Scientology Topic: Is Life a Game?

Article #280
Subject: Is Life a Game?
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 2/27/2016 10:03:46 AM

I think (do not think that it is) that Life is not a game Mr. Hubbard.

If you lose a game you do not lose your life.

But, if you lose your life (giving it up or having it taken from you))
you lose the game you are playing...
unless you are born again in Jesus Christ.

You, Mr. Hubbard, are reborn again in Jesus Christ.

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Article #293
Subject: further thoughts on this
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 9/6/2016 04:52:17 PM

Here are some other very good reasons for believing in God's existence and not saying that Life is a game:

If God did not exist but Satan does and he is better at the game of life than us, then we are all in trouble.

Isn't it better to give God the benefit of the doubt.

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