Dr Neil Douglas Klotz Topic: prayer suggestions to improve Neil's Syriac Chaldean Christian Jewish prayer teachings

Article #401
Subject: prayer suggestions to improve Neil's Syriac Chaldean Christian Jewish prayer teachings
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/7/2021 05:47:54 PM

Including a Shortened Christian Jewish liturgical common prayer for this Passover and Shavuous
2021/5081 containing prayer thoughts for about 25 years of praying with the wondelful Aramaic Christian
teacher Neil Douglas-Klotz and studying his books, in particular “The Hidden Gospel, Decoding the Spiritual
Message of the Aramaic Jesus” for Ms Bhagavan John Wiedanda[ her husband was a Indian seventh day
Adventist theologian living in Martinsburg, WV whom I met and prayed with for about year before and during
the time he contracted covid this last fall and winter and died this last December 21, and her family to use to
pray with us
To resurrect and renew his eternal soul in us and him during these upcoming Christian Jews
Prayers. March 6 2021 Pope Francis' Interreligious prayer visit to the Ancient city of Ur Iraq and the
Mesopotamian Plain 10 mil south
of Baghdad, where God blessed Abraham and all his descendants thousands of years ago. A very troubled
region now from the recent wars there and a much needed place for Jesus Christ inside of St. Francis to
visit on behalf of all of us in order to listen to the testimony of some of our Christian Muslim brothers who
have had their lives hurt by these awfull catastrophes. to bless the meek, the peacemakers, there, the
pure i n heart there and those who are merciful there to there brothers and sisters in Christ, those who
have been persecuted there for righteousness sake, that great will be there reward in heaven.
We pray with him and those there to bless Christians and Muslims of Mosul and the Yazidi's especially who
we were praying with episcopal church priests there several years ago while all of this was happening.
And, a wondelful miracle the verses in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5 1-1- in Ar-10 in Aramaic which I
have been studying for the last three weeks using Neil’s Healing Gospel of Jesus tapes appear spoken by
Iraq’s in the Cathedral of St. Joseph’s Chaldean Church service celebrating a Mass during Saint Francis’
visit there, the first visit of a Pope to Iraq in history
Peace be with you, in God’s Name, Hallelujah!

Dear Prayer Friends,

As Christian Jews we meditate during the liturgical prayer year on the Old and New Testaments in the
Bible and how our soul is three times faithful to the divine legacies of teachings and sacrifice on the Cross of
YHWH God and His Son Jesus. We meditate prayerfully on how to have mindful and faithful awaremess of
how He is in some sense our Divine Soul and Self, the first and the last, as well as the in-between in the
present moment part of our souls and spirits, about how He is a face of love and seed of delight in Christ
indwelling inside of the womb of Saint Mary, and will be even after we are gone from this life we are living
now on this earth.

We believe as the prophecy goes in the famous Baptist hymn that my great grandfather Adeniran wrote
when he was head of the World Baptist Evangelical Society;

Right now, “Jesus is calling for you and for me, softly and gently He is calling for you and for me
though the eye of human eye argues that His glory they may not see [and that the same thing doesn’t have
to happen to Him, dying on a cross, as did a long time ago]. O’ sinner please come Home… “

I recently called the Rabbinical Seminary of America after praying with them using their calendar for
50 Years. I said, I am a Christian Jew and that after praying with you for 50 years, and not getting an answer
to the prayer letter I sent last summer I was finally cutting the cords, She said she did not think she even
knew what a Christian Jew was, how do I define one? I said, somebody who believe that our YHWH God is
God and that His Son is Jesus Chr
ist, past, present, future. She said that “we” don’t believe that! And, that was that!

Among those of us who believe that YHWH God is the Father Creator God and His Only Son Jesus is
a Son of Man and the Only Son of God there are still unfortunately many that have not been to be still in their
souls and know YHWH God and Jesus as a Holy Spirit indwelling. You will meet these people while reviewing
books on their theology that claim “Although there is a One monotheistic God and creator of us all indwelling
as a presence in three persons, he is a process and not one intelligent overwatching person with the name or
YHWH or YHWH YHWH Jesus or Allahu Allah Elohim Yeshua. Even though they believe the third person of
the Trinity to be an indwelling Holy Spirit, they have not yet experienced Him as an overwatching intelligent
indwelling Holy Spirit living up there above our Eternal Souls as a Mountain Top God in Heaven above, not on
earth, beyond the crystal sea where the blood of Jesus his death on the cross helps up live forever in a
Heavenly Jerusalem of Peace of mind, wisdom, and compassionate listening and understanding of each

Here is a shorten version of how to daily contemplative pray with our YHWH God some of it taken from
the current Jewish traditional Amidah prayer service . Please pray with me St. Mary these prayers for
several years and they will teach you and me sweetheart how we can have Christmas every day of the year.
First we pray the Shema Blessing on Creation[with 4 blessings], Revelation, and Redemption with Tefillim
using it to start and end as many days possible as we feel called to.
1)”Blessed are You, YHWH God, our God, our Lord God, ruler of theorld who forms [with Hebrew word
Yotzer] light and creates [with Hebrew word Boray] darkness, makes Peace [with Hebrew word Shalom] and
creates all.”
2)”You have loved us [using Hebrew word Ahavah] most lovingly, YHWH Adonai our God, cared for us
greatly, even exceedingly.”
3) “Hear O’Israel, YHWH, YHWH YHWH, YHWH El Shaddai…Shema YHWH School of Christianity, Hear O
Unity School of Christianity ,Hear O’ Alaha Yeshua, Hear O’ Hari Om Tat Sat,
Hear O’ Divine breath of enabling will, Hari, of absolute truth,OM, and reality Tat Sat, of human and Divine
consciousness or Shiva in Sanskrit, May my part of the Divine Holy Spirit Breath, the Allaha Ruaha bless you
for healing and happiness through Alaha or our interconnected Unity as the Divine Word means in Aramaic.
“Blessed is the One[Hebrew word Echad} glory of your Kingdom which lasts and is renowned forever.”
4)”True and established and accurate and enduring and right and steadfast and beloved and precious and
desirable and pleasant and awesome and mighty and correct and accepted and good and beautiful for us
are these words for ever and ever.”

