Religion and Science Topic: David Deutsch, Karl Popper, Parmendides

Article #379
Subject: David Deutsch, Karl Popper, Parmendides
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 10/3/2019 06:38:41 PM

As mentioned in the introduction, while over in England I also had the opportunity to revisit and think
more about some problems in the philosophy of science, ‘What is the Concept of a Concept” and “How
do you Define the Number One” that I have discussed, prayed with other philoosphers and
theologicans over the years over the years Some of these problems are posted in the
In the difficult problems for God to solve subdirectory. Paradoxically sometimes problems that seem
simple for us are actually difficult for God and take more time. Sometimes problems that seem difficult
and important to us aren’t so important for God to solve right now and so He gives them more time in
order to help them better with us. So, during the day before I set up the priorities of which of my
problems to try and solve myself and which to postpone solving and ask God for help with, I pray also
for God to give me correct judgement to place them in the right order to be solved. Many times this
spiritual gift comes only after I have “Been still and Known”.

Parmenides was a student of the famous 6 century BC Greek Historian and Philosopher Xenoohanes
who had a somewhat different theory of knowledge,

and metaphysics even as Plato’s theory of knowledge was somewhat different than Parmenides.

Dr. Popper explains in his book on Parmenides, his most famous and important accomplishment was to
give a rational (based on assumptions and logical deductions from those assumptions) argument for
the “fullness” or “Oneness” of the metaphysics of the world and how we know it truthfully and know it
certainly, hence divinely, as truthful.

How do we have, as Dr. Popper wants a “principle of fallibility’ in our knowledge, but also the certain
expectation of always getting a better approximation to truth not from more empirical testing but as we
examine and discuss things rationally with some kind of divine help?

Parmenides was a scientist trying to understand and explain the world, not through empirical sense
knowledge, but divine faithful intuitive knowledge.
Since him, with Aristotle’s help scientists had developed inductive and deductive theories of how we
know things humanly, and with probability and hope coming close to this divine certainty.

But, the knowledge that Parmenides talks about, and claims to have is both theological and scientific .

His argument was

1) Only what is truly the case (such as what is known) can be the case and can truly be.

First conclusion:
The non-existing cannot be.

Second Conclusion:
Nothingness or the void cannot be.

Third conclusion:
The world is full, it is a continuous block (not a fast flowing river)
Without any divisions

Fourth conclusion
Since the world is full, motion, motion throughout time, is not possible.
The only thing we can know is truth and its oneness.

Here I add a fifth conclusion:

Since nothingness cannot be, there cannot be a set with one object in it,
Ie the normal way mathematicians define the number one, as being a set with no objects, in it.
Therefore numbers cannot exist in the real world.

Parmenides believed, as opposed to Aristotle, that objects can exist in a timeless Divine world, which
we can know according to the fixed “Block’ theory of explaining what time is, as opposed to thinking
about time as a moving River of Life. Thus is Parmenides Divine type of thinking, there is a “Way of
Truth” in which the alpha an omega of the consciousness of our thinking this way, divinely, all exists in
the Present Moment. All Truth is here, as the same time, in this Present Moment as a beginning
existing in an end or purpose, and an end or purpose existing in a beginning.

Dr. Popper explains in his book about Parmenides how Parmenides introduced into philosophy the idea
of “Certain Truth’. In doing this we contributed greatly to the theology and logic of religious prophecy,
because in order for some one to be a prophet, they have to be speaking “certain truth”, absolutely and
not relatively. And, before Parmenides no one had figured out how this could be possible. So, from this,
perhaps it explains why the age of prophecy ended so soon for us humans, when we all subscribed to
Aristotle’s version of how motion could exist using forms, instead of Parmenides explanation about it.

