Northern Route Up Mt. Athabasca

Northern route up to summit of Mt. Athabasca, Canada

The Rock of Peace [Source of the Columbia River] That Is, At Hydrographic Center of North America

Some Christian and Jewish Passover/Easter Prayers for 2007

What follows below is a translation of some passages in the Jewish prayer service containing requests and intentions that Christians who practice Judaism can pray. It includes a 10-Fold list of Biblical Words of Creation of Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit in US…along with (in the next Lag B’Omer posting and the one after that) a new transliteration and translation of some parts of the Hallel and some Torah teachings on how to understand The Ten Commandments These teachings benefit from an understanding of truth which involves both mindfulness and faith. Finally, there is included the reading of a full Kaddish written for Christians who practice Judaism and study the Torah.

Y’Shetabach ( a prayer of ascents… using fifteen expressions to God of song and praise…to be said while standing)

Y’Shetabach sheem’ach laad mal’, ha ayl hameh..lech hagadol v’hakadosh,
basham..aym vba…retz.

May your name be praised forever, our King, high God,
our great and Holy King, in the heavens and on the earth.

L’ach…naeh Adonai E’lohaynu vAylohay a’botaynu,
For thanks befit thee, Adonay our God and God of our fathers,

Shayr vchabachah, halayl v’zeem’rah,
song and praise, uplifted praise and melody,

az vmehm’shalah neht…zach g’eduhlah vg’borah, t’heelah v’teeph’…ehreet,
strength and power, eternity, greatness and might, worship and beauty,

k’duhchah vmeel’chot, b’rachot, v’hodot maytah v’od olam.
holiness and dominion, blessings and praise, forever are in you.

Barch atah Adonah, ayl meh..lech gadol bateesh’bahot, ayl hahodaot,
Blessed are you Lord, high God, greatly lauded King, God of thankfulness,

Adon haneeph’laot, habochayr b’sheeray zeem’rah, meeh..lech ayl chay holamaym.
Lord of wonders, Our God, our God of eternal life, who chooses melodious songs.

Blessed is the One*

The joy that is in this song proceeds from my mouth to thank, to praise, to glorify my creator.

Haray…nay m’zamen et pay l’hodot ul’halayl ul’shabe..ach et bor’ee.

Baruch shamar v’hayah holam. Baruch Hu.

Blessed is the One by whose speech the world came to be. Blessed is he.

Baruch oseh b’raysheet.

Blessed is the One who creates everything.

Baruch omayr v’oseh.

Blessed is the One who creates by speaking.

Baruch gozayr vm’kayaym.

Blessed is the One who sustains by decreeing.

Baruch m’rachaym al ha…retz.

Blessed is the One who has mercy on the earth.

Baruch m’racharm al hb’rayyot.
Blessed is the One who has mercy on all creatures

Baruch m’shalaym shachar tov leerayav

Blessed is the One who rewards those who fear him.

Baruch chay lad v’kyam l’ne…tzach.

Blessed is the One who lives forever and endures for all eternity.

Baruch phodeh vmatzeel. Baruch sh’mu.

Blessed is the One who saves by redeeming. Blessed is his name.

* here are some thoughts and comments on this wondelful prayer, gained after many years of praying it: Among many of the purposes and benefits of this prayer
it helps us better understand how our faith is “The light of the One increasing”.
The One God in this prayer is undivided, but he is also an individual inside
of multiplicity. He speaks as well as acts. That is he does what he says, acting by speaking (decreeing). He has created all of us…and, he is compassionate to us all as different types of beings. Thus, when we dedicate
the merits of our own actions to the glorification and sanctification of his name, we are at the same time dedicating them for the benefit of “all sentient beings.” We have preserved in him the name of a responsible person that we can dedicate the merit of our work to… not just an absolute consciousness inside of us all. Our God is both the “Totum Bonum” (total good) and the “Summum Bonum” (highest good). This prayer affirms that, for us, he cannot have one of these titles and purposes without the other; and not the other without this one.
He or she who has God’s love in their heart and knows the total good that God has placed in our souls and spirits…they are themselves a source and blessing of his or her hope and this Good unto others.
He or she who has God’s love in their heart and knows the highest good that God has placed in our souls and spirits…they are themselves a source and blessing of his or her faith and this Good unto others.


“Let this holy communion be to me, O God, a beginning of better things, as if only now I began to know Thee. Let me now and henceforth forsake that which has tempted me. Let me now and henceforth do those things that I have perceived to be of Thy will for me; by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and the intercession of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen”
“Take away from us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, all our iniquities, and the spirit of pride and arrogance, which Thou resisteth, and fill us with the spirit of fear, and give us a contrite and humble heart, which Thou dost not despise; that we may be enabled with pure minds to enter into the Holy of Holies: through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen”

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen


Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily magnify thy holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Ye that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking henceforth in his Holy ways, draw near with faith, and take this Holy Sacrament to your comfort (standing while you are forgiven by the Almighty God ).


