Calohan- Harrell- Gordon families Topic: High Mathematical Teaching Standards in Mississippi

Article #590
Subject: High Mathematical Teaching Standards in Mississippi
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 10/14/2017 11:47:40 AM

Article #388
Subject: high mathematical standards for MS teachers and students
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 2/12/2015 05:21:50 PM
We pray that our state representatives in the MS legislature, especially on
the education committee will keep politics out of determining what our
mathematical standards for students are.
Being in the MS Academy of Sciences for 30 years and serving as Chairperson
of the Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science talks at the annual
convention I can tell you we need common books with advanced mathematics in
them so students can transfer from one state college or university to the
others. And common standards for mathematical University education in the
state help us keep the bar higher for everyone to work towards.
The same principles of being able to teach good mathematics applies to the
high school and elementary mathematics education books.

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