Dr Mortimer Adler Topic: Email from thegreatideas.rcn informing us of Max's death

Article #329
Subject: Email from thegreatideas.rcn informing us of Max's death
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 8/8/2017 04:21:21 PM

Dear Long Time Prayer Friends,
Thanks for keeping on your mailing list, as a way of informing me of Max’s death, even though I told
and him I wanted to be taken off. As I remember as said this since you said you did not have time last
September to discuss my own philosophy
any more and the “Great Ideas” that God gives
me to talk about them with you.

cf. I will buy the book by Derek Parfitt of What Matters: Volumes 1 and 2
and make a “good" amateur philosophic attempt over a few months to reply to Dr. Kitcher’s statement
in the review
that Plato has cogent proof that the “will of a being, whoever powerful, could not ground any
moral duty.” I wonder about this proof, I hadn’t heard it before, is it philosophic?
It certainly could’t be mathematical, since logical positivism, if that’s what Max believed in
instead of Judaism.
say that “mathematics is not about reality”
Nor, I don’t think could it be logical!. But, I’ll have to research this to find out.
. But, I believe, we know from the authority
of the Bible, both from Moses and Jesus that this is possible.
Moses, said God told me to tell you that “I AM WHO I AM”, and the Bible says
He was, after he said that.
And, Jesus said, “I AM THE WAY (THE ETHICS) AND THE TRUTH” and the Bible and
a lot of people believe that he was after He said that.

Sincerely offering you and Max to share with me in long time communion of the substance of the reality
of Sic “Great Ideas”

1) that of Compassion,
2)Loving Kindness
5) Hope
6) Faithfully


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