastor partner Shawn

Rein acted the Jewish Seder as Jesus would have conducted it, along with Kabbalistic

Discussion of its relation to name of God Christian Jewish Protestant KJV of the Bible YHWH Jewish mysticism which currently is banned from our

Catholic liturgy by ruling in Vatican 20 or 30 years ago according the Academy of Future Science

Discussion about Keys of Enoch, is that not true, Drs. Hurtak?  Pope Francis, I am sending

A letter about this to you, along with $50 contribution to Vatican Bank if you 

To pray with me some more, about this and other things.  Would be so kind to please confirm yes or no this is the case?

I have been conducting seders in my home first at 555 Monet Dr. Rockville, MD and 3000 DRUMMOND ST VICKSBURG, MS on and on most years. Sometimes alone, sometimes with family members, neighbors friends I have invited to the services  since 1981. I have obtained maybe 15 to 20 different orthodox, reform, conservative Haggadah teaching books to use during them, studied them, learned how to use them and the rules to obey to conduct a seder while using them and with the help of my constant 3-fold. 3-Person Divine YHWH JESUS YHWH friend, Saints, angels and friends. Inside of these guests to the services  who I have noticed following me around, helping me learn how to do it, since I got Bar-Mitzahed as a Jew 1989 by a Jewish Rabbi bookstore owner in Washington, DC, meet Jesus Christ who was living on the streets in Washington DC at the time and didn’t have a place to stay praying with him and Bible studying with him in a Methodist Church in Bethsaida around 1988 I think, invited him to live and stay with me saved as an evangelical Christian after coming forward to confess sins in a Baptist Church in Rockville, MS, Catholic Church, St. Raphaels,  1981, confirmed as a Liberal Protestant Methodist in Vicksburg, MS 1962 I think, Baptised there around 1954 I think.

The hands, their position, attitudes are very important contemplative prayer tools during the Seder services.  Some older Menorah from European and more ancient Jewish Hanukah Messianic Christian prayer lights are made in the form of three sets of five fingers holding up the

7 Menorah lights.

During the Haggadah teachings during the 15 steps of conducting the service

We reflect on how YHWH God’s long fingers of his one hand reflected in our two hands

Supported by His “long and outreached arms” are related to the 10 plagues, and how

The prophet Elijah (being the third member of the Trinity at this point of the service

Blesses protects and administers justice for us after we open the door to let him

In at one point in the service after saying first two parts of the Hallel, and close the door later

Before saying the last two parts of the Psalms in the Hallel, and also the Great Hallel

Psalm verses. The reality of Jewish Kabbalah Numeric correspondences which go back

To the Book of Enoch angel mathematical theory are also referred to at some points,

Eg. The Song “Who knows One [ and also 1,2,3… counting forward]” Ehad Gadya 

And “One Little Kid[ sung counting backwards] sung after the fourth of the four

Cups of Wine, drunk in family situation at a table while reclining, observing Our Messiah’s body and blood dying, passing over our souls metaphysically, coming back down to Earth as our Spirits are reborn from the Eternal Seed of Christ living forever inside of us, as He promised St. Andrew, the Lord of Hosts, after the prophet Elijah I believe, for a while back then, as he was himself crucified in Greece and then became head of Eastern Orthodox Christian world at the beginning centuries of Christianity in Greece, Turkey, Neo-Platonistic Coptic Book of Enoch and Book of Jeu, Egypt later, and centuries later than that helped the Crusaders retake Jerusalem from which these lost teachings were later brought by them to the Mason’s in England and elsewhere, 1790s I think,would have, signifying,  Sanctification of US Divinely, Bringing Out of us Egypt for Freedom

Due to God’s help, Redeeming US during out long wanderings into Promised Land of Israel 

And Jerusalem, and finally Deliverance, or taking us into God’s overwatching

Presence’s Protection their by defeating our enemies, adversaries trying to keep us

Out of the Promised Home of Eternally Blessed and Protected Heaven on Earth there.