While saying the Shema blessings, Jesus if he was wearing and using Tefillim like John the Baptist his
teacher and that branch of the Essenes, being an observant Hebrew Jew of the time, would have
remembered verses from King David’s Psalms, since being the Jewish Messiah of the time, or so I believe,
He was and is a descendant of David carrying on David’s prayers

Thinking about the verse from the Daily Psalm Ashre [this word means happiness in Hebrew] and which is
still said by Orthodox Christian Jews at daily meal prayers
Thankfulness, prayers
“YHWH [Adonai] you open your hand [referring to how after wrapping the shel yad around the left hand and
at least seven times the Holy Spirit of the Jewish Aaronic and Melchezedek priest go up through the heart
and the shel yad at ajna chakra to the right hand of YHWH God on his throne at top chakra ] satisfy the
desires of every living being” … YHWH OM Purnam Adah[ That is Wholeness, Fullness], Purnam Idam [This
is Wholeness,Fullness], Purnam Adah[That is Fullness, Wholeness], Purnam Idam[This is
Fullness,Wholeness], Purnat Purnam Adaya[When that Fullness is Taken away], Purnam Eva
Yashishyatay[This Fullness remains] ..Shambu, Shambu, Shambalaya,OM, Bhadram Karnabhi Shrinuyama
Deva[May we hear with our ears what is good from the Gods], Bhadram Pashyama [and see what is good
with their help] Triambakum Yajamahe [We worship a Threefold God, a Trinity of Truth, in Three Persons with
Three eyes], Sughandhim Pushti Vardhanan, UrvaruKamuva Bandhanam [our lives bound in Christ with yours
as we love and worship you up on the Cross there trusti in your words, Mrrityor Muksheya M’amrritaat[You
Lord Jesus raise us up on the Holy Days and the last day of judgement standing on the Cross above us up
there guarding the Throne of Our Heavenly Father Creator God YHWH, saves us, redeems us and sets us
free feeding us with Eternal Substance of our and your Body and Blood so we can experience and drink
from the fountain of Eternal Life as we live our lives Eternally with you]…Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, ..{the
Happiness of the Lord Shiva is inside of us, it is outside of us, when ngthat part of it which is outside go
aways, that part which is inside remains and leave Peace Outside of us, inside of us, and both inside and
outside of us…Healing, Peace, Happiness mantras as Andrew was taught to chant by his long time Indian
Yogi prayer friends Swami Vishnu, Bharati, Swami Chidanandaji, Swami Satchidanandaji, Swami Sivanandaji,
and we say in Hindu Christian and Jewish chants.
After finishing the Shema, we then say the Kaddish, for Jews, other than the Shema saying it before and
after prayers is perhaps the most important part of our prayers:

, saying it is so important I have transliterated the whole Hebrew of it into English here,
Some more thoughts about it can be found on our prayer posting and discussions website under the Jewish
Christan prayers subdirectory
A full Kaddish combined with a rabbi's Kaddish for Christians who study the
Torah, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah and pray the Amidah*****
(for those who pray it, may it be a sealing, filling, anointing of the Holy
Spirit inside of us)

preliminary notes on the
B'agala vbhz'man karayv
transliteration scheme used for this translation of
the Kaddish as it compares to the more tranditional Ashkenazi Hebrew to
English one:

Ashkenazi English
ei iff ay (iff is a mathematician's shorthand for if and only if)
s iff t
bb iff bh
w iff silent h at end of word
ee iff e or i
v iff b
u iff o , and Shoken Ad prayers and the Yishtabach which embellish and add to
the Kaddosh) The Kaddish blesses God in all directions (10 in fact) inside
and outside of the present moment in the world to come on earth and in
heaven (above, below, around…past, present, future). Thus when we say it we
don’t request a change in our situation only our awareness or mindfulness of
our circumstances in it. The Kaddosh blesses God and exalts God in an
upwardly direction toward his throne or most high place in the heavenly
realms. All study of the Torah, all blessing prayers of the departed souls
of th
Yit’gadal v’yit’kadash sh’mayh raba.

May (God’s) great name grow sanctified in us


B’alama de b’ra cheer’otayh.

In the world that he created and willed.

V’yam’laych mal’chotayh, b’chayaychon v’b’yomaychon

May he establish this sovereignity in your lifetime and in your

vb’chayay d’chal bayt Is’raayl.

And in the lifetimes of all Israel.

May these days (that have been foretold) come quickly and soon.

v’am’ru: Amen (here the people say amen)

Y’hay sh’mehh raba m’barach l’olam vl’al’may al’maya.

May his great name be blessed in the universe inside of that which
flourishes (or prospers) inside of the flourishing (prosperity)

Yit’barach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar v’yitromam v’yitnashay v’yithadar
v’yitalehh v’yithalal sh’mayh d’khuhd’sha b’rayach Hu

(B’rayach Hu – Cong.)

Blessed and praised and glorified and exalted and supported and strengthened
and raised up and praised Holy in worshipful song be the Name of the Holy
One, blessed be He.
(here the congregation says Blesed be He)

L’ayla meen khal beer’cata v’shayrata tuhsh’bh’chata

Though its well-being flourishes beyond all blessings and songs…praises and

damayran b’al’ma. Vam’ru: amayn. (amayn-cong.)

That are said where it prospers (or flourishes)…now we say Amen
(here the congregation says amen).

Kabayl b'rachmaym vbh'ratzon et t'pheelatanu.
Accept our prayers with compassion and favor (cong.)

Teet'paybayl tz'lot'hon v'bhaot'hon d'chal bayt Yisrael kadam Abohon day

May the prayers of all Israel be accepted by their Father in Heaven.

Al Yish’raayl v’al rabbanayn. V’al tal’maydayhon v’al khal tal’mayday
tal’maydayhon. Va’ khal man d’as’qayn b’oray’ta, dhay b’at’ra hadayn v’day
b’khal atar v’atar.

Upon Israel, upon the teachers, their disciples and all of their disciples
and upon all those who engage in the study of Torah, who are here or
anywhere else.

Y’heh l’hon vl’chon sh’lama rbha, cheena v’chees’dha v’rach’mayn, v’chayayn
adaychayn, vm’zonay r’vaychay, v’phehr’aqana meen k’adam abohon dhay
beesh’maya (v’araa). V’am’ru: amayn. (amayn – cong.)

May they and you have abundant peace, grace, kindness, mercy, long life,
ample nourishment, and salvation from before their Father who is in heaven
(and on earth). Now we say Amen (here the congregation says amen)

Y’hay sh’alma raba meen Sh’maya, v’chayaym (tobaym) alaynu v’al chal
Yish’rael v’eem’ru: amayn. (amayn-cong.)

May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life(goodness) upon us and upon
all Israel. (here the congregation says amen…) amen.

Asehh shalom bheem’romayav, Hu bh’rachamayav y’ashehh shalom alay…yanu v’al
chal Yeesh’raayl. V’eem’ru. (amen- cong.)

