Divine Life Society Topic: Discussion of Hindu Sanskrit Chanting as prayer

Article #791
Subject: Discussion of Hindu Sanskrit Chanting as prayer
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 3/16/2019 08:10:59 AM

If we are lucky enough to have learned Hebrew or Sanskrit prayers from the Bible or the Upanishads we
might want to also chant the Hebrew, Jewish morning blessings or the Sanskrit deity generation mantra
hymns, our Raja Yoga teacher Swami Vishnu believed these these hymns to be the quickest way to
understanding and knowing in the present moment our spiritual and bodily salvation, resurrection, and
hence eternal freedom and enlightenment of our souls.
In Hebrew the concentrative realization through one-fold, Boray (unitive truth of creation), two-fold
Yotzer (formation), three-fold, four-fold Aseh (making) of creation occurs from right to left as the words
are read and spoken and thought about as being grounded in a five-fold Divine object oriented
substance of things hoped for faith. Evidence of things not seen, In Sanskrit, Greek, English and most of
the other languages that the Word of God can be found in it is written, understood, known as an
Divinely generated Holy Spirit manifestly Itself inside of us from left to right goal oriented evidence of
things seen, substance of things known Divine Life Force, Light and Energy.

If you consider you soul to be one of the ancient friends of Jesus not glorified in our current Heaven on
Earth yet, you still have two more trips up the mountain to go. If you are still a Baptist Pre-Millennialist
after all of us going through this last Millennium, you still have one more to go. Because the purpose for
many of us of our lives is to help God bring Heaven on Earth, if you reach the top of mountain and
haven’t come down yet, I would think God who dwells both up there and down here is going to send you
back down here to help some more.

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