Difficult Problems that God might be able to help with Topic: Prayers for Reconcialation between Orthodox and Roman Catholic faiths

Article #377
Subject: Prayers for Reconcialation between Orthodox and Roman Catholic faiths
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 11/30/2014 10:21:19 AM

On this day of our spirit patron Saint Andrew we give thanks for our common
communion in a Universal fellowship and Church of Spiritual of believing
brothers and sisters in Christ, Catholic and Protestant, Orthodox, and all

Some prayers of our brother Saint Francis during his helpful visit to
Constantnoble Turkey (visiting the Church were Saint John of Christendom
visited and presided) in which he condemned recent anti-human violence in
Syria by the soon to be short lived extreme Islam group which has hurt the
ancient Islam faith by their anti-human acts of torture beheading and
violence and for now calling themselves ISIS and prayed for the blessing of
God on the continued improvement and in details and specifics of common
shared worship of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches which he visited
and honored the

Saints (included of which are Saint Peter, Saint Andrew, our long-time friend
Saint George dwelling in the
Patriarchal Church of Saint George, Istanbul
in which dwells the 230th successor of Saint Andrew

and celebrated God and our mysteries of the Eucharist (recitation of the
Apostle's creed, saying of the Lord's God, singing of Psalms, giving of
thanks for the presence of the real Eternal body and blood of our Lord Jesus
dwelling as
forever, Immanuel, as the prophet Isaiah predicted (Man living with God, in
God, and being of God (as Saint Andrew's name declares he is, and with God )
Saturday, 29 November 2014

some verses of the didactic [teaching service0 liturgy heard over Vatican
an "image, as an icon painted on the people's heart, of the Holy Apostle
Andrew is brought out in the service"

"teach me to do your will O God for you are my God"

'Holy God, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us."
Your Holiness, my dear Brother,

The opening litany singing and praying a special prayer song written for this
visit and praying for Peace in our World singing prayers as entire persons
presenting themselves before God as "two or three are gathered together [for
one of us must at least be there to say Amen] for the

as we are united in heaven and on earth joining together to celebreate thanks
and the
growth and thriving of Peace in particular in this part of the World, the
Middle East,

"that a dialogue of love and hope may continue among us so we can find unity "
"marking the arrival of the successor of Saint Peter at the feast of Saint
Andrew as it is celebrated in Istanbul.

It was pointed out that the entrance of the participants at this point in the
divine yearly liturgy marks the entrance of the Saints with our Lord into
Jerusalem. It announces the presence of the Messiah to the world in the
divine liturgy and prayers for the continued coming of Him as we pray for in
the Lord's prayer during the liturgy asking for one of the main purposes of
our lives here on earth now and eternally,

That Thy Kingdom, Thy Will O Father God, be done here on earth as it is done
in Heaven.

"come let us worship and bow down to You our God, to You we sing Allelulia"

We are now at that point in the liturgy that predicts the nearness of the
Nativity of the Divine God dwelling in us through with the significant
eternal help of our long time close friend and prayer partner Saint Mary,
Mother of God.

"In order to accomplish these goals we pray that all person's may empty
themselves of any problems and anger and hatred or fear leaving these behind
as they move forward in their own callings from God to them in our Christ."

"Lord hear our prayer, many years be to you"

the verses and readings of the Word of God at this point is based on the
book of Isaiah in the Old Testament, St. Paul's 2nd letter to the Corinthians
[urging us as his brothers and sisters in Christ to imitate Christ], and the
Book of Revelations in the New Testament.

"Dear God, please open the eyes of our minds that we may comprehend your

"At that time, the disciples said, Behold the Lamb of God.
They asked, what do you see?
Andrew said, we have found the Messiah,
the Christ
and Nathananel said
Can anything good come out of Nazareth?
Jesus said to Nathanael[Jonathan],
Philip called you when you were still under
the fig tree, there I saw you under the fig tree.
Nathanael answered, Teacher, you are the Son of God."

"Lord, Lord, look down from Heaven, and visit this vineyard [Universal Church
of Believers in our Christ], which your Right Hand [the archangels Gabriel,
Michael and the Saints and prophets Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses,
Joseph, Jesus Christ] has planted."

"feeling of gratitude for the day which is ending and of hope-filled trust as
night falls. This evening my heart is full of gratitude to God who allows me
to be here in prayer with Your Holiness and with this sister Church after an
eventful day during my Apostolic Visit. At the same time my heart awaits the
day which we have already begun liturgically: the Feast of the Apostle Saint
Andrew, Founder and Patron of this Church.
In the words of the prophet Zechariah, the Lord gives us anew in this evening
prayer, the foundation that sustains our moving forward from one day to the
next, the solid rock upon which we advance together in joy and hope. The
foundation rock is the Lord’s promise: “Behold, I will save my people from
the countries of the east and from the countries of the west… in faithfulness
and in righteousness” (8:7.8).
Yes, my venerable and dear Brother Bartholomew, as I express my
heartfelt “thank you” for your fraternal welcome, I sense that our joy is
greater because its source is from beyond; it is not in us, not in our
commitment, not in our efforts – that are certainly necessary – but in our
shared trust in God’s faithfulness which lays the foundation for the
reconstruction of his temple that is the Church (cf. Zech 8:9). “For there
shall be a sowing of peace” (Zech 8:12); truly, a sowing of joy. It is the
joy and the peace that the world cannot give, but which the Lord Jesus
promised to his disciples and, as the Risen One, bestowed upon them in the
power of the Holy Spirit.
Andrew and Peter heard this promise; they received this gift. They were blood
brothers, yet their encounter with Christ transformed them into brothers in
faith and charity. In this joyful evening, at this prayer vigil, I want to
emphasize this; they became brothers in hope – and hope does not disappoint
us! What a grace, Your Holiness, to be brothers in the hope of the Risen
Lord! What a grace, and what a responsibility, to walk together in this hope,
sustained by the intercession of the holy Apostles and brothers, Andrew and
Peter! And to know that this shared hope does non deceive us because it is
founded, not upon us or our poor efforts, but rather upon God’s faithfulness.
With this joyful hope, filled with gratitude and eager expectation, I extend
to Your Holiness and to all present, and to the Church of Constantinople, my
warm and fraternal best wishes on the Feast of your holy Patron. And I ask a
favour of you: to bless me and the Church of Rome."

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Article #378
Subject: recap of several hundred years of intense philosophic discussions
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 11/30/2014 11:21:00 AM

Historically, the two main doctrinal issues which divide East and West in the
Christian Church are authority of Pope (as has also been an issue with
Protestants) and the insertion of the filiquoe phrase in the declaration of
faith we all believe in the Apostle's Creed.
'Does the Son proceed from both the Father and the Holy Spirit as we
understand or know Him through the help of the Trinity (Three Distinct and
Different Divine Persons, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost)

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Article #379
Subject: further thoughts about this
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 11/30/2014 04:33:26 PM

Since the issue of who is to have the authority to pronounce what version of
the Filioque is used in the communion is the same issue as the authority of
the Pope. May I humbly suggest that these two issues are really only one.
And, if the only reason for not accepting the authority of the Pope is this,
then since I believe our salvation and redemption does not come solely from
Church services, then this might be less of an issue in the eyes of Roman
Catholic if they choose to give us Protestants and Orthodox a little more
slack in whether they invite us to their services or not.

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