May He who makes peace in the high heavens, may He, in His compassion, make
peace upon us, and upon all Israel. (here the congregation responds amen)

*****The Kaddish is somewhat of a different prayer than the Kaddosh (some
of the Kaddosh prayers are included the April 10 posting of this blog). This
posting has the Amidah with its 18 intentions and requests said to God to
give us knowledge of him, his Son, his Holy Spirit in us and their will for
us for our repentance, forgiveness, redemption, complete healing, a good
year, justice for us, peace in and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, answers to
our personal intentions, and thankfulness for the nearness of his Son the
anointed One, the Christ to us and all Israel during the year. According to
tradition the Amidah needs this full Kaddish to come after it for its
completion...the earlier blog posting also includes the Baruch shamar
v'hayah holam..omayr v'oseh, Baruch Hu (the blessing of the One who acts as
well as speaks and by whose speech the world came to be), the Ha El, Et
Shem ose near and dear us can benefit from a Kaddish. And, all prayers in
which we request God’s help and providence in more human terms can benefit
from a Kaddosh. This prayer is addressed to Christians because there are
many complexities and traps involved in learning Judaism as a Christian and
I believe this blessing is much needed nowadays to bless, help, and benefit
us all together as servants of God. The full Kaddish which contains
additional lines requesting Our Father in Heaven to hear and answer the
prayers in the Amidah is,by tradition, said at the completion of this
service. The rabbi's Kaddish blesses us and our study of the Torah whether
we are in Church (Temple or Synagogue) or not. Combining the two eliminates
any confusion about whether we, who write these prayers, want all of the
prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are trying to learn
things as they go along, to be answered.

Then we say:

YHWH is Holy, YHWH is Holy Holy, Lord God YHWH Almighty [YHWH El Shaddai}, merciful and mighty,
early in the morning my song shall rise to Thee. God in Three person bless Trinity, perfect in three Persons,
Love and Purity, a Son of Man and The Son of God [the Third person being the Divine Indwelling of His Holy
Spirit inside of you].
God is the hope of Israel and also through his Son, YHWH YHWH, Jesus Christ, and those Christians who
believe in Judaism their faith.

Some important Gospel recent beatitude tweets new and old from our creator Father YHWH God and His
Only Son Yeshua, Jesus. Blessed be the poor or lacking in Divine Holy Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of
Heaven, the everyday mindful consciousness for us of God’s Divine Light and Truth as an indwelling Holy
Spirit of Understanding, Strength and Wisdom, along with Human and Divine Love that knows that it knows
how to create itself and other things inside of itself and others and give blessings, faith and hope to these
things that It has created inside of itself and others..

Jesus said to the lawyers for you take away the “keys” to knowledge [words that ‘lock up’ and ‘unlock’
knowledge]. He may have been referring to the many way the Divine Name of His Father in Heaven are used
in verses given to students to study and meditate on in a certain order in the Christian Jewish Aramaic
teachings of his time…. YHWH Shalom[YHWH God is Peace]YHWH Shamah[YHWH God is Present], YHWH
YIred [Our YHWH God will see,direct us toward His pathways toward provisions for us], YHWH Naseh [Our
YHWH God supports us travelling on these pathways, YHWH Rohi [YHWH God is Our Shepherd, the Good
Shepherd who is willing to die for us as He is leading us on these pathways, but He doesn’t have to do it
twice], YHWH Raphael[YHWH God and Jesus Christ heals], YHWH NIssi[the Name of God YHWH is our
banner our flag as we march forward in Christ together toward a heavenly Jerusalem], YHWH
Tsidkeyanu[YHWH God is Righteous as He leads us on these pathways ], YHWH Mekadiskem {YHWH God is
Holy as we walk forward in righteousness and Christ on these pathways side by side with YHWH El Shaddai
].YHWH Shalom[YHWH God is Peace of mind in Christ as we have reached the glorified goal in Christ we
have been travelling toward in these pathways].

After you have prayed with Jesus Christ and I these prayers for several years your soul should begin to
ascend up to YHWH God’s overwatching Holy Spirit Presence indwelling the top chakra there. Jesus is up
there on the Cross while you are praying them, but after reaching the Cross up there and talking to my soul
St. Andrew, Jesus’ St. Raphael, St. James St. Michael up there about the 4 parts of Divine Life Eternal Truth
indwelling if all goes well you will be blessed for further happiness and service as your soul descends
downward under St. James instruction of how to Be Still and Know that I AM God. This is basically the part
of the current Jewish Amidah prayer where YHWH God’s Holy Spirit indwelling you blesses you for loving
kindness, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, love, patience, honesty and integrity, and the peace of YHWH
God blessed Eternally 4 times inside of your own earthy everyday peace of mind and happiness which is
Eternal once given and lasts for ever, along with the knowledge St. Francis and St. John Paul II, that He
YHWH God is going to be making you St. Francis an Instrument of this Peace, His Peace as you have already
described it and you and St. John, St. John Paul II have been asking for it in your famous prayer to Him for
these last several hundred years, this May you never lose it after it has been given to you…say Amen please
at this point.

In our Aramaic Christian Friend, Neil’s teaching the 8 keys he has to give to us in his book with audio music
songs available on Amazon are not the body meditations on the beatitudes that go with the book but “8
insights” similar to the “4 metaphysic prophetic mahavakyas in Sanskrit” that Brahmic Indian Priests teach in
order that anybody can be a Brahmin prophet like our creator God YHWH:
1) Tat Twam Asi “That thou art”
2) Ayam Atma Brahma “This soul is Brahma”
3) Aham Brahma Asmi “I am Brahma”
4) Prajnam Brahmin “Wisdom is Brahmin”

I am so grateful and respectful to Neil for his wondelful teaching songs and books on shared friend Jesus
Christ’s Beatitude Teaching, my own favorite parts of His Gospel, that I almost hesitate to offer my own
thoughts and comments on how to improve them:

The first great contemplative affirmations that are key insights that Neil teaches is
1) “My (your) breath is part of the Holy Spirit” and what follows from this my Holy Breath, and yours too
are in a Spiritual Holy Unity as we breath. And, considering the importance of what is involved and
happening here we need to be mindful,
Slowing things down by awareness of what is happening in our body and yours as we breathe together.

And thus we can know this by saying “Allaha Ruach”

Or, more precisely where I think Neil would say Tu Ve Un [Ineffible Name for Our Lord God Creator] Allaha
Ruach Ameen as a Muslim
I believe Jesus and I are saying with him as Christian Jews if he asks us
To pray with him and help him heal himself and others through
Divine healing breath meditation songs:

YahWeh Christ
If we are praying with St. Andrew,St. John, Jesus, St. James and I and
Indian Christian Jews,
There are a few of them you know,

[The Indian Yogi contemplative prayer name for the Lord Shiva
Praying in his breath with you Ha being breath and ri being absolute
Human and Divine Consciousness of the mental will of God’s Holy Spirit]

Then we say Qadesh, Qadesh, Qadesh,…Holy, Holy,Holy OM TAT SAT Etp-ph-tah[Aramaic word for
breathing in Gospel of Mark, not translated in Greek Christian Gospel] Shamaya [ Aramaic word for heaven
that when you say it has the effect of creating waves in the Holy Space you are thinking in, in order to create
Holy Space up there where we may want to come back to visit YHWH God and His Son Jesus on the Cross
up there.