Since Dr. Popper is a realist, and a a philosopher of science and not of theology he doesn’t teach that
there is anything such as a :’concept of a concept’ that humans can understand. For, if we were to
understand and know things about this what we would be knowing would be God Himself, even if He,
God was the One giving us this knowledge. But, he teaches that human understanding comes through a
non-intellectual mental intuitive imagination process of pre-existing ideas beyond empirical thinking,
like the way Plato taught we understand ideas.

But, he Dr. Popper, being a philosopher of Nature and or scientific knowledge that we can achieve about
the One World we live and its Nature environment, is a Realist, not an idealist like Plato. For he has
concluded that Parmenides was after studying his writings for many years. As I have said in last months
blog, I, being a philosopher about theology and mathematics and the divine knowledge we can achieve
about Heaven coming down to this very Earth we live in today, believe that God, or to be more precise,
the Holy Spirit of God indwelling inside of us Christian Jews is both a Realist and an Idealist. First, while
he knows things in an earthly realm inside of us, He is a Realist, then, as He knows things in an psychic
Realm indwelling us, He is an Idealist, then as He or She knows things in a heavenly divine realm
indwelling as a metaphysical spirit inside of us, He or She is the measure between the two.

What does all of this mean in terms of its Christian Jewish connection to Bible theology?

In chapter 1, verse 3 of the book of Genesis on the first day we are told that our Elohim God, YHWH, in
the beginning of everything, the universe, the world in which we now live, have lived in, and will live in
the future said,

English transliteration of the Hebrew words should be read and thought about from right to left:

“V’omer Elohim,
Y’heay, Or,
V’y’heay Or.”

And, God said,
Let there be Light,
And there was Light.

What does this verse mean in terms of what we have just said about the metaphysics of early Greek
philosophers and the Jewish Priest Kings that lived at the time the book of Genesis was written?

It means, I think, that He YHWH, the Tetragrammaton, created the world out of nothing from the Eternal
standpoint of a human being with God’s Holy Spirit indwelling him and us. And, it means that in order to
do this he, this human became still, stilled his mental processes through slowing down the sense
impression parts of his knowledge, in order to know further, mindfully, strongly, patiently, lovingly,
kindly, righteously, hopefully, and faithfully, while meditating contemplatively being helped by the mind
of God YHWH wisdom, understanding, and the light of the Divine mind of God, the Christ, this person
conceived (borayed) us through thinking about God’s Name YHWH.

In Chapter 1, verse 27, of the book of Genesis on the sixth day we are told that our Elohim God, YHWH,
created us in His image and likeness and from His mind He created us:

English transliteration of the Hebrew words should be read and thought about from right to left:

“And Borayed Elohim
Et H’Adam,
B’ tzelamu,
B’ tzelem Elohim,
Borayed etu,
Boray atam.”

And God created,
The man,
In His image,
In the image of God [likeness],
He created him
And female
He created them.

What does this verse mean in terms of what we have just said about the metaphysics of early Greek
philosophers and the Jewish Priest Kings that lived at the time the book of Genesis was written?

It means, I think, that He YHWH, the Tetragrammaton, made us from the standpoint of a human being
with God’s Holy Spirit indwelling him and us. And, this human being helped God make us first from a
prophetic and intuitively conceived and known “non-intellectual image”, then this human further
meditating contemplatively being helped God made us through thinking about God’s Name YHWH as
YHWH YHWH, another person, God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ, the rational word, the Logos, of God who
knows that He knows, and then this human being helped by God breathing His Holy Spirit into Him and
us created and breathed a knowledge in us by writing it all down in Hebrew words and meditating on a
four-fold metaphysical type of knowledge that starts from thinking about God as the one-fold
knowledge truth and two-fold, knowledge truth and then finally a one-fold knowledge truth, the Alpha
and the Omega Truth, Past, Present, Future, of our God of Christian Jewish prophecy as it has been, is,
and will be realized Eternally, Forever, in all of us

Figure 9 Some lilies and other beautiful walkway garden flowers inside the walls of Merton College,

So to summarize all that we have discussed so far as it relates to the purposes of our discussion here,

Parmenides did not believe that there was any such a thing as a concept of a concept because for him
knowledge came directly and intuitively and non-intellectually from a monadic metaphysical plenum. To
have a concept of a concept you have to be intellectual.

