JehovahWitnesses Topic: Long Term Prayer Discussions

Article #800
Subject: Long Term Prayer Discussions
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 5/8/2019 12:27:38 PM

Wednesday April 24,2019
Got up and went for an early walk down to the Roman forum area to take some pictures and jog along
the Circus Maximus track. On, the way back from walking around the forum ran into some nice
Jehovah’s witness people standing on the sidewalk away from the crowds giving out Theological
pamplets. I took the pamphlet, gave them my card and said I also believe similar theology and would
study their pamplets. My history studying about them goes back to Vicksburg, MS in the 1950s when
they used to come by and talk to my grandmother in our house at 3036 Drummond St. After I got my
doctorate in mathematics and moved to 555 Monet Dr., Rockville, MD some missionaries who knew
some of the head people in Brooklyn came by several times and we prayed and talked some more.
Then, when I retired from work in Washington and moved back to Vicksburg to work in the Geotechnical
Laboratory at the former Waterways Experiment Station here, now know as the US Army Corps of
Engineer Research and Development Center Headquarters a wondelful black man James Davis
continued cutting the grass at my home at 3000 Drummond St. as he had been for my mother there
before she died. And, we talked a lot, when I went to Tanzania to visit the Masai Warrior people there I
brought him back a Masai Warrior tribal bow.
Jehovah Witnesses as does the YHWH School of Christianity teaches that the purpose of life is to know
God, whose name is YHWH better, and to help him bring his Kingdom of Heaven here on earth in many
different places, like their “Kingdom Halls”. YHWH School of Christianity(Jehovah without the vowels) is
also made of Christian Jews, more than Jewish Christians. But, we emphasize bringing God’s Kingdom
of Heaven here on earth more “one person at a time” through individual helping people that we meet
and talk to like Jesus did during his ministry, and not so much in Churches or Synogogues.
Jehovah emphasize the human nature of His Son Jesus Christ more than the Divine in their teachings.
How is YHWH School of Christianity’s mathematical theology different than Jehovah witnesses. This is a
very deep question, but after thinking about it for 40 years I would say studying the Name of God
YHWH as a creator God involves more individual Yogic contemplation through meditation on his
metaphysical nature than Bible study devotion to him in Churches. But, knowing that He is Love and
knowing He has to love us first, before we can know how to love him is also the prime beginning of
knowing how to love Him through prayer, and knowing His nature as just through studying what we learn
in the Bible about him and His Son is of main importance in both approaches.

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Article #801
Subject: running the good race as Christian Jews
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 5/8/2019 01:31:30 PM

Thinking about the experiences I have had over the years praying with this group I think they would
come out very good with respect to be compared to other groups by studying one of the parables I
wrote when I started ourprayergroup amateur mathematical theology in the early 1980s:

What would Jesus say if you asked Him "Who is responsible for healing us of our sins?" He would say,
He is saying now, "God, and you and I."

Here is a story, to think about your whole life long, that explains what this fundamental teaching means:

Parable of the Two Runners

Once there were two neighbors who were both amateur runners. Each day of their life, for as long as
they could remember they met out on the local track and ran laps. One day one of the two men decided
he wanted to improve himself so he hired a professional coach without telling the other. And, he
practiced extra hours by himself. Then, each day, he would run more laps than the other. And, so each
time they raced in public he would win. And, because he had practiced longer he felt he deserved this.
He wondered why his neighbor didn't care that he got the best of him each day. Then, the two men died
and they each went to heaven. And, it turned out there was a prize in heaven that went to whoever had
been the best runner on earth. These two men were the only two contestants left, because all of the
professional runners had not lived as long as they. Nor, had the professionals run as long as these two
amateurs. And, the neighbor who always won the races on earth was certain that he would get the
prize... a crown of glory. But, the angels deliberated a while and they gave the prize to the other
neighbor who always lost. And, the neighbor who won the most on earth asked the heavenly judges why
they gave the crown for being the best runner to his neighbor. "Each day I ran more laps than him", he
said, "and each time we raced in public I won." And the angels said, "You are right you ran the most
laps. But, that is not how we count the score. We count the total number of days each runner showed
up to run along side with the other. And, there was one day your neighbor came by and asked you to run
with him, but you let him go by himself, without help. You reasoned that he needed the extra practice so
he could run as fast as you. But, that is the day that he outscored you." So, all the angels bowed down
and gave the crown of eternal glory to the one man [or woman] who was always there to run along side
with his [or her] brother. [for, in heaven, it is as Jesus Christ has said in John 18:33-37]And, the most
glorious part of this prize that they gave was that his [or her] soul went on running inside of others
throughout all of time-- the past, the present, and the future. So, may things always be for us.

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