“Let this holy communion be to me, O God, a beginning of better things, as if only now I began to know Thee. Let me now and henceforth forsake that which has tempted me. Let me now and henceforth do those things that I have perceived to be of Thy will for me; by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and the intercession of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”
“Take away from us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, all our iniquities, and the spirit of pride and arrogance, which Thou resisteth, and fill us with the spirit of fear, and give us a contrite and humble heart, which Thou dost not despise; that we may be enabled with pure minds to enter into the Holy of Holies: through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen

By coincidence it was St. Patrick’s Day, In New Orleans, LA this year, and they were having their service and Communion and Irishman of the year award to be presented by the archbishop. I walked into the right side of the cathedral in order to pray with the priests and people of this archdiocese, mine on this Holy Day and found myself facing the archbishop as he blessed everyone during the service and gave communion to those approved to receive it. Here are some prayers from the very helpful “Celebrating the Eucharist” Liturgical Press booklet given out to pray with us.

“Our Family Prayer”

Loving and faithful God, through the years the people of our arcvchdiocese have appreciated the prayers and love of Our Lady of Prompt 

Succor in times of war, epidemic and illness. We come to yu, Father, with Mary our Mother, and ask you to help us in the battle of today against violence, murder and racism.

We implore you to giave us your wisdom that we may build a community founded on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people.

Bless parents that they may form their children in faith. Blesss and protect our youth that they may be peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have lost loved ones through violence.

Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human dignity in our community.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, our Lady of prompt Succor, hasten to help us. Mother Henriette Delille pray for us that we may be a holy family.

Thursday of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Thursday)

Entrance Antiphon Galatians 6:14

We should glory in the Cross of our Lord YHWH JESUS CHRIST,

In whom is our salvation, life and resurrection through whom we are saved and delivered.

Reading I  Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 printed here in KJV Hebrew

Hebrew OT – Transliteration – Holy Name KJV

Shemot / Exodus 12

1 The beginning of the year is changed. 3 The Passover is instituted. 11 The rite of the Passover. 15 Unleavened bread. 29 The firstborn are slain. 31 The Israelites are driven out of the land. 37 They come to Succoth. 43 The ordinance of the Passover.