Plato did believe there was such a thing as a concept of a concept, for him these higher levels of
concepts, such as the concept of Truth and the concept of Goodness existed in an independent self-
existing realm from the realm of sense impression and material experience.

Aristotle did not believe that there was such a thing as a concept of a concept because he believed that
all knowledge starts off with sense experience and is only conceptual if it is grounded this way, not
being grounded by its own self-existence.

Christian Jews believe that there is such a thing as a concept of a concept because we believe that
numbers are real, being created by God and themselves and instantiated creatively by God on the fifth
day, after the World was on the first. In order to do this we need a logic with first and second order
logical functions or predicates. Reasoning about the numbers is goal-oriented, divinely ordered, when it
is backward chaining logically from a final goal or purpose. And, reasoning about the numbers are
object oriented when it is forward chained from an initial nothingness, the number Zero.

Parmenides did not know how to define the number one, because for him the plenum of space was a
oneness and it didn’t have any set with just one object, the null set in it. As we have seen in modern
times using Aristotle’s logic we can either take the set with no object as our definition of the number
one, creating the cardinal numbers, or the set with one object, the null set as our definition of the
number one creating the ordinal numbers.

The Pythagoreans didn’t know how to define the number one, because for them defining it in one of the
two ways just mentioned above and continuing forward unto infinity from it, there was no space for a
logical definition of the irrational numbers and collecting them with the rational numbers all together to
make all numbers real.

Plato did not know how to define the number one, because in His metaphysics the form of oneness
defined in one of the two ways above, did not exist in a continuous spatial material world .

Aristotle did know how to define the number one, because if it and the rest of the positive integers was
defined inductively increasing toward infinity and his theory of motion was defined using four types of
causes, a material one, a essential one, an instrumental one, and a purposeful one,as mentioned above,
the paradoxes of Zeno contradicted any understanding of how motion can happen. But, Aristotle’s
metaphysics which allow this kind of definition of the Number One do not explains why the “gaps” in the
fullness of the continuum that Zeno’s paradoxes explain are necessary. A logical mathematical method
of defining numbers in which such “limits” of rational and irrational limits are allowing wasn’t invented
unto about a hundred years ago. And, the need for a new way of understanding numbers as being real in
terms of having a “Absolutely Real Quantum Consciousness” did not come into play in the area of
mathematical logic until about 30 years ago, when some new ways of defining material realizations of
numbers in Quantum Computer Networks were invented. However way we figure out with God’s help to
define these new types of numbers Aristotle would I think want them to have definitions using both
backward goal oriented final cause logic and forward object oriented first cause logic mixed and
chained together in the design of the logical functions and predicates used to generate and instantiate
the numbers into being. This will require a new and better understanding of how to chain together
create quantum logic circuits reversibly and thermodynamically without loss of energy. Some of the
beginnings of the designs these circuits already exist under the heading of “Quantum Computing Time
Machines”. These machines might be capable of looking and communicating with the past, present,
future ethically, even as some of us believe human minds are now. If this happens we might be on the
verge in a hundred years or so of creating theologically aware artificial intelligence.

