Buddhist Christian Christian Buddhist Topic: Blessing to the One Buddha and Christ who both Lower Buddhist [Rev. That]and higher Buddhist's[Dalai Lamai]

Article #1104
Subject: Blessing to the One Buddha and Christ who both Lower Buddhist [Rev. That]and higher Buddhist's[Dalai Lamai]
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 3/30/2022 05:01:04 PM

Subject: The Spirit of Poland
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 3/20/2015 01:25:03 PM
Wigilia Blessing:

"I wish you health,
I wish you wealth,
that passes not with time,
I wish you long years,

May your heart be as patient as the earth,
Your love warm as harvest gold.

May your days be full,
as the city is full.

Your nights joyful as dancers.

May your arms be as welcoming as home.

May your faith be as enduring as God's love.

Your spirit as valiant as your heritage.

May your hand be as sure as a friend.

Your dreams hopeful as a child.

May your soul be as brave as your people.

And, may you be blessed."

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Article #1123
Subject: Is Thich Nhat Hanh of the Dalai Lama Buddha
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 4/26/2022 03:31:22 PM

Dear long time Buddhis, Christian, Jewish Prayer friends,

Thank you for the two prayer autiot [We Christian Jews pray for a continuation of image and likeness of the
One Buddha who is God’s Only Son Jesus Christ or Yeshua Christ as a lotus of happiness, of the body and
blood of our Redeemer, not just as a flower, at least every month on Holidays , if not
every day when we put on Tefillim and Shel Had and Shel Rosh, saying Blessed be Thou
YHWH Jesus YHWH lotus frame which has special meaning to pray with you after praying with the Rev.
Thich Nhat Hanh this way for about 40 years now before he passed on to a better Divine life last February I
think it was.

Is He, was He, is He still, the One Buddha who is YHWH God’s Only Son Jesus as an Eternal prayer
partner? Or, is the Dalai Lama this person? I do not know, maybe they both are in some wonderful
metaphysical way? What a nice surprise it would be to finally get to God’s Heavenly Throne surrounding by
his four Throne human Saint archangels. Saint Peter, Ariel, Saint Andrew, Gabriel, Saint John Paul II or
archangel Raffael as we call him hear in MS and in Italy in the Vatican, Saint James or archangel Michael as
we call him in MS and Vatican and Michael as they call him in Russia.

We, Myself, Jesus Christ, Saint Mary, and the aforementioned Saints are, have been, will be for a while
more praying with you a little more for your and his Tibetian Freedom Campaign intentions, affirmations, in
order both for the reason you stated, to promote human values and religious harmony, and preserving
Tibetan culture, but also for the reasons that YHWH God’s, our Creator [if you so believe it] ’s Name be
glorified, brought out, sanctified, redeemed, saved, life up praised Eternally as a result of Him
accomplishing the self of us praying for these things.

Thanks again for praying with me so much over the years and also keep offering for us to keep praying for
these things until they happen.

God Bless, your long time, maybe even, Jesus Christ and YHWH God inside of me as a Holy Spirit believes,
Eternal prayer friend.

Dr. Andrew William Harrell
co-founder with YHWH God and Jesus Christ and Saint Mary
of the YHWH School of Christianity
World HQ 3000 Drummond St.
Vicksburg, MS 39180
We 601 636 0938

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