Prayers from the Upanishads Topic: Peace prayer at the beginning of the Yoga Vasistha Rama Sutras

Article #134
Subject: Peace prayer at the beginning of the Yoga Vasistha Rama Sutras
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 5/5/2009 03:21:04 PM

OM (AUM) Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
(may divine peace be unto my spirit, soul, and self,
may divine peace be unto yours,
may divine peace be unto both of us).

That which is already glorified by God's presence and power in our
souls, ...its reality and truth,
being both inanimate and sentinent, transcendent and immanent,
,in which all the elements are present,
,shining and standing upright.

(pratibhaanti sthitaani ca
Yatah sarvaani bhuutaani
'vo 'pasamam
tasmai satyaatmane namah)

apparently distinct as a three times threefold combination
of the knower, knowledge, and the known,
the seer, the sight, and the seen,
the doer,cause (the doing),deed.

(jngaata jngaanam taathaa jngeyam
drashtta darsana drrsyabhuuh
karta heyuh krita
yasmat tasmai jngaptyaatsymane namah)

The shower of spray of an ocean of bliss,
of that love,consciousness,will, knowledge, action (Brahman) which is
the common ground of the reality of our souls.
from that consciousness I faithfully, mindfully invoke, repeatedly protect
nourish, and patiently honor and uphold for all our benefit (its nature being
joyful and full of compassionate blessedness and goodness) the above
mentioned, experiences and eternal truth.

sphuranti siikara yasmaad aanandasya
mmbare 'vanau sarveshaam jiivanam
tasmai brahmaanandaatmane namah

Sanskrit words from
Swami Venkatesananda's Vasistha's Yoga,
published by
Swami's Sivanandaji's, Vishnudevaanadaji's, Krishnaanandaji's
divine life society
Apologies for changing some of the vowel transliterations and expanding the
total number of words of our Swami (our self's Venkatesananda) translation of
this prayer.
However, I am confident that its overall transliteration and translation has
only slighty modified been by our Swami (our self) Andrew Harrell

OM (AUM) Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
(may divine peace be unto my spirit, soul, and self,
may divine peace be unto yours,
may divine peace be unto both of us).


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Article #214
Subject: Metaphysical sounds to peacefully balance the Hari OM chant
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/27/2010 03:05:53 PM

There are two basics primal seed sound energys the Prana and Purusha
(Two Truth's of God's energy and God's light, which in reality are One) force or energy and mind force or energy..
The chant Hari OM Tat Sat Chid Ananda
(or in order Sanskrit words Tat Tvam Asi, Ayam Atma Brahma)
is closely connected to
the energization of the life force (the Prana).
The chant or affirmation I AM [that] OM [which is] Sat Chid Ananda
(or Aham Brahma Asmi in other words of Sanskrit) will balance the life force
with energy from the divine part of our souls.

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Article #240
Subject: further discussions about Hari OM
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 2/28/2011 10:05:04 AM

Another good mantra/meditation procedure to enhance the above chants is to
first do the Nadi Suddha as explained in Swami Sivananada's book on Pranayama:

1) start alternate nostril breathing left to right using a 16:64;32 ratio
with Yam in the left nostril (while meditating on God's divine air tattwa
inside of yourself)
2) then Ram from right to left meditating on the divine fire tattwa (because
of the mm sound attached to the Yam and Ram seed sounds note these meditation
are anchored in the anahata (heart) and navel (manipura) chakra;s
3) then meditate left to right 1,2,3 on 1) cooling Tham (redemptive, 2nd time
around, or moon consciousness) 2) Vam ( eternal still healing water
consicusness), and finish with 3) Lam (earth consciouness anchored in the 1st

After this wondelful, blissful, healing meditation you might want to add the
thankful chant

Hari OM, (God's infinite,eternal energy is pranava...OM..ishvaram OM)
Hari Ritam, (God's infinite, eternal energy is righteousness)
Hari Satyam, (God's infinite, eternal energy is absolute Truth)

You must be careful with these powerful healing chants. Because they activate
our past karmas and if we are not careful and mindful to meditate on the
results patiently and faithfully over a long period of time we get disturbed,
angry, mad when we lose the truth of what is happening.

God Bless

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Article #241
Subject: Amritam
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 2/28/2011 11:12:20 AM

A good scheme to meditate over a long period of time on the Sanskrit
word/mantra "amritam" (eternal healing nectar or water) is to think
the seed thought "I AM RITAM"... I AM RIGHTEOUSNESS... starting from the
number one chakra 1st muladhara or root chakra and moving up with the eternal
karma/kundalini God energy as it rises toward the top, 7th chakra "sahasraha"
at the crown of your individual eternal spiritual soul.

The corresponding Hebrew/Jewish chant is found in our Passover prayer
postings in our Jewish/Christian prayer postings "YHWH Tzidkeenu"
(Jeremiah 23:6,33:16) The Lord is our righteousness
Where we have posted seven of favorite names of God manifest themselves in
divine order as God inside of different
spiritual places in our individual spiritual bodies…However, the different
YHWH names of God usually manifest from the top (1st chakra) down as the
second time around our 3 year Biblical readings prayer liturgy (They are also
very similar to
the seven I am meditations that Jesus Christ speaks about himself in the
Gospel of John... these, in our scheme of praying manifest the 3rd time
around as absolute spiritual Truth in our individual hearts).

Here, the 3rd time, I am referring to the form of philosophical Truth
explained by my logic teachers at Vanderbilt/UC Berkeley Drs. Johnsson and
Tarski. The way to understsand this form of truth scientifically and
mathematically in terms of computer science, artificial intelligence
programmings is to think, "Truth is the invariance of itself in terms of Dr.
Robinson's Prolog unification schme and change of notation of the
representation of facts in a five dimensional realization of backward,forward
logic Truth chaining of syllogistic reasoning".

Wow! If you don't a a Doctorate in theoretical mathematics or computer
science you need to take a long, deep breath after listening to me try to
explain that.

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