Taking all of this divine thinking about numbers into account, here are some

Mathematical, Physical arguments on how to heal the pain and confusion in an infinite amount of
inspired by the arguments in David Deutschs book, The Beginning of Infinity., chapter 8 the
Beginning of Infinity. You might want to get a copy of this book to better understand what is said next.
It presents an alternative view of what is real and isn’t form most modern day philosophers of science
and mathematics. It presents a view of how we can understand what infinity is not by using our
intellectual thought and reason, but by imagining what it is by using a type of Pre-Socratic logic taught
by the Greek Philosopher Parmenides who was an important thinker before the time of Plato, but this
metaphysical way of thinking and know was later changed and altered by Aristotle who became the
prime explaining of what epistemology, the theory of knowledge, is to us Westerners. More details on

Getting back to what we can learn from reading David Deutsch’s book, the beginning of infinity, I begin
to see a hint of how scientific philosophers of the future, and mathematicians of the future, might
explain a theory of motion and truth that uses “categories” of thought instead of “sets” as objects of

If you are interested in studying more about this you might want to read our ourprayergroup
mathematical an damateur theological discussions at the archives. It deals with how Dr. Grotendieck’s
mathematical theory of categories might relate to Galileo’s and Aristotle’s ideas about what motion is.
The location of the archives has been moved and relocated to this URL location from the Google
supported site because they sent us a notice last year that they weren’t
offering free hosting any more. The discussion is posted in the May 2015 Cal Berkeley Alumni trip to
Florence Italy.

For sure, this won’t be easy for us humans to figure out, how to do this, but perhaps God inside of
some of the people I pray with and send these amateur theological travel blogs to, will help us, along
with God inside of me, along the way giving us some new prophetic teachings, a new theory about His
Word, the Word of God, the Logos contained in His Son Jesus Christ, in this sense. Please say Amen.

The current issue of Scientific American magazine has an article, “Numbers Game” talking about some
of this, but the author Kelsey Houston-Edward just scratches the surface of talking about it and doesn’t
understand most of what I am trying to get you interested in here.
Here is an August tweet which I wrote, that hopefully may get you interested in thinking about it.

Mathematical objects are like God, they are both real & unreal. Part of the time they can be measured
and will "kick back" when we try to measure them, imagine them, as in Quantum reality. Part of the time
they don't. This is when they exist independently as forms or concepts.

Of course to understand this tweet you have to understand what a concept is.
That is what I have been trying to discuss online at for several years at the philosophy of
science discussion board sub-directoryies.

First of all a good number, infinite number of us, have to believe that human effort is not all there is to
help us here in heaven on earth. You have to believe, that there is not such a things as just a man.

The opposite of this belief Deutsch calls, the principle of mediocrity and he explains in the first 7
chapters of the book why it doesnt make sense in the world we are living in.

Then, Deutsch explains how in in the mind experiment of David Hilberts Infinity Hotel which has an
infinite amount of rooms why finitism and instrumentalism (the belief that something has reality
if you can measure it) doesnt hold up.
In this hotel there is no last room, and the percentage of rooms which are odd and even cannot be
measured (the ratio of odd to even rooms can be thought of as Ẅ, 1/3.1/4,,,,etc).

Then he explains how in the Infinity Hotel a waste disposal system can empty out a infinite
of rooms from waste (heal them from pain) in a finite amount of time

If we want to have faith in God, imagining we all live in an Infinity Hotel (our souls) indwelling each
us along with a Holy Spirit, an indwelling Spirit of God, as a Father who is the beginning of infinity and a
Son who does what the Father asks and passes Himself along to others as an indwelling Holy Spirit
doing what the Father asks, then seeming infinite miracles of healing can happen.

An announcement is made in the hotel, within the next minute will all the guests in the hotel please
bag up their trash (pain) and give it to the person in the next numbered room. Should you receive a bag
during that minute please pass it along within the following half minute. Should you receive a bag during
that half minute, please pass it along during the following quarter minute, and so on.. To comply all
guests have to work fast-but none of them have to work infinitely fast, or handle infinitely many bags,
Each of them performs a finite number of actions, as per the hotel rules. So, two minutes after they
began, none of the guests have any trash (pain) left.

All the trash (pain) in the hotel, which at the start seems like, and can actually proved to be, an infinite
amount, has disappeared. Voila. Jesus Christ, Gods only Son, has healed us all.

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