{OM TAT SAT are Sanskrit words of activation and realization of Divine Body meditation Truth inside and
outside of us]

Another slight difference when Neil prays Amen bodily he says he is praying downward into the 1st root
chakra inside of soul.
When Jesus and I and the Saint Mention pray it saying OM instead of Amen
We are thinking about the Divine Word of Power, Shakti, activating the overwatching Presence of the Name
of God YHWH resting above us in our souls in at the top, 1st sahasraha chakra.
If we are praying this during Passover Shavuous and we wait for the Holy Spirit to come back down to earth
and rebirth us after dying daily and visiting Jesus on the Cross up there then the
Amen or Jewish Kaddesh prayer is said thinking about the fruits of the Holy Spirit falling off God’s Tree of
YHWH Life into our earthly living forever eternal souls.

For Christian Jews, it all starts off similarly like above saying “YHWH Allah” “Let there be Light”

And, it is here, at this point, if we were having Christian Jewish common prayer we would have a general
confession of sin and statement of believe in YHWH God being present inside of us as a Trinitarian YHWH
God Holy Spirit,something like this.

“We Believe in One Father YHWH God, Creator, maker [using the word Aseh if we were saying it in Hebrew]
of all of Heaven and of Earth,
And His Only Son YHWH YHWH Yeshua, Jesus Christ,
Conceived by the Virgin Mary and Born [using the word Borah if we were saying it in Hebrew] of the Holy
Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Crucified,
He descended into Hell [Shaol in Hewbrew],
Was crucified, died, and was buried,
And on the third day He rose again from the dead,
He ascended into Heaven,
And sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty[YHWH El Shaddai]
From thence He shall come to judge the living [H’ayim]
And the dead [H’mateem],
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
The Holy Universal[Catholic] Churchm

In the Name of the Father [using the word Av if we were speaking Hebrew]
And the Son [Ben],
And the Holy Spirit [Ruach H’Kodosh], the Communion of Saints,
The forgiveness of sins [B’matilat h’chatayim],
The resurrection of the body[b’chatayimt h’gof,
And life[Hayi] everlasting [h’netzach].

And, as long as Saint Andrew is the main Saint of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and I believe He is, and
always will be, we in that Church will always believe this.
Also, these words in Latin are also basically those used for prayer masses in the Roman Catholic Church,that
St. Andrew, St. Peter, St. James, St. John, and Jesus Christ as a Holy Spirit indwelling, have and will always
believe and use to use us pray with them,
And these words translated into English are the basically the same used for prayer confessions and are
By most Protestant Churchs today as far as I have been able to ascertain.

2) The 2nd great mahavakya is that the Name of God Allah[Unity] means that no one or nothing is
Of course for Christian Jews, we would substitute, a different conception or meaning of what Oneness
means here, the One, Primary Name of God being the Male YHWH, and YHWH Unity school of Christianity
Wife Saint Mary]
YHWH Allah [YHWH, discriminative knowledge or Truth in God is Unity, or when YHWH God is One His Truth
is One which has a substantially different meaning]

An Aramaic Christian Sufi chant to help us realize has four Arabic words meaning Unity, generate through
God’s Holy Spirit Indwelling four type of Oneness inside and outside of us.

Allaha, [the One fabric of reality,natural everyday truth, we always dwell in]
Allah [God as breathing Unity with us]
Elohim [God as Unity in Diversity indwelling us all]
Elat[ God as Earth to Heaven Reality or Truth]
So the YHWH School of Christianity chant to practice, these She said she did not think she even knew what
a Christian Jew was, how do I define one. I said, somebody who believe that our YHWH God is God and that
His Son is Jesus Christ, past, present, future.
She said she did not think she even knew what a Christian Jew was, how do I define one. I said, somebody
who believe that our YHWH God is God and that His Son is Jesus Christ, past, present, future.
and be like Jesus, the Truth of
These four types of Divine Unity is
YHWH[thought mentally] and pronounced.. Allaha, Allah, Elohim, Elat.
YHWH [thought mentally]and pronounced…Allaha, Allah, Elohim, Elat
YHWH[thought mentally]and pronounced Allaha, Allah, Elohim, Elat
YHWH [thought mentally] and pronounced,Allaha, Allah, Elohim, Elat

3) Neil’s 3rd great key or saying to generate deep insight into who Jesus’ Christ is as the way and the
truth and the life, is :
“Everything is born in blessing, YHWH God gives birth through us to every thing, every morning.” And
according to him this means that there is no original sin.

After this 3rd insight Neil suggests we augment it by chanting the first
Three words of the Lord’s[YHWH’s] prayer in Aramaic:
YHWH Avuon Deba H’Shemaya… Our Father Creator, YHWH, who art in Heaven.
YHWH Avuon Deba H’Shemaya
YHWH Avuom Deba H’Shemaya
YHWH Avuom Deba H’Shemaya

Here he does not pronounce the Name YHWH, here and puts four of the vowels sometimes used in
pronouncing the primary Divine Name YHWH, A, U. O, N… as four meditative steps in realizing the Holy Spirit
is indwelling us, passing upward from earth through us to heaven and
Coming back down again. [actually if you mistakenly consider v a vowel, and pronounce it such, which it is
not in
Hebrew, the Hebrew letter vav being a consonant, you have 5 steps]

Here Neil is assuming Jesus, a Jew, used the Aramaic and Hebrew Name ABBA for the first word in his
Aramaic Lord’s prayer. But, we know that Jesus studied the Psalms, which were written in Hebrew and used
by John the Baptist’s group of Essene’s according to the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran, and that He,
Jesus, then would have been using Tefillim like they did [Tefillim have been found at the Qumran site] and
John did which have the Hebrew Tetragrammaton inscribed in them as the Primary Name of God YHWH
found in the prayer scrolls inside of which were put on your head to pray every morning. Also, if you study
the Psalms as found there in Qumran you will also find YHWH used as the main Name for the Lord God, not
ABBA. Neil says the word Avuon instead of ABBA or God’s Primary Consonant Name YAHVUON with those
vowels in it. Saying His Name this way instead of the more common Jewish way of YAHWEH has the effect of
offering his, Neil’s soul upward through his heart from earth to heaven, since the v or w with eh in it points
the direction down and with u in it up.
Since we are basically offering our souls up to be 3 times faithful to God as Our Father, His Son, and Their
Holy Spirit indwelling upwardly there is no problem here I think for Neil, a Christian but for Jews it might be I
think. Especially since Neil thinks that Christianity and Judaism has been a separate religion since the time
of St. Constantine and I, that is, YHWH God and I and St. John, St. James, St. Peter, St. Andrew don’t or so
WE believe I think and believe. By calling YHWH God the Lord God and not the Primary Hebrew Creator God,
Neil and his friend Mr. Rocco Errico seem to want to substitute for us Jews and Christian Jews the Name
ABBA for God instead of YHWH or YAHWEH. There is an argument for this in Genesis in which Elohim God,
YHWH Elohim as He is later referred to there says Let There be Light. But, ABBA is never mentioned there.
Who is ABBA? I believe that for all of us, myself and Jesus especially YHWH is ABBA and I hope all Christian
Jews will say Amen to me with this teaching.

