Philosophy of Religion Topic: Concept of a Concept part III

Article #294
Subject: Concept of a Concept part III
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 10/4/2016 11:01:24 AM

How do concepts and the concept of a concept apply to how we learn things through practice?

I thank David Dorian Ross who Tai Chi courses I have been studying for this teaching going back
to the Tao Te Chung, Chapter 2.

"If Everyone knows what beauty is, then it is no longer beauty.

If Everyone knows that goodness is then it is no longer goodness.

Therefore being and nothing, being and beauty complement each other.

Hard and easy are formed together, music and harmony,

high and low harmonize with each other,

Front and back follow each other."

"In order to advance in your progress of learning Tai Chi, or music,
you must learn to love the taste of the bitter as well as the sweet."

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