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל־מֹשֶׁה וְאֶל־אַהֲרֹןבְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִם לֵאמֹר 12:1 waYomer y’hwäh elmosheh w’elaháron B’eretzmitz’rayim mor 12:1 ¶ And Yähwè יָהוֶה 3068 spake 559 z8799 unto x413Möšè מֹשֶׁה 4872 and ´Ahárön אַהֲרֹן 175 in the land 776 ofMixrayim מִצרַיִם, 4714 saying, 559 z8800
הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁיםרִאשׁוֹן הוּא לָכֶם לְחָדְשֵׁי הַשָּׁנָה 12:2 hachodesh haZehkhem rosh chódäshiymrishôn  khem l’chäd’shëyhaSHänäh 12:2 This x2088 month 2320 [shall be] unto you the beginning 7218 of months: 2320 it x1931 [shall be] the first7223 month 2320 of the year 8141 to you.
דַּבְּרוּ אֶל־כָּל־עֲדַת יִשְׂרָאֵל לֵאמֹרבֶּעָשֹׂר לַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה וְיִקְחוּ לָהֶם אִישׁשֶׂה לְבֵית־אָבֹת שֶׂה לַבָּיִת 12:3 DaB’rû elKäládatyis’räël mor Beäsorlachodesh haZeh w’yiq’chûhem iysh seh l’vëytävot sehlaBäyit 12:3 ¶ Speak 1696 z8761 ye unto x413 all x3605 the congregation 5712 of Yiŝrä´ël יִשׂרָאֵל, 3478 saying, 559z8800 In the tenth 6218 [day] of this x2088 month 2320 they shall take 3947 z8799 to them every man 376 a lamb, 7716according to the house 1004 of [their] fathers, 1 a lamb7716 for an house: 1004
וְאִם־יִמְעַט הַבַּיִת מִהְיֹת מִשֶּׂה וְלָקַחהוּא וּשְׁכֵנוֹ הַקָּרֹב אֶל־בֵּיתוֹ בְּמִכְסַתנְפָשֹׁת אִישׁ לְפִי אָכְלוֹ תָּכֹסּוּ עַל־הַשֶּׂה 12:4 w’imyim’aţ haBayitmih’yot miSeh w’läqach ûsh’khënô haQärov elBëytôB’mikh’šat n’fäshot iysh l’fiyäkh’lô TäkhoŠû alhaSeh 12:4 And if x518 the household 1004 be y1961 z8800 too little 4591 z8799 for the lamb, 7716 4480 x1961 let him x1931and his neighbour 7934 next 7138 unto x413 his house 1004take 3947 z8804 [it] according to the number 4373 of the souls; 5315 every man 376 according y6310 to x6310 his eating 400 shall make your count 3699 z8799 for x5921 the lamb. 7716
שֶׂה תָמִים זָכָר בֶּן־שָׁנָה יִהְיֶה לָכֶםמִן־הַכְּבָשִׂים וּמִן־הָעִזִּים תִּקָּחוּ 12:5 seh tämiym zäkhärBenshänäh yih’yeh khemminhaK’väsiym ûminiZiym TiQächû 12:5 Your lamb 7716 shall be x1961 without blemish,8549 a male 2145 of the first 1121 year: 8141 ye shall takey3947 z8799 [it] out x3947 from x4480 the sheep, 3532 or fromx4480 the goats: 5795
וְהָיָה לָכֶם לְמִשְׁמֶרֶת עַד אַרְבָּעָהעָשָׂר יוֹם לַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה וְשָׁחֲטוּ אֹתוֹכֹּל קְהַל עֲדַת־יִשְׂרָאֵל בֵּין הָעַרְבָּיִם 12:6 w’häyäh kheml’mish’meret ad ar’Bääh äsäryôm lachodesh haZehw’shächáţû otô Kol q’hal ádatyis’räël Bëyn ar’Bäyim 12:6 And ye shall keep 4931 x1961 it up until x5704 the fourteenth 702 6240 day 3117 of the same x2088 month: 2320and the whole 3605 assembly 6951 of the congregation 5712of Yiŝrä´ël יִשׂרָאֵל 3478 shall kill 7819 z8804 it in 996 the evening. 6153
וְלָקְחוּ מִן־הַדָּם וְנָתְנוּ עַל־שְׁתֵּיהַמְּזוּזֹת וְעַל־הַמַּשְׁקוֹף עַל הַבָּתִּיםאֲשֶׁר־יֹאכְלוּ אֹתוֹ בָּהֶם 12:7 w’läq’chû minhaDämw’nät’nû alsh’Tëy haM’zûzotw’alhaMash’qôf al haBäTiymásheryokh’lû otô hem 12:7 And they shall take 3947 z8804 of x4480 the blood,1818 and strike 5414 z8804 [it] on x5921 the two 8147 side posts 4201 and on x5921 the upper door post 4947 of x5921the houses, 1004 wherein x834 they shall eat 398 z8799 it.
וְאָכְלוּ אֶת־הַבָּשָׂר בַּלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה צְלִי־אֵשׁ וּמַצּוֹת עַל־מְרֹרִים יֹאכְלֻהוּ 12:8 w’äkh’lû ethaBäsärBaLay’läh haZeh tz’liyëshûmaTZôt alm’roriymyokh’lu 12:8 And they shall eat 398 z8804 x853 the flesh 1320 in that x2088 night, 3915 roast 6748 with fire, 784 and unleavened bread; 4682 [and] with x5921 bitter 4844 [herbs] they shall eat 398 z8799 it.
