Gainful Purposefull Employment Topic: Yardman Tim

Article #638
Subject: Yardman Tim
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 1/9/2018 10:18:03 AM

Dear Lord God our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ His Only Son, and the Holy Spirit
of both of them indwelling in us.

We pray for my yardman Tim that he will find good work to do to earn money from others in the
neighborhood.. It is January and all the grass cutting and leaf raking I need is over with.
Tim has been working for me for several years now and does good work.
He has a good faithful attitude and is honest, finishes the work he started and doesn't try
to get more money out of those he works for than he should expect, so we hope this will pay off for him
working in the Drummond St. neighborhood.

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