4)The 4th key or insight into how YHWH God thinks or knows things inside of us from Neil is “Goodness
means Ripeness… or to be perfect means to be all-embracing…” Neil teaches us in his translation of the 4th
Beatitude of Jesus from starting from the Syraic Peshitta Aramaic Gospel:

“Tubwayhun [Neil’s replacement for the Hebrew four-letter tetragrammaton Primary Name of God in the
Hebrew Scriptures YHWH]
Layleyn… are those
D’kaphneen watzhen who hunger innerly
L’khenuta righteousness
D’hinnon nisbhun they shall find it and be satisfied by it.

One problem I find here, Neil in explaining this beatitude speaks of the “Old Hebrew Wisdom” that comes
from the “Old Hebrew Scriptures”, does not need to mention the “Old” Primary Christian Jewish Name of
God YHWH that all Jews, old and new are required to put on their foreheads and arms and worship and think
about daily in their meditations. But, as a present day Christian Jew I believe St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. John,
St. James and Jesus are still doing this in heaven every day up there and not using the Aramaic words Neil
has substituted for the Hebrew. However, if using these words help Neil and modern day Sufi’s and Muslims
to understand and be helped by Jesus Christ better this way, to tell you the truth I don’t think we mind much.
That is one reason all of us have translated the Gospel into so many different versions. But, however you
translate them you will not change the Name of the One Person YHWH and His Son YHWH YHWH Jesus
Which is the Name of the One Individual in Three Persons who created us and the world, saves us, redeems

5) Neil’s 5th key or insight into how YHWH God (not Abvuon God thinks or knows things inside of us is “Love
means giving birth of the Self in self ( we think YHWH YHWH Christ in order to do this in YHWH School of
Christianity) and loving others means helping them give birth to a new sense of themselves (YHWH God
inside of us thinks YHWH Jesus, YHWH YHWH Christ in order to do this)
Very good teaching heary by Neil about the Aramaic word Rah-hum when Jesus is speaking about
compassion through mercy to us in the 5th beatitude means a completely open hearted full blown
compassionate kind of love that gives, and, because they are completely in harmony and rythmn while
praying and breathing with us helps those who will receive it, to also love likewise, while the second type of
love that Jesus speaks about in another part of the Gospel which we should love and pray breathing with our
enemies in Aramaic is “ahaba” or “ahava”(same as common Hebrew word for love and which is the word God
has used in the Tefillim scrolls that ordinary Jews wear on the heads and use to pray downward and upward
to Him in the mornings and presumably if Jesus wore Tefillim given to him by John the Baptist and still wears
them, which we think he does, because we do not believe he has any reason not to, the Hebrew word He
uses to think about how He still Loves YHWH God as Himself and how His Father in Heaven, YHWH still loves
Jesus as Himself and always will… there being some who mistakenly want to teach us that Jesus never and
doesn’t now know Hebrew although being Jewish, but since there can be no question that Jesus’ Father
YHWH knows Hebrew, and since His Son Jesus has been with Him, YHWH, since the beginning, why YHWH
would not teach Jesus Hebrew at some point very long ago )”. Neill has learned from his studies that this
word for love In terms of which we first look to find a smaller place inside of us that is generating this love
more meekly than what is in the Rahhum and then look a little more carefully for us to find opportunites to
project it outward toward them to give them a new understanding of it in themselves in a little gentler softer

So, to sum this up I Andrew and Jesus Christ are saying to you now as in the fifth Beatitude, YHWH is
Allaha Rahmay YHWH is Allaha Rahmay, Blessed be the Compassionate, they shall find Compassion once
and then again, 2 times within YHWH’s and Jesus’ Holy Spirit indwelling you.

6) The 6th key or insight into how we dwell right now in the present moment in Eternal Life comes to us from
Neill as a teaching about Jesus’ affirmation I AM the Bread of Life: “In Aramaic Eternal Life is not a
metaphysical abstract idea but means embodied renewable energy here and now” Hayye Alma… We are this
Eternal Life, but we do not possess it. Our Father Allaha is the only Eternal being, and hence we do not
possess Him but can represent or be Him.

This I idea of yours Neill I think is only the beginning of a more wondelful story or idea about YHWH God Our
Father in Heaven, that all knowledge of YHWH God starts in the present moment, like all knowledge does.
But, most Christians and Jews believe it is possible to know God in a more full sense. ..that is Neill that it is
possible to know that we can know Him, now and at a later time, and this is how we know Him, even though
the process begins paradoxically like Plato and Socrates have taught us by knowing that we do not know
Him. Like you are saying our eternal knowledge of him and ourself is just knowledge now and in the present
moment. But, the New Testament Christian Bible tells us that He is both the first and last part of three ways
we can know Him, as a Father, as a Son, and as a Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son. The Son being the
second way we can know Him truthfully in a two-truth. When YHWH God is Two His Truth is Two Also the
Jewish Old Testament in the Book of Genesis teaches us this if you study it carefully. The Bible would not be
prophecy if there was not a sequential way of knowing its author YHWH. And, its prophetic part to its truth
does not just happen in the present moment, but it connect what has happened in the past to us with what is
yet to happen in the future, doesn’t it Neill? We don’t have souls (Nefesh is the Aramaic word here) like
human beings otherwise do we Neill? only spirits like angels? Do you only want to be an angel Neill and not a
human one?
And, Jesus Christ inside of Neill, do you want to say you never needed to die on the Cross for everyone? Us
angels don’t need you to do it, do we? But, its already been done, because the way people know Neill is not
from just what is happening to him now, but also what happened to him and Jesus a long time ago and which
doesn’t have to happen again as long as we acknowledge that it already has.

So, to sum up how Neil believes Jesus and Saint Andrew, as Jesus and Saint Andrew, Saint John, Saint Peter,
Saint James, are teaching it to him in studying the Beatitudes in Aramaic, we would say:

“YHWH Tubwayhun layaleyn Dadkeyn B’lebhon d’hinnnon nehzun l’ YHWH L’Alaha”,
YHWH the Lord God Blesses those who are consistent, pure in heart, for they shall see God as YHWH And
Jesus sees Him inside of and outside of you by indwelling you as a Holy Spirit… or more succinctly, using
the Primary Name of God for Christian Jews, 8 times, somewhat less precisely than above, YHWH Allaha,
YHWH Allaha… YHWH Yeshua, YHWH Yeshua, YHWH YHWH Yeshua, YHWH YHWH Yeshua like somewhat
tradionally famous but less precise with the Primary Name of God YHWH in it chant, in the Hindu Yoga Name
of God chant…YHWH Hari Ramah, YHWH Hari Rami, YHWH Hari Krishna, YHWH Hari Krisha,, YHWH Ramah
Ramah, YHWH Krishna Krishna, YHWH YHWH Hari Rami Krishn that the Lord YHWH Vishnu and Saint
Andrew have chanted a lot in the 1970s and 1980s of the last millenium.