אַל־תֹּאכְלוּ מִמֶּנּוּ נָא וּבָשֵׁל מְבֻשָּׁלבַּמָּיִם כִּי אִם־צְלִי־אֵשׁ רֹאשׁוֹ עַל־כְּרָעָיו וְעַל־קִרְבּוֹ 12:9 alTokh’lû miMe ûväshël m’vuSHälBaMäyim Kiy imtz’liyëshroshô alK’rääyw’alqir’Bô 12:9 Eat 398 z8799 not x408 of x4480 it raw, 4995 nor sodden y1310 z8794 y1311 at all x1311 x1310 with water, 4325but x3588 x518 roast 6748 [with] fire; 784 his head 7218 withx5921 his legs, 3767 and with x5921 the purtenance 7130thereof.
וְלֹא־תוֹתִירוּ מִמֶּנּוּ עַד־בֹּקֶר וְהַנֹּתָרמִמֶּנּוּ עַד־בֹּקֶר בָּאֵשׁ תִּשְׂרֹפוּ 12:10 w’lotôtiyrûmiMeNû adBoqer w’haNotärmiMeNû adBoqer ëshTis’rofû 12:10 And ye shall let nothing x3808 of x4480 it remain3498 z8686 until x5704 the morning; 1242 and that which remaineth 3498 z8737 of x4480 it until x5704 the morning 1242ye shall burn 8313 z8799 with fire. 784
וְכָכָה תֹּאכְלוּ אֹתוֹ מָתְנֵיכֶם חֲגֻרִיםנַעֲלֵיכֶם בְּרַגְלֵיכֶם וּמַקֶּלְכֶם בְּיֶדְכֶםוַאֲכַלְתֶּם אֹתוֹ בְּחִפָּזוֹן פֶּסַח הוּאלַיהוָה 12:11 w’khäkhäh Tokh’lûotô mät’nëykhem cháguriymnaálëykhem B’rag’lëykhemûmaQel’khem B’yed’khemwaákhal’Tem otô B’chiPäzônPešach  layhwäh 12:11 ¶ And thus 3602 shall ye eat 398 z8799 it; [with] your loins 4975 girded, 2296 z8803 your shoes 5275 on your feet, 7272 and your staff 4731 in your hand; 3027 and ye shall eat 398 z8804 it in haste: 2649 it x1931 [isYähwè‘sיָהוֶה 3068 passover. 6453
וְעָבַרְתִּי בְאֶרֶץ־מִצְרַיִם בַּלַּיְלָה הַזֶּהוְהִכֵּיתִי כָל־בְּכוֹר בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִםמֵאָדָם וְעַד־בְּהֵמָה וּבְכָל־אֱלֹהֵימִצְרַיִם אֶעֱשֶׂה שְׁפָטִים אֲנִי יְהוָה 12:12 w’ävar’Tiy v’eretzmitz’rayim BaLay’läh haZehw’hiKëytiy khälB’khôr B’eretzmitz’rayim ädäm w’adB’hëmäh ûv’khälélohëymitz’rayim eéseh sh’fäţiymániy y’hwäh 12:12 For I will pass y5674 z8804 through x5674 the land776 of Mixrayim מִצרַיִם 4714 this x2088 night, 3915 and will smite 5221 z8689 all x3605 the firstborn 1060 in the land 776of Mixrayim מִצרַיִם, 4714 both man 120 x4480 and beast;929 and against all x3605 the ´élöhîm אֱלֹהִים 430 ofMixrayim מִצרַיִם 4714 I will execute 6213 z8799 judgment:8201 I x589 [amYähwè יָהוֶה. 3068
וְהָיָה הַדָּם לָכֶם לְאֹת עַל הַבָּתִּיםאֲשֶׁר אַתֶּם שָׁם וְרָאִיתִי אֶת־הַדָּםוּפָסַחְתִּי עֲלֵכֶם וְלֹא־יִהְיֶה בָכֶם נֶגֶףלְמַשְׁחִית בְּהַכֹּתִי בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם 12:13 w’häyäh haDämkhem l’ot al haBäTiym ásheraTem shäm w’räiytiy ethaDämûfäšach’Tiy álëkhem w’loyih’yeh khem negefl’mash’chiyt B’haKotiB’eretzmitz’räyim 12:13 And the blood 1818 shall be x1961 to you for a token 226 upon x5921 the houses 1004 where x834 ye x859[are]: and when I see 7200 z8804 x853 the blood, 1818 I will pass 6452 z8804 over x5921 you, and the plague 5063 shall not x3808 be x1961 upon you to destroy 4889 [you], when I smite 5221 z8687 the land 776 of Mixrayim מִצרַיִם. 4714
וְהָיָה הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה לָכֶם לְזִכָּרוֹן וְחַגֹּתֶםאֹתוֹ חַג לַיהוָה לְדֹרֹתֵיכֶם חֻקַּתעוֹלָם תְּחָגֻּהוּ 12:14 w’häyäh haYômhaZeh khem l’ziKärônw’chaGotem otô chag layhwähl’dorotëykhem chuQat ôlämT’chäGu 12:14 And this x2088 day 3117 shall be x1961 unto you for a memorial; 2146 and ye shall keep 2287 z8804 it a feast2282 to Yähwè יָהוֶה 3068 throughout your generations;1755 ye shall keep it a feast 2287 z8799 by an ordinance 2708for ever. 5769

