Divine Life Society Topic: Gayatri

Article #324
Subject: Gayatri
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 11/10/2013 10:32:38 AM

Article #88

Subject: Gayatri

Author: Andrew W. Harrell

Posted: 2/11/2009 12:20:42 PM

Mantra for the creation of dwelling places for God

and us and our spirits inside his/her souls

OM Shanti...Shanti...Shanti

OM Bhur

OM Bhuvah

OM Swah

OM Maha

OM Janaha

OM Tat Savitur Varenyam,

Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi,

Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

OM Shantum...Shanti...Shantum

translation of words*

OM Param Brahman

Bhur Physical Plane

Bhuvah Astral Plane

Swah Celestial Plane

Tat Transendent Paramatman (highest eternal self)

Savitur Ishwara creator

Varenyam Fit to be worshipped or adored

Bhargo Remover of sins and ignorance; Glory Effulgence (Hari)

Devasya of Divine nature,resplendent, shining

Dheemahi we meditate

Dhiyo as intellects with understanding

Yo who (or which)

Nah our

prachodayat guide(impel) our enlightment

* by ourself (Swami) VishnuDevananda

with slight changes by ourself (Andrew)

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Article #329
Subject: help for further developement of meditations using the Surya Namaskar asana and Gayatri mantra
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 11/18/2013 09:32:25 AM

In order to make this prayer more effective, it helps to associate the Yogic
postures in a Surya Namaskara scheme:


2)Hasta utthanasana

3) Padahastasana

4) Ashwa anchalansana

5) Parvatasana

6)Ashtanga namaskara

7) Bhujangasana


9) Ashwa sanchalanasana

10 Padahastasana

11) Hastaq utthanasana

12) Pranamasana

As explained in the Bihar Yoga book Surya Namaskara by Swami (our self)
Satyananada Saraswati

A meditation on this Hatha Yoga asana series as a means to project healing
God breath energy at a distance is also discussed in some other book
published by group Swami's group, which I understand is associated with our
Divine Life group also.

I have found it is also helpful, before singing the Gayatri, to meditate on
the chakra position names, preceeded by the name of God OM:

1) muladhara (root or seed of truth of God's tree of life, singing its song
of divine life in us)

2) Swadhisthana (uprighteousness)

3) manipura (reflective jewel of good will)

4) anahata (sound of emptiness)

5) vishudda (purity)

6) ajna ( location of control of mind and will through acceptance of not
knowing ourselves but letting God be the One who knows for us)

7) satyam

The more complexity we add to our understanding of God in us, the higher the
mountain-top of God's truth that He is able to create in us to pass on in our
souls to others... and help them understand what is Him dwelling in us and us

Then as we go further in our sadhana, we can do the Surya Namaskar series of
postures while meditating on how the kundalini breath is ascending, starting
from the heart chakra up to the vishudda, then enfolding us with its love in
its shell out to the wordly swadhisthana,then back up (like climbing a series
of "stepping stone" or a Jacob's ladder) to the heavenly ajna, then back to
the "bending over mountain pose", then it goes inside our good will center,
the manipura, and projects itself out again to the wordly swadhisthana for a
second time, then its back to climbing mountain upward, finally it reaches
the heavenly control or throne of God inside our mental intuition, then we
have the "third coming of Christ" as it goes peacefully back outward into our
world of the past, present, and future (using the words OM and Sanskrit
letters and sounds and the meanings associated with them as a bridge across
time or "time machine". Finally, we have found God as Divine Eternal
spiritual Truth inside our own heart, which is now His or Her heart. For, as
my self Swami Vishnudevanda used to say (and still says through me), "If you
can't find God inside of the human heart... You can't find Him anywhere."

"But, if you can find Him or Her there, you can find them everywhere"[my
addition to his saying]

The development of enlightenment through the practices of Hatha Yoga and Raja
Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Bhakti Yogi, Hatha Yoga and Karma Yogi , Hatha Yoga and
Jnani Yogi (Buddhism), Hatha Yoga and Mantra Yoga takes years of living in
solitude before we can develop our control of our and God's mind inside of
our mind manifesting and realizing itself through self-knowledge of truth
inside of the locations of the chakras, the 7 and 5 and 3 dimensional
positions of the Sanskrit letters, inside of our (God's) spiritual body
inside of us.

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