We believe in One God, maker of all things seen and unseen, and in his only Son Jesus Christ…eternal light and life to and from eternal light and life…loving and true God to and from a loving and true God…born of the Virgin Mary and Our Father in Heaven, Son of Humankind, suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified dead and buried. On the third day he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where he sits at the right hand of the throne of God. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord the giver of life, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection of the body. Almighty God, we acknowledge and confess our manifold sins and wickedness, which from time to time we have most grievously committed, by thought, word, by deed and by omission of act against thy Divine majesty in heaven and that of you inside of our brothers and sisters, your creations, here on this earth. We do earnestly repent and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us most merciful Father; for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s in us sake, forgive us all that is past; and grant that we may hereafter serve and please Thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory of thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

* From a Pocket Prayer Book, Complied by Bishop Ralph Spaulding Cushman and published by the General Board of Evangelism, United Methodist Church, The Upper Room, Nashville, TN, 1941. Note there are some slight changes in the text of the general confession.

The 15 steps of the Passover Seder
(forming a Jacob’s ladder from heaven to earth)
First three

3)karpas 2) urachatz
(vegetables, wash hands)

Second three

6)rachtzah 5)maggid 4) yachatz
(wash hands,tell story, break middle matzoh)

Third three
8)maror 9) matzah 7)motzyaa matzah
(bitter herb, bread of life, grace before meal)

Fourth three
12)tzaphun 11)shulchan arayrech 10)koraych
(eat middle matzah, eat meal, bitter herb sandwich)

Fifth three
14)hallayl 15) nirtzah 13) baraych
(praise to God, prayer for acceptance, grace after meal)

A 10-Fold list of Biblical Words of Creation of Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit in US

1) YHWH Shammah (Ezekiel 48:35) The Lord is present
2) Elohim Yireh (Genesis 22 8-14) The Lord will provide for us
3) YHWH Rohi (Psalm 23) The Lord will guide us
4) YHWH Raphael (Exodus 15:26) The Lord God heals
5) YHWH Nissi (Exodus 17:15) The Lord is our banner
6) YHWH Mekadishkem (Exodus 33:13;22, 34:6-9, Leviticus 20:8;21:8;22:9,16) The Lord our Sanctifier
7) YHWH Tzidkeenu (Jeremiah 23:6,33:16) The Lord is our righteousness
Seven of these names of God manifest themselves as God inside of different spiritual places in our individual spiritual bodies…They are very similar to the seven I am meditations that Jesus Christ speaks about himself in the Gospel of John.
The other three invoke God, as being greater than each of us, but, inside of all of us..
We can meditate on the first seven, then the last three…then the first seven as the last, the first three after that and then the first three twice as the first again (which makes a total of 26 the numerical value of the Hebrew letters in God’s name the Tetragrammaton. This name is the most sacred name of our creator, the father of Jesus Christ, the Word or concept, of God. His only Son or concept of himself inside of us being the most sacred person or the most sacred lifting up him upon us. He is an image and likeness, the face of our God in us that is with us in the present moment now and which we can worship as God among us on this earth today…If we have faith we can, with his help, do this in order for our souls to go forwards and backwards in time

8) Yah YHWH Saboath (1 Samuel 1:3) The Lord God of Hosts
9) Yah YHWH Elohim (Genesis 2:4-25) God as the Lord God
10) Yah YHWH Shalom El Chai (Judges 6:24) The Lord God of Peace and Eternal Life

Also, it is possible to translate the first five of these Hebrew Juhuda prayers into some thanksgiving, affirmative, petitionary words of Greek, European, English, and American Christianity:

1) YHWH Shammah iff God and their/our Son Jesus Christ are present in us.

2) YHWH Yireh iff God and Christ Jesus are our providence.

3) YHWH Rohi iff God and Jesus Christ enlighten us and are the head of us (our leaders).

4) YHWH Nissi iff God and his/her/our Son Christ Jesus hold the whole world in their hands.

5) YHWH Rapha iff God and our Son Jesus Christ are our healers.

Some remembrances and praise to the teacher of Saint Andrew (Jesus Christ, the greatest and most exalted man on earth) from his apostle

Jesus Christ, you are the door to Heaven for us…
This becomes true once we remember you are our light and the knowledge of that which nourishes and sustains us eternally.
Jesus Christ, you are the way the truth and the life for us…
Once we go through the doors you open for us on this earth
You are the joy and jubilation for us…
This becomes true once we remember that you are our resurrection and our life.


O God, in the omnipotence of your strength, great in the glory of your Name, mighty eternally
and awesome through your awesomeness, O King enthroned upon a high and uplifted throne.

Hael b’tatzoomot oozeh…ach, hagadol beech’vod sh’meh…ach, hagabod laneh…tzach
v’hanora b’nor’oteh…yach, hameh…lech hyoshev al Keesay ram v’neesha.

(on Sabbath morning, start with

Shoken Ad

He who abides forever, exalted and Holy is his name. And, it is written: Sing joyfully, O
righteous, before the Lord;
for the upright, praise is fitting.
By the mouth of the upright shall you be lauded;
By the words of the righteous, shall you be blessed;
By the tongue of the devout, shall you be exalted;
and amid the Holy shall you be sanctified.