Psalms Chapter 116 תְּהִלִּים

א  אָהַבְתִּי, כִּי-יִשְׁמַע יְהוָה–    אֶת-קוֹלִי, תַּחֲנוּנָי.1 I love that the LORD should hear my voice and my supplications.
ב  כִּי-הִטָּה אָזְנוֹ לִי;    וּבְיָמַי אֶקְרָא.2 Because He hath inclined His ear unto me, therefore will I call upon Him all my days.
ג  אֲפָפוּנִי, חֶבְלֵי-מָוֶת–וּמְצָרֵי שְׁאוֹל מְצָאוּנִי;    צָרָה וְיָגוֹן אֶמְצָא.3 The cords of death compassed me, and the straits of the nether-world got hold upon me; I found trouble and sorrow.
ד  וּבְשֵׁם-יְהוָה אֶקְרָא:    אָנָּה יְהוָה, מַלְּטָה נַפְשִׁי.4 But I called upon the name of the LORD: ‘I beseech thee, O LORD, deliver my soul.’
ה  חַנּוּן יְהוָה וְצַדִּיק;    וֵאלֹהֵינוּ מְרַחֵם.5 Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is compassionate.
ו  שֹׁמֵר פְּתָאיִם יְהוָה;    דַּלֹּתִי, וְלִי יְהוֹשִׁיעַ.6 The LORD preserveth the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.
ז  שׁוּבִי נַפְשִׁי, לִמְנוּחָיְכִי:    כִּי-יְהוָה, גָּמַל עָלָיְכִי.7 Return, O my soul, unto thy rest; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.
ח  כִּי חִלַּצְתָּ נַפְשִׁי, מִמָּוֶת:    אֶת-עֵינִי מִן-דִּמְעָה; אֶת-רַגְלִי מִדֶּחִי.8 For Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling.
ט  אֶתְהַלֵּךְ, לִפְנֵי יְהוָה–    בְּאַרְצוֹת, הַחַיִּים.9 I shall walk before the LORD in the lands of the living.
י  הֶאֱמַנְתִּי, כִּי אֲדַבֵּר;    אֲנִי, עָנִיתִי מְאֹד.10 I trusted even when I spoke: ‘I am greatly afflicted.’
יא  אֲנִי, אָמַרְתִּי בְחָפְזִי:    כָּל-הָאָדָם כֹּזֵב.11 I said in my haste: ‘All men are liars.’
יב  מָה-אָשִׁיב לַיהוָה–    כָּל-תַּגְמוּלוֹהִי עָלָי.12 How can I repay unto the LORD all His bountiful dealings toward me?
יג  כּוֹס-יְשׁוּעוֹת אֶשָּׂא;    וּבְשֵׁם יְהוָה אֶקְרָא.13 I will lift up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.
יד  נְדָרַי, לַיהוָה אֲשַׁלֵּם;    נֶגְדָה-נָּא, לְכָל-עַמּוֹ.14 My vows will I pay unto the LORD, yea, in the presence of all His people.
טו  יָקָר, בְּעֵינֵי יְהוָה–    הַמָּוְתָה, לַחֲסִידָיו.15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.
טז  אָנָּה יְהוָה,    כִּי-אֲנִי עַבְדֶּךָ:
אֲנִי-עַבְדְּךָ, בֶּן-אֲמָתֶךָ;    פִּתַּחְתָּ, לְמוֹסֵרָי.
16 I beseech Thee, O LORD, for I am Thy servant; {N}
I am Thy servant, the son of Thy handmaid; Thou hast loosed my bands.
יז  לְךָ-אֶזְבַּח, זֶבַח תּוֹדָה;    וּבְשֵׁם יְהוָה אֶקְרָא.17 I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.
יח  נְדָרַי, לַיהוָה אֲשַׁלֵּם;    נֶגְדָה-נָּא, לְכָל-עַמּוֹ.18 I will pay my vows unto the LORD, yea, in the presence of all His people;