7) Neill’s 7th key to understanding Jesus’ teaching is the way we become as St. Francis has and is still
praying for to become an Instrument of YHWH God’s Peace:

“ Peace means the fullness of a potential rather than the absence of conflict.”
“Peace, Shalom as a creative potential existed before the Creation in Genesis as a restful life energy coming
out from us not as an ever increasing energy, but as a balance of life energy and a sense of rest inside of it
helping us to evolve and shape it. Jesus said, according to Neill, in the 8th and final, culminating Beatitude
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, they shall be instruments of YHWH’s Peace, planting it as seeds inside and
outside of our environment and inside of ourselves in order to make Peace.” Finishing off our meditation in
silence for a couple of minutes here, of listening to YHWH God to tell us how we can better plant Peace
inside of the the World and by the Holy Spirit of YHWH God telling us the next step on His Plan and Path for
us walking with Him together in the Holy Spirits of YHWH God inside of all of us, as I write these words our
long time Prayer friend St. Francis is following YHWH God’s plan to make Him an instrument of His Peace in
Iraaq, on a trip that St. John Paul II had to cancel while pray with all of us and Him here saying with the
Hebrew, Aramaic, English word, “Ameen” out loud and directly our common Holy Spirits indwelling us
downward using YHWH God’s One Being of the Holy Spirit of Truth of YHWH Allaha Shdownward to how It is
being planted in the 1st Holy Spirit root chakra> inside as the before the creation part of the Holy Shalom
“Tubwayhun[May the Lord God YHWH in Aramaic through the His Holy Spirit indwelling me[the Holy Spirit of
Jesus] indwelling me ] Lahwday Bless the Planters of Peace, Dawnawhie D’Alaha Nit Quarun [for they shall
be called those who have hallowed and sanctified the Name of God, YHWH Alaha Shlama [ the word YHWH
added here by Andrew as he believes Jesus would want Him to do translating his Armaic Gospel, in all of us.

They, we, shall be Children of YHWH God, with open hearts and because they have a sense of paradox
inside of them, and hollow spaces inside of their hearts, [the discriminative knowledge of the Name of God
YHWH inside of their hearts shall become a Allah, a Unity, bathing in and creating in It with our hearts inside
of It as a diversity…a Sun and a Moon, of being able to know It as everlasting, ever-evolving Peace of an
Understanding Mind that knows It … comments added to Neill’s by Andrew] with channels of life running
through their hearts they shall be instruments and givers of YHWH God’s Peace to us.”

In the 8th Beatitude from the Aramaic Gospel Jesus representing Our Father YHWH in Heaven Blesses us
with the Aramaic Words “Tubwayhun layleyn detrdep “ May the Lord YHWH Bless those who are dislocated,
persecuted drawn out of forced out of their comfort zones, their normal homes as refugees to a new land,
for the sake of their inner justice,and righteousness“ “metal kenuta dihon(hie) malkutha” For they shall find
a new Home in the inner Kingdom of the great I Can, the great I AM
And in the ninth Beatitude

“Tubwayhun immath damhasdeen l’khon wahrin eleykon kull milla bisha metulath b’dagahuta “

Blessed are ye, in YHWH’s Name when men shall revile yu and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely for my sake.”

Then we have the Beatitudes in Aramaic with a blessing from Jesus teaching us according to Neil’s
translation not to torture ourselves thinking about what happening now, for the sake of some blessing in
heaven in the future but be still and happy now and see and experience heaven and earth as happening now

“Hadeyn, khadaw [exceedingly] wa rawazu[glad] dagarkhun[your reward], sgee[is increased now]
bashmaya[in heaven] hakana geyr,r’dawpw [for they persecuted also] l’nabiya[prophets] d’men
q’damakhun[which were before you].”
8) Neill’s eight key or insight into how we can pray with Jesus and know His Beatitudes better is “Cultivating
this sense of Peace, is another way to be still and know that I AM YHWH God, and raise ourselves from the
dead at any time during our lives with YHWH’s God’s help”
“To raise myself from the dead, we realize that we are beings having Eternal Life here and now with the help
of breathing YHWH God’s Holy Spirit Indwelling us following the movement of it while meditating on the
Aramaic words of Jesus’s seventh Beatitude…through a balance of the movement and rest while knowing
this Peace in YHWH Christ,.. when YHWH God’s Truth is Seven, we are in Heaven…

Blessed be the Lord YHWH inside of,
Lawvaday shlama,
Those who make Peace,
Dawnaw(hie) d’Allaha nitqarun
They shall be Children of Allaha(Unity of God in Nature)”

with a few small changes and comments added by Andrew
to Neill’s translation.

Moses Aaronic Birchas Kohanim YHWH Blessing:

We say this blessing sitting or standing with our two hands in the famous ten finger, five dimensions of
metaphysical blessing the Holy Spirit of YHWH pointed going up energetically and mentally bodily not only
upward from the earth to heaven through our fingers held out in front below our heart toward the Heavenly
Presence of YHWH at our top sahasraha chakra but also coming back down from their on the other side of
things back the back of our neck and spine down through the spiritual and psychic heart chakra where the
ordinary maha world of collective heart consciousness of everyone is located spiritually in our seven five
dimensional Divine and human chakras:

1) Blessed are Thou, YHWH, our God, King of the Universe, Who has sanctified us with the holiness of
Aaron and commanded us to bless His people Israel[ and all of Christianity and Judaism] with love.

May YHWH Who makes all of heaven and earth bless you and protect you from Heaven and throughout the
Earth, and from Jerusalem

2)May YHWH God[YHWH YHWH, God Merciful and Compassionate, Slow to Anger, Abundant in Loving
Kindness and Truth] and Bless you and keep you
3) May YHWH God Shine his Face turn His Face unto me and to you and be Gracious unto us together.
4) May YHWH God Lift up His Countenance, His Face, Jesus Christ in Heaven upon us placing Peace in High
Places in our Eternal Souls, together and individually and let it continue indwelling us and our Souls and
Spirits as a Holy Spirit Eternally, falling back down tp earth to grow and be born again forever as the daily,
monthly, yearly Divine growth and birth in our souls fall back down to earth as new substance of faith in
Christ, the Same Body and Blood of Christ, of God’s Only Son Jesus Christ and His Heavenly Father YHWH,
and the new Presence and Power of it on dwelling in everybody as good fruit for all to share.