Shoken Ad,marom v’kadosh sh’mu. V’katov ran’nu tzadekem bayay, lay’sharem navah t’heelah. B’pe y’sharem teet’halal,uv’deb’rey tzadekem teet’barach,
uveel’shon chasedem teet’romah, ub’kehrehb k’doshem teet’kadash.

Et Shem

The name of God , the great, mighty, and awesome King; holy is He. (congregation)

Et Shem hael hameh.lech hagadol hgeebod v’hanora kadosh hu.

Then they all accept upon themselves the yoke of heavenly sovereighty from one another, and
grant permission to one another to sanctify the One who formed them, with tranquility, with clear
articulation, and with sweetness. All of them as one proclaim His holiness and say with awe: (cantor)

V’kulam m’kav’lem aleyhem al mal’cot shama…yeem zeh meezeh, v’not’nem r’shot zeh lzeh,
l’hak’desh l’yotz’ram, b’na…chat r’oach b’shaphach b’rorah uveeen’emah. K’doooshah coolam
c’echad onem v’om’rem b’yeer’ah.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the Lord God of Hosts. The whole World is filled with Your glory (congregation)
Kodesh, kodesh, kodesh, YHWH Saboath, m’la kal haretz k’vodu.

Prayers from the Amidah** (normally said while standing)

Blessed art Thou, Adonai, Our God, shield of Abraham.

Blessed art Thou, Adonai, Our God, Our King who helps, saves, and protects.

Blessed art Thou, Adonai, Our God, who resurrects the dead.

You are forever mighty, Adonai: giving life to the dead. You are a mighty Savior.

Blessed art Thou, Adonai, Our God, the Holy god.

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory.
Early in the morning, our song shall rise to thee;
Merciful and mighty;
God in three Persons,
The whole earth is full of Your glory

From across a distant way
(ie across the ocean or from other mountain tops)
we offer blessing and adorations to the trinity of your presence
The glory of Adonai is blessed from his place.

Blessed art Thou, Adonai, Our God, who graces us with knowledge.

…who favors those who repent.

…who is gracious and forgives abundantly.

…who redeems Israel.

…who brings complete healing to all our wounds.

…who blesses our years.

…who ingathers the scattered from among his people Israel.

…who loves righteousness and just lawfulness.

…who destroys his enemies and humbles the arrogant.

…who is the staff and support (trust) of the righteous.

…who rebuilds Jerusalem.

…who hears our prayers.

…who causes the light of your Son, the Christ, to blossom in us.

…who blesses in Peace the people who have struggled with him and won.

Blessed are You, Adonai, who hears and answers our prayers.

We gratefully acknowledge, by rendering you praises (for our lives, which are in your hands, and for our souls, which are entrusted to You, and for your miracles that are with us each day, and for the wonders and goodness at every time) that You are Our God and Our ancestors God
Forever. You are the rock of our lives and the shield of our salvation from generation to generation. You are good, for your good never ceases. You are merciful, for your kindness never ends. You have always been our hope

Blessed are You, Adonai, who redeems Israel,
Whose Spirit heals both our bodies and our souls,
Whose Words encourages both our souls and our spirits,
Whose Light reveals that Truth inside of us which is eternal.

Blessed be Our Holy and Compassionate God
Who abundantly blesses in Peace those who have struggled with him and won.
Merciful and Mighty…
High and lifted up…yet nearer than a brother or sister or mother or father..
Always there to run the race along with us…
Yet never having to be himself or herself the winner..
May we repay your service to us by serving those who serve you.
Trusting and believing in those who trust and believe in you…
honoring and praising those who honor and praise you.

** These prayers are especially effective said at the conclusion of the eight days of Passover at evening prayer service which closes the Holiday.

May the words and expressions of my mouth,
the thoughts and meditations of my heart,
be acceptable to your ears and find favor in thy sight.
Before you, the Lord Adonai, my rock and my strength
my salvation and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

May Shehbayrach (traditional Jewish prayer for health, normally said while facing the Torah and with a minyan of 10 Jews)

He who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Issac and Jacob—may he bless this entire holy congregation along with all the holy congregations; them, their wives, sons, and daughters and all that is theirs; May the Holy One, blessed is He, pay their reward and remove from them every affliction, heal their entire body and forgive their every iniquity, and send blessing and success to all their handiwork, along with all Israel, their brethren. And, let us say Amen.

May shebayrech aboteynu, Abraham, Issac, v’Yaqov, Hu y’barech et kal hakahal hakadosh hazeh, eem kal q’heelot hak’odesh. Haym, un’shayhem, ub’nayhem, ub’notayhem, v’kal asher lahem. Hakodosh baruch Hu y’shalaym sh’charam, v’yasayr mayhaym kal mach’lah, v’yeer’pha lchal gofam, v’yees’lach lachal onam, v’yeesh’lach baruch b’hatz’lachah b’chal mashaych y’dayhehm, eem kal Israel achayhehm b’namar amen.