Gospel of John 13 1-5 KJV

John 13:1-15

King James Version

13 Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.

And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him;

Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;

He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.

After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.

Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?

Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.

Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.

Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head.

10 Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all.

11 For he knew who should betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all clean.

12 So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you?

13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.

14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.

15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.

Prayers of the Calohan Harrell family,

Preceeded by the Angelus prayer:


V. [for Andrew’s, Gordon’s versicle, also means V. for versicle]  The angel of the LORD YHWH declared

Unto Mary [Virginia May, Alma May, Hannah.Miriam,Patty, Sue, Becky, Malory]

R. [for response or “Rejoice”] and she conceived of the Holy Ghost,


V. [the angel Gabriel, or YHWH Gabriel declares] Behold the handmaid of the Lord YHWH,

YHWH Lord.

R.[is for response or “Rejoicing” among the people]. Be it done unto me according to Thy Word. Hail Mary.

V. And the Word [YHWH JESUS, not a new Jesus but our same Jesus as before] was made flesh.

R. and dwelt among us… Hail Mary


R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

{An indulgence, that is forgiveness and resurrection for 10 years

Is granted for those who devoutly pray the Angelus, at or around 6 am 12 pm,

And 6 pm for 30 days}

Let us pray, Pour forth we beseech Thee, O YHWH LORD, Thy grace upon us

, upon our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son YHWH JESUS

Was made known by a message of an angel, may be by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection, through the same, not a different ONE, Christ our Lord,

And that He be a helper to us to remember these promises of Christ to us toward

Their fulfillment completely in Christ, Eternally.



  1. Calohan Harrell prayers for Becky that she be cured of cancer.
  2. Prayers for the Resurrection and Eternal Life of the souls of my Mother Virginia and Father Gordon, Cousin Jonathan Harrell.
  3. Prayers with Padgett family for the Resurrection and Eternal Life of the soul of my friend Vernon Padgett.
  4. Prayers for Pope Francis’ health and that he have long life and many more years of prayers with us, helping us do good here on earth.
  5. Prayers of thanks for President Biden and First Lady visiting tornados for reversing ex President Trumps’ ill advised politically motivated walking away fromm our countries responsibility to lead the World in efforts to ameliorate Climate Change disasters and  President Bidens help of disaster victims in Rolling Fork MS turning on financial switches to help them recover keep going like they are going and rebuild their small town successfully as good as it was before.
  6. Prayers for President Zelensky of Ukraine that the Ukrainian army’s spring counteroffensive against the Russians in order to regain their territories be successful. and added July 1, 2023…. prayers that the second counterattack will succeed better now that Prighsun has lead a column of Wagner Group criminal anti-war protestors to Moscow.
  7. Prayers for Drs.  J.J. and Desiree Hurtak of Academy for Future Science that there teachings in the Keys to the Book of Enoch series be understood by Christian and Jewish theologians in Gordon-Conwell Seminary as authoritative in addition to standard 66 books of the Old and New Testament, that it be understood in Vatican as mandating by our Eternal Christian Jewish YHWH JESUS YHWH Name of God as required acceptable use of the Name YHWH in English instead of Dominus in Latin for Church and Synagogue