For those of us who pray with Yeshua or Jesus as a Christian Jew we pray a few different variations of the 8
Aramaic beatitudes of the Gospel of Matthew (in Aramaic), as being keys to unlocking how to be who we He
wants us to be travelling with Him on these pathways, through an ordered series of contemplative meditative
prayer “gates” or “doors” or Divine knowledge which we then learn to become “doors” or “gates of prayer”
ourselves to keep learning about and pass on our knowledge about to our students, and to help our students
keep learning about by listening to them and resurrecting things in Christ for them as we travel toward
Victory in Jesus being eternal knowledge about what is God’s Truth given to us associated with them, these
are the 8 “personal living faces or glories of His Holy Spirit Indwelling us as a Christian Jewish Mathematical
Theology” that the Father God YHWH lifts up or blesses are a Holy Spirit we raised up in Christ to the
overwatching protecting indwelling us in the monthly pressing blessing of 5 hands with another 5 hands
inside of 5 hands, while mindfully thinking about the 555 in-hold-out in through the heart chakra to the
saharaha top chakra where YHWH God the Father and His Son Jesus on the Cross listens to and
overwatches our prayers and allows them to be fulfilled through a downward movement of Divine grace from
the Cross and Throne of YHWH God up back down through the heart chakra into our souls as they live
eternally on this blessed earth, this blessed heaven on earth we and our souls live, die, are redeemed, and
reborn as we walk forward in Holy Spirit of YHWH Christ and Jesus Christ together forever.

After studying and being blessed by them myself and praying them for many year I ask YHWH God the
permission now to speak them as a blessing as Jesus did to others and still does to speak them to you and
bless you through them from the viewpoint of His Divine Holy Spirit, proceeding up through my hands and
the Divine Unity in our shared heart energy and thought charkras to Him and the Cross of Jesus Christ and
Jesus Christ and them back down reborn through their over watching Divine Holy Spirit in the top Divine
spiritual chakras of both our souls and then back down from their the top of St. Jacob’s ladder in Heavenly
Jerusalem back down through our shared with Them Divine energies amd thoughts in our heart chakras on
earth concentrated and reborn as the Spirit of the Father YHWH God, and that of the Son Jesus, and both
their Holy Spirits to you down here on earth.

1)When YHWH God is aligned with His Oneness in me and in you ,You are dwelling in His Kingdom of Heaven
and His Truth is poor in Spirit as One: Blessed lovingly livingly fertile being still are those of us in Christ
breathing His presence of a Holy Name YHWH[discriminative knowledge of the Divine] which is Allah[Unitive
knowledge of it] in diversity into each other heavenly lives as Its first and last truthful possession the I AM
and the I Can of the Cosmos.

2)When YHWH God is aligned with His Twoness in me and you His Truth is Two: Blessed loving livingly fertile
are eternal beings are those who mourn in confusion you shall be comforted as your soul knit back together
in the Divine YHWH Holy Spirit within as we breathe through there trials together with them.

3)When the Holy Spirit of the Father YHWH God and that of His Only Son Jesus is aligned and blessing us
as Three in me and you the Way of His Truth is You: Blessed lovingly livingly fertile are the meek and humble
who will become strong enough to inherit the Kingdom of YHWH God through trusting in YHWH God’s
strength indwelling them.

4)When the Holy Spirit of YHWH God and His Son Jesus is blessing us and aligned as Divine Fourness in us
His Righteous Truth in you is More: Blessed, lovingly fertile are those who hunger and thirst for the justice of
this righteousness for your body shall be surrounded, aligned with Its healing power, and healed, nourished
and filled with it.
5)When YHWH God is Divine Five-ness in us His Truth is Alive: Blessed livingly fertile are those of us who
like Saint Mary birthed from their inner womb mercy, their shall be surrounded by mercy and obtain mercy.

6) When YHWH God is Divine Creative Essence of Six-ness is in us His Truth is Fixed Blessed lovingly fertile
are consistent in heart, the pure in heart, for they shall see the Allaha Unity of YHWH God and His Only Son
Jesus Christ everywhere and as an inner Holy Spirit Gloryof God Face indwelling themselves

7) When YHWH God is Divine Seven-ness in us We are in Heaven: Blessed lovingly fertile are we the
peacemakers who make peace by exerting ourselves to cooperate and not fight for they shall call us Sons of
Man and also the One and only Son of YHWH God Allaha Yeshua or Jesus and we shall discover the
wondelful home for us our Father has prepared for us in His Heaven dwelling on this earth.

8) When YHWH God and His Son Jesus is Divine Eightness in us, His Truth is really great: Blessed lovingly
livingly fertile are those living in the World who are banished for a short time seeking peace and justice, their
new home in the World in God’s Kingdom of Heaven which is even more in charge in the World now is even

Alternate reading of the Gospel of Matthew in the Aramaic chapter 5.

After receiving the full Priestly through the ancient Jewish Moses Aaronic blessing and the blessing of
Jesus, through his eight beatitudes teaching we still are praying with YHWH God as the disciples did during
the Omer Count after Jesus’ death and rebirth inside of thm Eternally with Knowledge about YHWH God
indwelling all of us as Keeping His Promises to us giving us what Christians and Jews pray for in the daily
Amidah prayers the Love of God that gives , His Grace Saving Our Souls From up there on the Cross,
Forgiveness, Redemption of them, Justification of them with newborn Wisdom, Understanding, Loving
Kindness, Patience, A Good Year, Glory of YHWH Indwelling us as fruits of the Holy Spirit during the 7x7
Divine Concepts of Concepts blessed our souls 49 days until Pentecost

Here are some ways the YHWH God Remembering us for Eternal Life and us Affirming the His Name of
YHWH God does this being born in us as we ask for Him to in the Amidah daily prayers:

1) Blessed be Thou YHWH God in us and myself[Andrew Harrell or your name goes here as Binah(Hebrew
word for understanding)
2) Blessed be Thou YHWH God in us and myself as Chomah(Hebrew word for wisdom)
3) Blessed be Thou YHWH God in us and myself as Chesed (Hebrew word for loving kindness)
4) Blessed be Thou YHWH God in us and myself as YHWH El Shaddai (Hebrew word for the Lord God
Almighty YHWH Sabaoth whose name means God is strength, then God is One or then God is Unity)
5) Blessed be Thou YHWH God in us and myself as Slichah (Hebrew word for forgiveness)
6) Blessed be Thou YHWH God in us and myself as G’ulah (Hebrew word for redemption)
7) Blessed be Thou YHWH God as in us and myself as Raphael(YHWH Raphael in addition to being the
name of God’s angel Raphael is the Hebrew word for healing it means the same essentially as “Jesus Christ
Heals” as very powerful name of God as a lot of people not just Jews know)
8) Blessed be Thou YHWH God as in us and myself Misphat (Hebrew word for justice)
9) Blessed be Thou YHWH God asin us and myself Shalom(Hebrew word for Peace).

We bless those whose names we know among you in prayer, with you, as Jesus did, by name., to be known
and blessed as they, you know and bless others know, and who are the pure in heart, merciful,
compassionate and kind, to take time and talk with and pray with us, listen to us, for theirs, yours, is the
Kingdom of Heaven and you shall be listened to and comforted and helped on this heaven on our earth by
YHWH God and His Son Jesus Christ. Blessed be those who hunger and seek after righteousness, who are
sincere In their compassions, for great is your reward, now, today in this Kingdom of Heaven such as it is
that we live in.

