Difficult Problems that God might be able to help with Topic: prayers that the Holy Spirit continue to improve the Old and New Testimants that His Church shall be built and the earth be full of the glory of God's Son

Article #407
Subject: prayers that the Holy Spirit continue to improve the Old and New Testimants that His Church shall be built and the earth be full of the glory of God's Son
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 3/21/2015 04:05:48 PM

May God continue to improve the Old and New Testament Scriptures and our
understanding of Them, completing His teachings and grafting us all of
different faiths in Him in One Eternal Tree of Life...That we may stand on
every promise of Your Word, It having been proclaimed and taught on every
corner of this dark and troubled earth.

Holy Spirit, come radiant and glorious, fill our souls with your glorious
Breath, until your Church is built for the benefit and salvation of all of us
and all the earth is radiant and glorious with your perfect wisdom.

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