Services and by Israel as validating the use of YHWH JESUS (Moses Jesus) and prophet Elijah (St. John the Divine, Pope John Paul II) as Holy Spirit, a, the Divine Christian Jewish Trinity of persons.

  •  We pray for health of Brian, neurological health after recovering from cancer, who lives around the corner from me.
  • We pray for Col. Green of Vicksburg, MS Corps of Engineers ERDC Commander retired that he should not fall short in any efforts of his to rehire former employees with good jobs and people they need to help them accomplish their tasks… and the wicked evil lawyers, politicians Corps of Engineer research managers in Vicksburg, MS, MS State Capital, Washington DC congress who are manipulated federal budgets for managing drug informants, covid relief,
  • prison funding, levee construction, water service repairs, military R&D computer studies be held accountable, they eat my flesh, afflict me,, and are mine enemies, they themselves become weak and they fall… King David
  • Psalm 26 Orthodox Pealter, Psalm before he was anointed, hide me in your tabernacle, and shelter me in a secret place there, upon a rock there you have placed my soul high, exalted above them.. deliver me not over unto the souls of them that afflict me. for unjust witnesses have risen up against me, and the injustice in them has lied to itself…. I believe I shall see the good things of the Lord YHWH JESUS in the land of the living….”
  • We pray for NY DA and Supreme Court judge that they be smart enough and strong enough, helped by others and the American people enough  to resist Ex-President Trum p’s self promoting calls to his followers and press, manuever them away from bringing him to a much need accounting and responsibility for his long history of lying for his own, not our countries’s or its people’s, political health and benefit. Trump supporters please don’t make the mistake of

thinking we can make America Greater or Great Again by dividing it against itself, Red &Blue. Was it Jesus Christ or Abraham Lincoln who told us this? It certainly wasn’t Ex-President Trump.

updated 7/1/23 and we thank special counsel, Jack for his indictment of Ex-Pres

Trump on the mishandling of top-secret military plans and maps possibly some of which I worked on the late 1980s in Washington for the Joint Staff in the pentagon there… and which I would have been sent to jail if I had done this. Ex-President Trump is an ego-maniac who didn’t keep his oath to God to use the power the people of the US gave him to uphold our constitution, not to divide us and destroy rightful human and divine order in our country

  1. We pray for Col. Oliver North, head of the NRA and fellow Christian military officer in US,

That he has a calling from God to help us reduce Gun Violence in our country as number

 One priority to help God’s children here in US.

Let us say AMEN,AMEN,AMEN>

Its Good Saturday now of Passover, Easter, Ramadan week. Blessed to be listening

This Blessed day to “We have not forgotten” “Wheels of Light” sacred liturgy CD

By Academy for Future Science, the Hurtaks, Drs JJ and Desiree and others…

Made in the early 1990s.






postscript added August 8,2023…. went for a vacation in July to canon city colorado, to skydive, made 3rd parachute jump, 13000’ from a cessna caravanan since being trained in the early 1970s with army special forces… “C-130 coming down the strip…. airborne baby gonna take a little trip, step up, buckle up, shuffle to the door, jump out the door and count to four… and if that chute don’t open wide… look out ground I AM a comin’ through.” Airborne ranger song.