Yit’gadal v’yit’kadash sh’mayh raba.

May (God’s) great name grow sanctified in us


B’alama de b’ra cheer’otayh.

In the world that he created and willed.

V’yam’laych mal’chotayh, b’chayaychon v’b’yomaychon

May he establish this sovereignity in your lifetime and in your

vb’chayay d’chal bayt Is’raayl.

And in the lifetimes of all Israel.

May these days (that have been foretold) come quickly and soon.

v’am’ru: Amen (here the people say amen)

Y’hay sh’mehh raba m’barach l’olam vl’al’may al’maya.

May his great name be blessed in the universe inside of that which
flourishes (or prospers) inside of the flourishing (prosperity)

Yit’barach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar v’yitromam v’yitnashay v’yithadar
v’yitalehh v’yithalal sh’mayh d’khuhd’sha b’rayach Hu

(B’rayach Hu – Cong.)

Blessed and praised and glorified and exalted and supported and strengthened
and raised up and praised Holy in worshipful song be the Name of the Holy
One, blessed be He.
(here the congregation says Blesed be He)

L’ayla meen khal beer’cata v’shayrata tuhsh’bh’chata

Though its well-being flourishes beyond all blessings and songs…praises and

damayran b’al’ma. Vam’ru: amayn. (amayn-cong.)

That are said where it prospers (or flourishes)…now we say Amen
(here the congregation says amen).

Kabayl b'rachmaym vbh'ratzon et t'pheelatanu.
Accept our prayers with compassion and favor (cong.)

Teet'paybayl tz'lot'hon v'bhaot'hon d'chal bayt Yisrael kadam Abohon day

May the prayers of all Israel be accepted by their Father in Heaven.

Al Yish’raayl v’al rabbanayn. V’al tal’maydayhon v’al khal tal’mayday
tal’maydayhon. Va’ khal man d’as’qayn b’oray’ta, dhay b’at’ra hadayn v’day
b’khal atar v’atar.

Upon Israel, upon the teachers, their disciples and all of their disciples
and upon all those who engage in the study of Torah, who are here or
anywhere else.

Y’heh l’hon vl’chon sh’lama rbha, cheena v’chees’dha v’rach’mayn, v’chayayn
adaychayn, vm’zonay r’vaychay, v’phehr’aqana meen k’adam abohon dhay
beesh’maya (v’araa). V’am’ru: amayn. (amayn – cong.)

May they and you have abundant peace, grace, kindness, mercy, long life,
ample nourishment, and salvation from before their Father who is in heaven
(and on earth). Now we say Amen (here the congregation says amen)

Y’hay sh’alma raba meen Sh’maya, v’chayaym (tobaym) alaynu v’al chal
Yish’rael v’eem’ru: amayn. (amayn-cong.)

May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life(goodness) upon us and upon
all Israel. (here the congregation says amen…) amen.

Asehh shalom bheem’romayav, Hu bh’rachamayav y’ashehh shalom alay…yanu v’al
chal Yeesh’raayl. V’eem’ru. (amen- cong.)

May He who makes peace in the high heavens, may He, in His compassion, make
peace upon us, and upon all Israel. (here the congregation responds amen)

Then we say:

YHWH is Holy, YHWH is Holy Holy, Lord God YHWH Almighty [YHWH El Shaddai}, merciful and mighty,
early in the morning my song shall rise to Thee. God in Three person bless Trinity, perfect in three Persons,
Love and Purity, a Son of Man and The Son of God [the Third person being the Divine Indwelling of His Holy
Spirit inside of you].

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Article #402
Subject: Continuation of prayer thoughts
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/18/2021 02:02:09 PM

Some Passover Seded meal blessing teachings related to this if you are lucky enough to being having a
Seder teaching up in heaven while YHWH God is explaining things from the viewpoint of a Messianic s
tar of knowledge inside of a Righteous Christian Cross, His Cross, of Action and Truth: There are the four
lights of righteous Messianic salvation knowledge a teaching of which goes back to the original Jewish
Haggadah Passover teaching about YHWH God's Four Sons at the table He is teaching things to [there is
in reality only One Son YHWH God is teaching here and it is the Indwelling Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ in us

1) the Light of Onenness in Messianic Christian Jewish Knowledge Increasing,
This corresponds to the Son, Jesus . that knows something and doesn't yet know that He knows it.
In this situation YHWH God is like a Catholic Priest, living in a higher metaphysical realm, telling us
something and giving us communion for [our salvation] that hasn't happened yet] and we are like a
member of the Catholic Church
2) The Light of Oneness without a second in Messianic Christian Jewish Knowledge becoming a part of
each of us and all of us inside of each of us
This Son is a Son who knows something more, the Holy Spirit of God's Salvation with it not happening,[he
knows that he doesn't't know it what the priest is trying to give him in communion at this point] and he the
Son is coming forward in a Protestant Church to receive what is called "The Holy Spirit of YHWH God"
confessing his inability at this point to effect his own knowledge of it. He thinks he knows something, when
he really does not know anything, is not going to know anything at this point.
3) The Light of the Divine Onenss of Christ's salvation in us transforming us as it heals and saves us.
This Light is YHWH God's and Jesus' Twofold Light of Truth in the Holy Spirit of how we cn know our
Trinitarian YHWH God as a healer and savior.
It correspondss to the situation of the third Son of YHWH God [the third coming of Christ in us] as the
Seder as someone at the table who doesn't'know anything and is experiencing the fact now that he
actually doesn't [Jesus Christ and he are on the Cross together in healing communion]
4) The Light of the Divine Oneness of knowing God's healing Truth in us as a discrimination between how
we know things humansy and divinely. Here the fourth part of God's Son, Jesus in us is explaining the final
part of how we are being judged by God the Father YHWH and experiencing Him Jesus as justification and
sanctfcation of our souls. Finally, we know something here, our salvation and we know that we know iut.

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Article #403
Subject: Continuation
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/18/2021 07:15:14 PM

As to how Neil's fifth key to understanding the fifth Beatitude.....That the merciful shall be blessed by
receiving mercy from YHWH God in us helping them give birth to a new sense of Self in themselves.... I
believe that this is basically the same thing as helping them understand that with God's Help (that is
YHWH God's help) all things are ripe in the sense of being possible or self-generative when our sense
justified principled Self is known as self-generative in this sense.

the sixth key or insight coming to us from understanding the sixth beatitude...Blessed be the pure in heart,
for they shall see God [YHWH God that iws] how we can dwell in the present moment in a Righteous,
affirmative Eternal being..... I believe this is the same as understanding how we can know YHWH God as a
Present Moment Staff and Support, as a YHWH God Self inside of our YHWH God Self..a Father and a Son
so to speak) of His, our, own Righteousness in us.

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