Adoniram Judson Gordon Topic: twitter prayer taunt to get Scott and Rhonda Gibson and Dennis Hollinger to discuss theology

Article #342
Subject: twitter prayer taunt to get Scott and Rhonda Gibson and Dennis Hollinger to discuss theology
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 3/9/2018 09:11:51 AM

@AdoniranGordon it is frightening and risky for a professional theologian to engage in a dialogue with an
amateur theological isn't it? Your soul could end up out of control of the professionals. Better possibility
both souls are already under God's, control, and will remain so

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Article #343
Subject: Adoniram's thoughts channelled thru Andrew questions to Scott, Rhonda, Dennis
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 3/9/2018 09:23:11 AM

Scott and Rhonda, Dennis, Kevin Belmonte says in his book about my great grandfather, that he was a
Baptist and an Arminian. I was raised a Methodist Arminian and the way it was taught to me was liberal
Protestantism. You claim to be representing my great grandfather and his theology, but you said to me that
you were conservative Protestants. What is the explanation for all of this confusion in our theology? Why
not just be non-denominational as a Protestant Christian seminary?

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