Yoga and Meditation Topic: Relationship of the Buddhist, Christian, and Hindu Tantras

Article #48
Subject: Relationship of the Buddhist, Christian, and Hindu Tantras
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 12/8/2009 08:45:06 AM

Tantra means form of continuance. It is the sounds, images,
words, that God and our souls meditate on in order to pass
though death to life. God's Son, Jesus Christ, is the root soul
in God's tree of his eternal life in us (having gone back in time
and replaced that of Adams). As Christians our souls pass from
death to eternal life through the confession of our sins at death
along with our faithful belief in the trinity and in Jesus.
No meditation on sounds or images is required on our part (although
it can be helpful). God knows all this for us. Even if we don't
know that He exists, but believe in His Son Jesus, He knows all
this for us. God Bless Him for that.
However, this does
not mean Buddhist and Hindus are not saved. They are saved in
him just like Christians. We are all saved. At least that
is God's plan for us as far as he is concerned.

Buddhists meditate on the divine word OM (sound) centering it in the
5th Chakra (Vishudda or emanation of purity). This Chakra is
where the Universe as far as words is created. They meditate on
the word (sound) AH as being centered in the 6th Chakra (near the pineal
gland which controls a lot of mental hormones). And, they
meditate on the sound nng in the heart Chakra and Tzu down in the
dan tien (manipura,3rd Chakra where a man or woman of God, with
God's help, controls the jewel of his mental light in us/them).

It is clear from my 30 year studies with Swami Sivananda's Divine Life
Society in India that Hindu's place the word OM (sound) in the 6th Chakra
when their soul's pass from death to life. In the 3rd Chakra there is Rama,
the deva who controls God's light of the world in us. A deva is a divine
being brought to light through the Gayatri 8 count mantra meditations. The
rest is a little more complicated but most of it can be found in my self,
Swami Visnudevananda's
Book Meditation and Yoga.

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Article #49
Subject: Can a Boddhisattwa relate to an angel?
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 12/8/2009 09:16:17 AM

Here is some more helpful information about this.
A Buddhist helpful representative is called a Boddhisattwa because
He "knows the SAT WA". He knows the "SAT" in the 1st (root earth Chakra).
and He knows the "WA" in the 2nd (Chakra of ocean of grace) and 3rd
(Chakra of the jewel of God's absolute light inside of each individual human)
A Hindu helpful representative is a called
a deva (see above). That is, he knows it in the
1st, 4th, 6th Chakra through
"SAT", "CHID", and "ANANDA".
A Christian/Jewish angel (such as Ariel...God is light inside of the
light in God's name, Gabriel...Man of God,
Raphael...God Heals, Michael...representative of God) help God and
us by being messengers between Him and us.
Like the Buddhist and Hindu Boddhisattwas and Devas, angels are
multi-dimensional spiritual beings living in a five-dimensional metaphysical
space time and beyond continuum. The status of the individualities and
souls of all these people is determined by how they fit into God's name...
See other postings on What is the "Concept of a Concept"? for more on this.

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